Oh, Catastrophe.

i. good things

The sun shone threw the curtains of David Escamilla's home, he grumbled and lazily got out of bed. He made his way into his kitchen and immediately started to make himself a cup of coffee. He grabbed the cup and sat down at the kitchen counter, he grabbed the remote to the small TV that rested on the counter opposite of him. David turned the TV and started watching TV, he started to doze off; as soon as he did, his home phone rang - he let it go to voicemail. He listened to the voicemail.

"Daave, buddy! It's Andy, guess what today is? Thursday! Guess what we do today? Leave for Vegas! I'll be at your house in like half an hour, so hurry the fuck up and pack."

David began to think to himself, was Andy even legal and why were they going
to Vegas again? He shrugged and got up, he walked over to the sink and poured the coffee out before he walked back
into his bedroom. He packed the night before, he ended up changing into a pair of cut jean shorts, a blank 'RESIST & REBEL' tanktop, and a pair of all black vans. As he sat on his bed, he remembered why they were going to Vegas...Andy's bachelor party..right. David brought his bag out to the living room before laying on the couch and resting. 20 minutes later, there was an enthusiastic knock at his door...Andy. David stood up and walked to the door and opened it revealing a very happy Andy. Andy had his arms wide open and David looked at him, he shook his head.

"Dude, are you pumped
or what?!" Andy asked as he grabbed Dave's bags and brought them to his car. Andy threw Dave's bags in the back and got in, Dave sat in the back and found himself next to Benn, Brent, and Brandon. Hayden was in the front with Andy, Dave tried to make things comfortable for himself but he couldn't.

"I tried telling Andy to rent a bigger car but nooo..." Hayden mumbled. Andy got in the car, he smiled looked at his friends.

"Ready to go to Vegas?" Andy asked enthusiastically, everyone mumbled and muttered, Andy pouted before facing towards the front again.

The car ride to the airport was awkward and silent with Andy occasionaly singing along to the radio and a random sigh here and there. They arrived at the airport and waited to board the plane, a few hours finally went through everything so they could board. The flight was eventless and they finally landed in Vegas. Everyone was in awe as they walked out of the Vegas airport, Brandon rubbed his eyes and Brent yawned tiredly.

"I think we should go head to the hotel, I'm tired as fuck..." Brent yawned again and mumbled. Everyone all nodded their heads in agreement. They got a cab and all somehow piled into the cab, the cab driver looked at them uncomfortably. They pulled up outside the hotel and Andy gave him the money. The six guys all walked into the hotel and checked in, they were given their room keys and they all made way to their respective rooms. They all were on the same floor, so it worked out well. They all met together and Andy smiled.

"Gentlemen, tomorrow the festivites begin." Andy said while grinning, everyone fake cheered and tiredly dragged themselves into their rooms, awaiting the events that tomorrow would be bringing.
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this is short and poop because it was written on my ipod.