Behind the Sea

But something caught my eye sight, something that was standing in the boat. It was a girl silhouette. Long black hair like the night, dark dull blue eyes like the sea, and pale shinning face like the sun. Her eyes had sparkles in them, yet no expression at all. She was calm yet you could see a strong aura. She was mysterious yet so easy to read. Her dark blue eyes were staring right trough my soul, I couldn't move nor breath. It was like she was sucking out the life from me. Sweet, childish face of her represented a strong willed lady face at the same time. The wind was blowing yet her hair stayed perfect still. I had no idea who she was, but I felt like I knew her from the beginning. Her black hair was different from my blonde, her blue eyes were different from my brown, her white skin was different from my pink. We were so different, but yet so same. I could feel my cheeks blushing, I fell in love right there.
  1. The Ship Who Changed My World
    Changed life in a blink of an eye
  2. Just An Illusion
    Not going to fall in love
  3. Returning Of The Nightmare
    The 'She' Exists
  4. Just A Seducing Mermaid
    Blank face is all you have
  5. Bad Guys Approaching
    There must be a way to not get beaten up
  6. Non-Human Being
    If she's a human, than I'm Cleopatra