Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


The soft rhythmic strumming of an acoustic guitar and the mummer of Robert Patterson's delicate voice flowed through the speakers in the car. Not a sound had escaped Nate's mouth since the realization had hit him at full force, like a train hurling full speed through his brain. Countless questions spilled into his head, yet he knew that if he were to try and utter them then each syllable and letter would merge together and form sentences of gibberish.

Eliza had tried countless tactics to try and get her boyfriend to talk but finally admitted defeat after the party had ended, they had bid their goodbyes and got into the car with still no noise released from Nate. She was searching through her thoughts; thinking of what she had done over the past hour or so to have made Nate's attitude change so drastically but it was like she was in a never ending labyrinth and repeatedly hitting dead ends.

The shower that Nate took when he got home didn't help to settle his mind. Neither did the first shot of vodka, or the second, or third, or the countless others he had after that. By the time Nathaniel had consumed 2 whole bottles of vodka to himself, it was hard to think and numbed the thoughts in his head.


Nathaniel spent the next day sorting himself out, thinking of what he could possibly do to help the fact that he had two children in the world with half of his own chromosomes embedded in their DNA. Once his mind was made up he hastily chucked on some clean clothes, put on his trainers and raced towards his car. His mind was set and his actions in motion.


Isabella felt something in her stomach. You know when you feel like you know something amazingly earth stopping was going to happen, the feeling of anticiaption and dread building up in your gut until its about ready to explode. This is how Isabella felt when she woke up that morning.

If only she had a crystal ball to show her the future.
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This one's quite short, because I couldn't possible add more without having an extra extra large one.
But I'll try to update this as much as possible,
I might try get another one out tonight, even.

I saw All Time Low's video for Poppin' Champagne today, it's amazing.
Gosh Jack and Alex are HOTTTT!

so yeah, peace out.