Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



A raging storm presented itself on the eve of Alexander McVille’s wedding. However, by the next day the weather was better than it had been in a while. Clear blue skies with a mild temperature to match is what embraced guests to the wedding. Some believed it was just typical English weather, whilst others believed it was Alexander’s luck. At just 20 years old he was all that any male could wish to be; attractive, most sought after lawyer in Europe, rich and, after today, would be married with a wife who he adored. Yes, Alexander had a wonderful life. But for some it just wasn’t what they wanted a part of.

Isabella Howard was not looking forward to the prospect of being the new Mrs. Alexander McVille. This marriage was arranged since Isabella was little, by her parents along with Alexander’s. Isabella had tried to get out of the marriage since she was told about it and finally met Alexander. This was until the death of her parents a year ago, since then she thought it was disrespectful and that’s what landed her in the predicament she was facing at the moment. She had tried to love Alexander but she just couldn't, she knew his true nature and couldn’t forget it long enough to fall in love.

Everybody saw Alexander McVille as the kindest, most caring, easiest person to get along with, but Isabella knew what went on behind doors. Alexander had an evil side which had appeared behind closed doors; he liked to control people and was jealous of anyone that tried to take what was his ‘property’. Isabella soon came to despise Alexander with her whole being.

That is why, when Alexander McVille was in his room at the church, having a few last minute swigs of champagne with his groomsmen, Isabella Howard was crying her eyes out on her own in her room acquired to her after sending her bride’s maids away. Hair fell loose from her once perfect hair as mascara smudges lined her newly made up face.

In that moment she decided she had to go against her parents wish and had to finally get free of this hell she had been living since their death and this was her last chance. In just over five minutes the ceremony was to start, it was now or never. Isabella ran to her case that held the dress she was to wear to the after-party and she rapidly changed into it, grabbed her holdall bag with her accessories in, quickly removed as much make up that was smudged on her face away before dashing over to the window. She unhitched the lock and rapidly climbed out into a now deserted parking-lot. The warm air hit her as she tried to run in her heels, the feel of freedom finally relaxing her soul. She wasn’t sure how she was going to escape; all she knew is that she would get as far away as she can.

This is the moment that really changed Isabella’s life. She didn’t know how much of a journey she really was in for when she fled that church, but from the moment she met Nathaniel Sanders, her life had changed forever.