Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


“Nathaniel is that you?” A masculine voice boomed from inside the house as Nathaniel and Isabella walked into the house. Isabella was amazed by the scenery. The beautiful house was situated right by the sea and looked out over the coastline. The fresh coastal air was different to that of London’s contaminated air.

As Nathaniel and Isabella got nearer to the kitchen area an older man of about 50 years old appeared in the door way with a tea-towel in hand. He looked like an older version of Nathaniel and his smile shone through the house, instantly brightening Isabella’s once dismal mood. Nathaniel and the elder man exchanged hellos, until the man’s eyes finally set onto the unknown girl that was standing in front of him. He made him way towards the girl with the same contentment he had when seeing Nathaniel enter through his house.

“Hello, I’m Edward Sanders, Nate's father.” He offered his hand to which Isabella gladly shook.

“Hello, Edward, I’m Isabella Howard. Sorry for the intrusion. I really am very thankful for yours and Nate's hospitality.” Isabella replied with an unfaltering smile spread on her face.

Nathaniel's eye twitched as he heard Isabella call him 'Nate'. The only people he let call him that were his parents; the only other person he used to let call him that was Emma.

After the formalities were done Nathaniel led Isabella to the room in which she would be staying in and let her get washed up ready for dinner which was to be ready at around 6ish.

As soon as Isabella was alone in the room she exhaled a sigh that had built up in the last couple of hours. A tear crawled its way down her face, and many more followed in pursuit. A pain was searing in her chest, all the held up hate that she had felt towards Alexander and relief to finally be away from the monstrosity that was to occur on this day. But still a feeling of guilt swarmed in her stomach. All her parents wanted was for Isabella to have a stable lifestyle for when they had gone and believe Alexander was the one who could have this with, and she had single-handedly made sure that her parents dream was destroyed.

Nathaniel didn’t like the feel this girl, who was pushed into his life just this morning, was making him feel. He promised never to let another into his heart after Emma. Even the mention of her name brought memories swarming back to his head, anger at himself welled inside of him. But he promised to never let this happen again, he wasn’t going to let his heart win over the constant battle it was in with his head. This was the point when Nathaniel decided the only way to not get close to Isabella was to give her the cold-shoulder and try not to engage in conversation with her. It can’t be that hard, Nathaniel thought, she’ll be gone by tomorrow and then things can go back to normal.

Dinner came shortly after both Isabella and Nathaniel had finished getting changed, ready for dinner. As Isabella, Nathaniel and Edward were seated at the table, a cheerful woman of about 50 years of age entered through the front door, and headed towards the kitchen. The scene at which unfolded in front of her was one of great shock. There, sitting at the table was her husband and son, along with a beautiful girl of about 20. Never before had Nathaniel brought a girl home and so this girl struck her as intriguing.

“Hi, everyone. I’m home,” Mrs Sanders, or Katrina, announced with a smile towards the individuals seated around the table. Warm smiles were returned by everyone at the table and Edward was soon beside Katrina and pulling out a chair for her to situate herself on. After taking a seat, Katrina was soon introduced to the captivating blond sitting across from her.

Dinner was full of many joyful laughter and embarrassing stories, all of which Nathaniel did not participate in. He just sat quietly, eating his dinner, whilst watching his family converse happily with Isabella. Anger boiled in Nathaniel’s gut as he watched how close Isabella and his parents were getting, it was enough that if they were to find out who she really was, he would be in serious trouble, but also that she seemed to be able to get under his skin easier than many else would.

After the meal was finish, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders apologize to both Nathaniel and Isabella as they were to “attend a dinner party that they just simply couldn’t miss”, and after about another 10 minutes the only two occupants left in the house were Nathaniel and Isabella.

A silence befell them, until Nathaniel left to go to his own room and Isabella started to clean the dishes that were used that evening.

Nathaniel scurried around in his room searching for the things he would need for the night. He changed once again into a set of clothes acceptable for the evening he had in mind, doused himself in aftershave and slipped on his shoes before grabbing his keys and heading towards the kitchen where he knew Isabella was cleaning the plates.

“I’m going out, Isabella. I have a date that I was meant to meet...10 minutes ago. I’ll probably be gone till early in the morning so don’t wait up, okay?” Nathaniel said to Isabella before turning to leave towards the door. Isabella, in her hast, withdrew her hands from the water to grab a hold of Nathaniel's shoulder to stop him, when all of a sudden an excruciating pain was felt in her wrist. As she glanced down towards her wrist, the site of bold, quickly flowing blood filled her vision. A scream escaped her mouth, causing Nathaniel to turn around just in time as Isabella’s vision soon turned to black.