Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


Eliza's voice broke through the icy silence that had formed between Nathaniel and Isabella, both eyes still locked on each others, their faces both blank of emotions.

"Oh I almost forgot, Izzy this is my boyfriend Nate, Nate this is the best boss in the world and one of my closest friends Izzy." A huge smile was adorned on Eliza's face, her hands clasped tightly together in front of her due to the feeling of both excitement and anxiety. Nate's vocal cords took over before he even had time to really think of what he was doing.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Izzy. Eliza's mentioned you alto recently. I'm Nathaniel, or Nate." He stuck his hand out in a friendly manor. Isabella was shocked with Nathaniel's attitude. The thought that he had forgotten her so easily when she was living with the consequences of their one night of passion killed her inside. Yet she placed her hand in his and shook it friendly and also muttered a nice, "it was nice to finally meet you to" in Nate's directing.

It wasn't long before Eliza sparked up a conversation with Jake, as they usually did, asking for Isabella's input on a fact or something they couldn't work out every now and then. Nate stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets, standing less than and inch away from Eliza at all times whilst Jake practically engulfed Isabella with his arm that was around her shoulder the whole time. Neither Jake nor Isabella properly listened to the conversation that was going on just in front of them and were too busy with their own thoughts.

"They don't seem to be talking to each other much," Eliza whispered to Jake whilst nervously biting her nails to which Jake scolded her for. "What if they don't like each other? What if things become awkward at work and I have to end up leaving?"

"Shh, don't worry, Elzie, everything will be fine. I have an idea, follow my lead." Jake turned around slowly to the two people that seemed to be in a trance in front of him. "Hey, Izzy and Nate, Eliza and I were thinking that we would go see Jesse and Rory to say happy birthday and such. We'll be back in a few." A look of panic flashed across both their faces, but was quickly disguised before anyone around could see it. Jake bent down and placed a light, loving kiss on Isabella's forehead before wondering off with Eliza.

"So, where are you from?" Isabella muttered nervously to Nathaniel, unsure of what to say to start a conversation.

"Isabella, don't act stupid I know you know who I am and our ... history. So don't act like you don't." Isabella was shocked by Nathaniel bluntness and her mouth would only let her mutter an "oh."

A silence gripped them again, until Isabella finally found the nerve to speak up.

"Why did you act like you didn't know me?"

"I thought it'd be easier, Eliza doesn't know anything about you and your little toy probably doesn't either. Plus I'm sure he'd love to know that you had had his children a little while after we...did stuff." Confusion flooded Isabella's face.

"Me...and Jake...children." A laugh erupted from Isabella's mouth before she could hold it in. Now it was Nate's turn to be confused.

"He's not their father?" Nate asked incredulously.

"No, me and Jake haven't even talked about children, sure he's like a father to them yet he's not their biological father."

"Then who's the father?"

"It doesn't matter, no-one special, no-one you'd know."

"Isabella, what..."

Before Nate could say anything else Eliza and Jake returned with smiles on their faces, oblivious to the conversation taking place seconds before they arrived. Jake took ahold of Isabella's hand and pulled her towards where Jesse and Rory, and all of their friends were seated around a table stacked high with presents. The enormous birthday cake was carried out and the noisy singing of "happy birthday" started to echo throughout the house.

As the singing commenced, Nate's eyes fixed on the two children that were center of attention and his mind started working overtime; the cogs churning as all the subtle hints and obvious evidence started adding up. The fact that Isabella wouldn't or couldn't tell him who their father was, their age matching up to the days when they had met, the children looking freakishly identical to himself.

Just as his mind made up the fact that there was no way he wasn't the twins father, a shout of "happy birthday" erupted around the room.
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This one was a long-ish one. I thought I should post it, to make up for all the times I haven't.

comments would be nice. =]