Status: This is a fanfiction of the TV series Merlin. I hope it can hold a candle to the actual series. Enjoy!

Woven Magic

The King's Servant

Chapter 2

I was startled awake by a knock on our chamber doors. My eyes flew open and I sat upright, glancing outside to judge how early or late it was. It was just getting light outside and the first rays of the sun were peaking over the treetops of the forest below my window. It must have been dawn already. I hadn’t slept so well in ages, it felt like a miracle, but I knew I had mad bedhead. But I wasn’t one to care about my appearance since I have never known anyone to catch my eye, not even within the limits of my mother’s kingdom where powerful magic enchanted many to lust. I was lucky I hadn’t suffered at the mercy of such an enchantment.

My gaze slid over to Malle, whom was sound asleep in the bed next to me. She was lucky she didn’t have to wake so early in order to let some poor sap of a king’s servant drone on and on about preparing food and polishing armor. I usually was not one to complain but I fancied my sleep and when it is disturbed or forsaken, I tend to be slightly less of an optimist. Rolling out of bed, I smoothed down my night dress and walked as if I were dead in order to reach the door. I yanked the door open, yawning quite widely, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“Mmm…yes?” I said lightly without looking at whoever this servant was.

“Well good morning sunshine. Sleep well did you?” A moderately deep voice questioned me after pausing for a moment, chuckling at my appearance. I popped one hazel green eye open to look upon my wake up call. For some reason, what I saw pleased me enough to motivate me to open my other eye to fully capture the young man in front of me. He was rather tall and thin, with profound crystal blue eyes and short, rather messy jet black hair. He wore a dark blue shirt beneath a chestnut brown overcoat with darker brown slacks and a rugged red triangular scarf around his neck. I couldn’t help but to smile and his rather large ears stuck out slightly form his head. It was not that it looked funny; it was just kind of cute.

“I uh… well I um… yes, yes I did. Thank you.” I said, clearing my throat in the middle of my response so that I didn’t sound so tired. I absentmindedly began to pat down my fly away, messy bed head hair and straighten the wrinkles out of my gown. I had never felt this exposed and small before I met this servant boy. There was something about him that made me feel secure and insecure all at once. I wasn’t quite sure why yet, but I knew he was… different somehow.

“I’m… happy. I mean, I ‘m glad. Glad that you… slept well.” The boy began to stutter over his words. He turned his gaze to the floor and I swore that I saw a slight pink shade rose his cheeks for a moment. He cleared his throat and looked back up to lock eyes with me. Those eyes were so magnificent; their beauty held no words to describe them. It was as if they held a certain magic in them, magic like no other. “Right well… well come along so that we might start you training. I’m rather excited to gain an apprentice. It’s a little unlike Arthur to grant me such a favor. But for some reason, I’m rather glad it was you he appointed.” The boy smiled a crooked grin at me, causing a heat to burn up my cheeks and I had to break his gaze when a fluttery feeling zipped through my stomach. Well THAT was rather weird.

“Would you mind uh…Master, if I could change into my day clothes before beginning our tasks? I would be quite thankful.” I asked him and he looked up and just nodded without moving or saying another word. I took that as permission to close the door. I almost felt bad for shutting the door in his face but I didn't quite know what other action to take since he had remained just standing there, staring at me in a gaze that I had seen before, but one that had never been meant for me until this very moment in time.

A smile cracked my lips and I leaned against the door for short while. I had to hold in a snicker when I heard the boy on the other side of the door pound his head on it as he whispered to himself, “Stupid!” I pushed myself off from the door and slipped into a more suitable dress. When I was finished, my pale blue dress fell to my ankles and the wood brown corset fit snugly around my waist, elevating my bosom ever so slightly. I didn't bother putting on my cloak since I would be working. I slipped on a pair of ankle high black boots and brushed my hair into a neat bun with a braid wrapped around and down through the center of its depths since I had a lot hair. Peering into the mirror, it seemed as though I had missed a lock of hair on either side of my face and they fell down close to my eyes. But I decided to leave it be since I actually liked how it looked and Arthur’s servant was out in the corridor waiting for me to emerge.

I slipped out of the room and closed it softly, attempting not to wake my sleeping friend. I turned to face Arthur’s servant and he smiled at me with that infectious grin and I couldn’t help but to smile right back at him.

“You clean up well Miss Goodwich, might I say. Are you prepared to fetch Arthur’s breakfast?” the serving boy asked me.

“Of course.” I nodded, taking a step toward him. There was a certain pull that seemed almost magnetic. It was as if just getting closer to him was going to solve all of my problems. What a silly thought.

“Well then, shall we?” he stood up straighter and held out his arm for me to take. I giggled lightly at his playful tone and took his arm. He led the way just down the corridor and into a rather large kitchen area where the palace cooks were preparing a meal. He broke apart from me and walked up to the counter where a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and potatoes sat fresh. But when the boy went to grab the plate, a thick middle aged woman came up and wacked his hand away with a large wooden spoon. I stifled a laugh.

“You mangy mongrel, what have I told you about keeping your grubby paws off of my food! You always got your damn fingers in my food!” The woman shouted at him and he scowled and her, rubbing his hand.

“OWW!” he exclaimed. “I was just taking it to Arthur.”

“Well see that it makes it to your highness rather than in your mouth boy!” The woman glowered, narrowing her eyes on him. He grabbed the food and motioned to me to follow, walking past me.

“Hurry, hurry! Before she makes me into Arthur’s food.” He murmured to me. I turned to follow him. Once we were out of the kitchen, I just could not take the suspense anymore. I had forgotten what Arthur had called him the day before. I had to ask.

“Your name, Master?” I asked him, attempting to keep up with his fast pace.

“It’s Merlin. But I don’t mind you calling me Master. I rather like the sound of it actually.” He said, looking back at me over his shoulder. He slowed down a little, allowing me to catch up.

“Well then, Master. It’s nice to meet you, Merlin.” I smirked at him. He laughed.

“It’s meet to nice you too. Wait… what? Did you hear what I just said?” He laughed even harder, turning to face me. His laugh and his smile was so infectious, I couldn’t help but to join in. He had such a beautiful way about him. I was glad to have been acquainted with the likes of him.

He led me down another corridor and up a flight of stairs before we came across an even more extravagant looking chamber than the one Malle and I had been settled in. This must have been the King’s chambers. Standing patrol just outside of the King’s doors were two knights who appeared to be…female? I had never heard of such a scandal, and in the heart of Camelot?

“Hault. State your business with the King.” An average sized dame not much taller than I declared, hitting the end of a spear to the floor. She was dressed head to toe in full plated armor, but I could tell she was fit. She had long, straight, waist length fiery auburn hair that would startle even the worst morale offenders. And her eyes were a smoky blue gray that held so much mystery in them.

“I am the King’s servant, Dame Jacosa.” Merlin stated and then leaned in to murmur in my ear, “I already told them that twice yesterday.” I couldn’t help but to giggle a small amount.

“I heard that!” Dame Jacosa yelped out, jabbing Merlin in the side with the end of her spear lightly.

“Hey! Watch where you point that thing, I am made of flesh you know.” Merlin stated, mouthing off a bit.

“And the girl?” the other lady knight said. She was taller than the other knight but she shared a resemblance with her. Except this dame possessed long mid back curly auburn red hair and dazzling mossy green eyes.

“She is my apprentice, also servant to the king, Dame Royse.” Merlin told her in honesty. The two dames exchanged a look and they each nodded, stepping to the side so that we may enter the King’s chambers.

Without knocking, he opened the door and peered inside. Then he placed a warm hand on the small of back and pulled me in closer to him, guiding me into the chambers at his side. I stared up at him as he walked me inside and suddenly I had never felt more at peace than at that very moment. His aura was riddled with goodness and warmness. I never wanted to leave his side again. He broke away from me and hastily made his way over to Arthur’s bedside, placing his meal down on the dresser next to it.

“Would you grab the wine on the table I prepared earlier Mystra?” Merlin asked me. I nodded and grabbed the shiny silver pitcher from the long, detailed wooden table. I heard Merlin’s voice loud and clear when he had whispered, “Darn, I should have asked her to grab the goblet sitting next to it.” So I did as he said before turning around and running it over to him. He adopted a confused look on his face as if I just mutated in front of him. “Did… did you just hear what I said?” he questioned me and panic struck as I instantly worried as to what I had done wrong.

“I’m sorry Master, did I not grab the right goblet?” I asked him and his expression softened slightly.

“No, no this will do fine.” He stated, lowering his voice. “Thank you… but I never actually asked you to bring me the goblet out loud.” He continued, confusing me a bit. He looked up at me, locking his blue eyes with my hazel ones with a knowing look. “You heard me when I thought it.” He grinned at me.

“W-what? No… no, no Merlin. I didn’t, I…” I began to stutter. He had suspected me of having magic and I didn’t want him to look at me differently if he found out. Arthur already knew that we were of the Druid race. But for some reason, I worried more about what Merlin would think if he found out.

“Mystra! It’s all right. You needn’t fear it anymore. I too, have magic. It’s quite funny really. All these years and I had been right here at Arthur’s side, protecting him with the one thing he’d been taught to fear.” He cut me off. I gasped upon realizing immediately why I had connected with Merlin on such a tender level. I dropped the metal goblet and it fell to floor with a clatter, disturbing a sleeping King Arthur lying in his bed next to us.

Merlin… Arthur’s servant, his protector. Standing before me was the key to my destiny. Merlin was to be my fate, and my…lifelong partner? It finally made some sense now.
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Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 2! Hopefully updates will come soon. Comment, subscribe, recommend, tell your friends, and read on my fellow writers!
