Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


Nathaniel Sanders didn’t initially wish to go to Alexander McVille’s wedding but he was here anyway. Nathaniel had been friends with Alexander since he was a child. Well he wouldn’t quite call it a friend ship, more of an acquaintanceship with him. Nathaniel's parents were joint partners with Alexander’s in their own company. There company was well known throughout the world of soliciting, and they frequently went to balls and parties together, therefore they believed they should get the future heirs to the company as friends as well. Yet, Alexander hated the thought that, when older, he would have to share the business with Nathaniel and never formed a bond with him as his parents had.

A few years into the business’ bloom, when Nathaniel and Alexander were both about 18, Nathaniel's parents went bankrupt, due to Nathaniel's fathers addiction to excessive gambling, and thus resulting in them having to sell their share in the business so that wasn’t pulled down with them. Alexander’s parents bought the other half, making the company fully theirs, keeping Nathaniel's parents on as employees. Alexander relished in the fact that he got what he wanted and, when Nathaniel's family could no longer keep themselves afloat and Nathaniel too got a job at the company, he was soon to be the boss over someone of who once was seen as his equal.

Nathaniel hated seeing Alexander get everything that he wanted. He couldn’t stand to stay for the wedding ceremony and, after showing his face, he steadily took a slight jog to his car. On his way there, in his hurry, he bashed into someone, knocking them flying into the ground. When he looked down he saw a girl of about 19, with blond hair that was curled and which hung around her face, obviously it had fallen loose from her hair. Nathaniel offered his hand to the woman in front of him and helped her stand, whilst repetitively repeating “I’m really sorry”.

When she was finally stood she looked up at the perpetrator of her fall and was met by brown eyes staring at her. She wasn’t sure quite what to say, but after a while, words flowed from her mouth. The confidence-ness of her words shocked her. After what she was about to do she was sure her voice would be more shaken, but her determination had already set in and she needed an escape as soon as she could.

“It’s fine really, I’m ermm,” She thought for a second of a name, knowing that it probably wasn’t best if she gave out her name. What if he were to be a friend of Alexander’s and go and get him before she had chance to leave. “I’m Elizabeth and, well, is there any chance you could get me as far away from here as possible.” Her voice almost sounded pleading as she spoke the last word, her desperation present in each syllable.

Now, Nathaniel wasn’t a horrible person but he had had way to many problems with girls that he really didn’t want to get caught up in another girl problem. Nathaniel had a feeling that this girl would cause too much hassle in his life that he contemplated just legging it away from her. But then her quiet voice spoke again.

“Please, just anywhere, I swear that after this you will never have to see me again.”

“Okay then but we better get going; I have somewhere I have to be. By the way my name is Nathaniel.” He replied, already making his way towards his car. Isabella followed closely behind with a small smile of relief present on her face. Finally she was free of Alexander, she thought, but at the same time she had a feeling that this whole situation was just about to get a little stickier.