Forever Ends Alone

Damons side

It was just like any other day. I would do my meet ups me, Bryan, Johnnie, and Kate. I just loved meeting all the fans taking pictures, giving autographs, and hear their stories. Watching them cry filled my heart with unbelievable butterflies. I can't believe that I have these many people who support a kid like me. Struggling with anxiety, and depression making YouTube videos just to talk to someone. The love these girls and boys have for me is magnificent. It just goes to show that if you put your mind to it you can do anything, and see how much of an impact you have on other peoples lifes. All of the people who've told me I've made their lifes better, and changed their habits makes me proud. I feel like I'm doing something right in this world. I thank every person that's waited in my line from day to day. After my meet ups I usually walk around, I like to listen to the bands, and just meet some cool people. I just happened to be back stage at one of my favorite bands. When there was this girl standing in front of me. Her hair as brown as chocolate, and the way she got into the music took my breath away. I loved seeing the reaction of the crowd and the fans actually getting into their favorite music. The way the smile on their face light up the whole place, and the screaming and clapping made me feel right at home. She was singing along with their music, and it made me smile. I called out from behind her "hello." She looked a little dazed and confused as to who I was. I couldn't tell if she knew who I was, and she was pretending, or if she actually had no idea. She turned around with a smile "hi" we made conversation about the band. I told her exactly how much I liked the band. "I think we should be friends." I looked at her with my awkward smile. "okay." she replied. "you made my day today. I was having a little bit of an off day, and meeting you just made me a 1,000 time better. Thank you. Usually in the one making people smile, but today you did that for me." I probably sounded silly saying all of this to a girl I just met back stage at a concert. For some reason though she was the reason for my happy little heart.