Status: I am a HUGE TMNT fan...I love all the incarnations: original comics, 80s cartoon, Jim Henson movies, 2003 cartoon (personal favourite), current IDW comic run, 2012 cartoon, and the 2014 movie. This is a work reflecting my favourite aspects of each of those. I want to explore their origins while not

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


The silent stars shivered in the grey distance as the fire cast an eerie gleam on the worn armour. The rain was falling in sheets, forming rivulets cascading off the deadly spiked protrusions. The four brothers looked at each other grimly. They were already exhausted and did not relish the thought of a fresh-legged opponent. And an intimidating one at that.

As the armour-clad warrior emerged onto the rooftop the remaining Foot Clan ninja who were not incapacitated prostrated themselves before him as he slowly and confidently strode towards the turtles. The warrior’s helmet was silver grey with a slit for his eyes, which glowed a fierce red. The armour covered his torso, with spikes protruding from the shoulders. There were spikey protrusions from his forearms also and long blades extending from the back of his gloved left hand. The warrior wore heavy silver boots with spikes over his shins. The turtles would have heard the clanking noises of his movement were it not for the continuous thundering of the brutal skies overhead.

“Woah. What do they call you? The Cheese Grater?” said Michelangelo. Leonardo shot him a sharp look. Donatello started and took a slight step backwards. Raphael gripped his sais tighter and took a fighting stance. Leonardo took a step forward and held one of his katana swords straight out towards the approaching figure.

When he finally spoke, the warrior spoke with the diction and annunciation of a skilled orator. His voice rolled out like gravel and resonated like the thunder overhead. He drew the sword from the sheath at his left hip and held it aloft. The crystal-blue tinged blade seemed to cry in relief at having been released from its prison-like sheath.

With a voice more than a man's but somehow less than human he declared, “I am The Shredder. And you will find it was a mistake to come here tonight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a little portion of a chapter that will appear later in the book. I hope it will whet your appetite and intrigue you enough to continue reading. If not, that's okay. I thank you for giving it a shot in the first place. Thank you.