Behind the Sea

Non-Human Being

"Spying, huh? That ain't good now, ain't it.", the middle one spoke, "Get them."
After the middle one said that all three of them started approaching us, with smirks on their faces. I could see guns on their belts. And me and Siena? We had nothing of the weapons.
We're done for it.
I prepared myself for the pain I will experience and then after acting all hero-ish, I gulped. It's not like it's my first time fighting, but every time I would have a weapon with myself. And even if I had a weapon, these guys were huge! Shaking of the fear from me, I squeezed my fist tightly.
"Siena stay behind, I will take care of-", I looked over at Siena. With energetic moves, she overturned two of them. It seemed like a wind, everything was happening so fast, I couldn't catch up. At one moment the third guy was approaching her from behind, and in the other moment he was on the ground bleeding hardly. I stared at Siena in shock, she didn't even sweat! Not even a little. She looked perfectly normal... her normal. Her blank face was still there, and her black hair wasn't messy at all. It was still brushed and straight like it was this morning. I gasped from the surprise and then rubbed my eyes with my hands. It was like in a comic book, so not supposed to happen in the real world.
"You don't seem well, Luka. Are you okay?", Siena asked in her normal monotone voice, like nothing abnormal happened. She walked up to me and softly poked me at my left shoulder. But I didn't have the strength to answer her, actually I didn't even have the strength open my mouth. How on earth can someone knock out three huge guys, and then act like nothing happened!
"You! You are not human!", I yelled, pointing with my finger at her. She opened her mouth to say something but I shushed her. "You are a demon! Case closed!", I shouted brutally not minding to see if her facial expression changed.
"But-I...", she started complaining in a still none emotional tone.
"I said 'Case Closed'!", I waved my hand at her and walked away not been bothered by the fact that we're still on our mission.
~Two hours later~
"Oh, Luka. Siena. Come in, come in.", Papa's voice came inside his office and I slowly opened the door. How was I supposed to say to him that we failed the mission. And probably because of me? We didn't find out where their meeting was held! Nor what are their true intentions, or whatever! All that I hear was some mumbled word from that man and some guys! I freaked out in my mind not wanting to see Papa disappointed in me. Or even worse, that he gets mad at me! It would be the end of the world for me!
"Sit, sit!", he showed us two leather armchairs. Unlike me, Siena didn't hesitate to sit. She just set there, not looking like she just failed her first mission. Does she not understand in what kind of a situation we are in!?
Papa's face looked very curious, and he seemed like he just couldn't wait to hear what did we find out. "So, what did you find out?", his childish voice asked us. It felt like he was some eight year old kid waiting for a story before going to sleep. And you just can't disappoint the kid and not read him a story. So, how am I supposed to say that mission was failed to Papa? Just when I wanted to spit out the truth at his face, Siena started talking.
"We overheard the head of the Company talking with other people that I didn't know who they were. They discussed about a person named John, who said that they should pack the goods and that the carriage is coming tomorrow at six o'clock. And that even if it's a life or death situation they shouldn't let anyone else to approach the carriage.", without taking a breath break she informed Papa. I was shocked again, but not that much like the first time. Because I am now fully aware that she is nothing close to been human.
"Excellent!", Papa smiled at us, showing his shinning, bright teeth.