Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


As soon as Isabella entered the room in which held her children and long term boyfriend, she was met with a scene in which sent many emotions coursing through her body and all of them were negative.

Rory was perched in the corner of the room, tears still rapidly flowing down her delicate cheeks. Jesse was still hiding under the covers, not reappearing even after all of Jake’s pleading and bribing. And when Jake finally set eyes on Isabella’s nervous silhouette at the door, his face turning to a mixture of confusion and anger. Isabella breathed a sigh before deciding to tackle on problem at a time; the first being Rory’s crying.

“Rory, baby, what’s wrong?” At the sound of her mother’s voice, Rory sprang from her spot on the floor and raced to her arms, even Jesse poked his head from under the covers.

“Mummy, we th-thought that n-nasty man was doing some-something to you. Me and Jesse was so scared,” Rory stuttered through her jittering lips. Jesse sprang from under the covers and joined Rory as she hugged her mother with as much strength as she could muster; afraid that she might disappear any minute.

“Shh sweeties, it’s okay. Mummy and that man were just discussing something, he didn’t mean to shout...he was just too excited?” Isabella hated lying to her children, however she knew that if she didn’t tell them what she did then they would be too scared when Nate did finally return to see them. “Right, Roro and Jess, lets go make some breakfast as you two must be hungry!”

“PANCAKES!” they both shouted at the same time, already up and sprinting towards the kitchen downstairs.

“Iz, can we talk?” Jake spoke, his voice stern and serious.

“About what?”

“Don’t act stupid, Isabella, I know you’re not that dumb. What was Eliza’s boyfriend doing here? I thought you guys didn’t know each other!”

“It’s hard to explain...”

“Well you better start Iz!” Jake’s voice was rose an octavo.

“Jake, calm dow baby. We just got the children to stop crying and such and here you are yelling for them to hear again?! Now I’m going to go downstairs and feed my children, maybe if you’ve calmed down by then I’ll tell you!” Isabella left the room before Jake could even reply, leaving Jake feeling angry yet also sorry.

Eliza yawn a happy smile whilst turning to her right, expecting to snuggle up to her boyfriend, yet instead only being met with cold, unused sheets.

“Nate?! Are you in?!” The woman bellowed as she descended the stairs, heading towards the kitchen for her morning caffeine fix. With a sigh, she gave up on her futile efforts to find Nathaniel.

Two hours and twenty-one minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Nathaniel, or any clue as to where he had disappeared to. Just as Eliza was done ringing the fourth person to ask if they knew of his where-a-bouts, he stepped through the door.

“Nate? Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!”

“It doesn’t matter, Elzie.”

“No, it does Nathaniel! Now tell me where you were. I’ve been calling everyone I could think of, you left without leaving me any clue to where you were! You worried me sick!”

“Eliza, don’t be so dramatic! I’m back now so it doesn’t matter where I was!”

“I can’t believe you!”

“Whatever, I’m going to take a shower, then I’m off out. I’ll talk to you when I come back and if you’ve calmed down!” The man stormed out of the room like a hurricane, leaving Eliza crying in the dust.
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Wow, long time, no update. Sorry!