Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



Eliza Marshall’s smile had not faltered since the call she had received about ten minutes ago. Everything seemed to be going just the way she wanted it to. As a pleasant sigh escaped her lips, she set her eyes on her sleeping boyfriend sprawled out on the sheet.

She tip-toed slowly and quietly as not to wake him up. When she reached his body she placed a tender kiss upon his forehead, before placing another on his jaw and finally one on his lips. A grunt emitted itself from the sleeping form, before it twitched and turned around to face her, eyes wide open and a smile upon his face.

“Hmm. Hi, baby. I think you should wake me up like that more often,” the man said, replacing his smile with a smirk. He gently rubbed his sleepy eyes and ran a hand through his bed tossled hair.

“I have good news, hun.” Eliza almost screamed as she straddled her boyfriend and placed another kiss on his neck, a small moan escaped his lips and she proceeded on with her news. “You know that job I applied for as that models P.A a few months ago? Well, I’ve just got off the phone with them and they accepted me!” She said, shouting the last few words. After the sentence was fully formed and escaped her lips, she was suddenly picked up, whirled around and a passionate kiss was placed on her lips.

“That’s so good, Elzie. When do you start?”

“Well, her manager said I can start Monday!” She released another squeal before pulling away from her boyfriends warm embrace and heading towards the wardrobe. “What do you say, we get dressed, head out for lunch and then later on tonight do some celebrating.”

“That sounds lovely, hunny. Just let me have a shower and I’ll be right with you.” With that he turned and left, heading towards the bathroom.

For possibly the hundredth time that morning Eliza smiled, but this time it was at the dire singing coming from the bathroom. Yes, Eliza had a good life. She had her dream job, a lovely apartment and a loving, supporting boyfriend. However, she knew not to get too caught up in her feelings for her boyfriend, he had been hurt before and was not really ready to open up, she knew the prospect of marriage wasn’t waiting just around the corner for them but she knew that possibly in time he would open up to her fully and they could possibly start a family. She was going to wait as long as possible for Nathaniel Sanders to love her as she loved him.
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Sorry this is short, guys.