Rum Flavored Lips

Tasted Like Poison

He had been everything to her; her days and nights ended and began with him or, at least, they used to. Floyd had been the love of her life before he ripped her heart out of her chest without even blinking an eye. Kiann could remember it all clearly; the love and the hate.

It started on a warm summer night, school had just went on vacation and the town was buzzing with parties and cheering teenagers. A best friend had invited her to a bonfire and what girl, that wanted to have fun, in her right mind would say no? A red plastic cup was in her hand, filled with an amber colored liquid as she swayed to music in front of the crackling fire. Kiann just happened to look up and spot a brunette boy across the sand with a smile brighter than any fire could burn.

Naturally, she smiled at him and sauntered over to the place where he had been standing. Once she was closer she could see the brilliance of his brown eyes with little flecks of green and whispered "hey" escaped from her lips. His smile only seemed to burn brighter with his response, "Hey there."

Kiann could feel a sizzle between them; an instant connection. Soon they were laughing and talking and deciding that this party just wasn't fun enough anymore, before ditching and making their way down the sand to somewhere more private. Upon approaching a nice little spot, Floyd made his way to where the water was lapping at the sand and removed his shoes and place his feet where the water hit them. "C'mon. Join me," he said, turning to look at her. She couldn't of said no, even if she had wanted to.

The summer was full of nights like these. Full of happy nights and whispered, I love you's. The night before school started back up, she gave everything she had to offer to him. What did she had to lose? They loved one another. They were inseparable.

School started up and they didn't see much of each other like before, attending different schools and all. One day she made her way over to his house, intending to surprise him. Instead, she was the one who was surprised. The door was unlocked so she went ahead and entered it, knowing his parents weren't home yet and wouldn't be until late. She was met with a trail of clothing and her heart started beating harshly in her chest.

Now that she was outside his bedroom door, she could hear the noises coming from the other side. Tears were already streaking down her face, knowing what she would find when she pushed open the doors. A blond tramp sliding up and down as he made sounds of pleasure. She grabbed the closest thing to her - his lamp - and chucked at them. "How could you, you sorry piece of shit?!"

The glass scattered and so did she; she didn't want to see them scrambling to cover themselves. In fact, she never wanted to see him again.

Several weeks later, she sat at the spot where they hung out that very first night of the summer. Salty streaks of tears glistened on her cheeks, horrible sobbing sounds racking her body. She wanted to forget the entire affair; act like that entire summer had never even happened but it was hard to do so when there was a pink little plus sign reminding you of it all.

He took everything from her and she hated him for it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, yeah. I just... I don't know what to feel. I hope this story is emotional, since that's what I was going for even though I am entirely afraid that I didn't portray it well enough. I would love to hear anyone's opinion, honestly.