Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


The sun streamed through the gap in the curtains, shining a beam of light onto Isabella Howard's face that morning. She smiled to herself as she opened her eyes and stared at the figure in front of her. The sun illuminated his features; from his high and defined cheek bones to his dazzling physique it's no wonder many people sought after the attention of Jake Clancy.

After 2 years she still couldn't see what Jake had seen in her. She was nothing special, whereas he was the definition of perfect.

The clock struck 7, causing Isabella to jerk her head to look at the hands moving on the clock face. With a gasp, she quickly untangled her limbs from her boyfriends and headed towards the shower. She rushed to get herself washed, dressed and presentable before creeping across the landing to the room with the blue door.

She crept over to the bed on the left and placed a chase kiss on the little boys forehead before softly whispering for him to get up and ready, then turning to the bed on the right and repeating the same process for the little girl.

At exactly 8:30, both children and Isabella were ready and already strapped into the car and driving towards the school.

"Jesse, Rory, I'm going to come pick to up after school today and we're going to go out for a treat, how does that sound?"

"Wow, mummy!" both shouted at the same time, causing Isabella to chuckle softly.

As Isabella pulled away from the school, and at the photo shoot, she thought about her life. It truely was all she could ever ask for and more. And to think that it all could have been different if she hadn't run away from her god awful arranged marriage to Alexander McVille, or if she hadn't run into Nathaniel, or if she hadn't moved to America.

Just thinking of Nathaniel's name still brought a sting to her chest. Occasionally she would find herself wondering how Nathaniel was, what he was up to or if he even thought of her still. Of course, she always told herself that he had moved on and his feeling for her were never even strong enough to be called a friendship, let alone a relationship.

Thoughts like this always filled her head, plaguing her with what if's to the point where she would fret about if she ever truelly made the right choice. But as she thought about Jake, and her children, and her life in California, she knew that things were perfect as they are and that she didn't need Nathaniel or anyone else from the past. All that mattered to her was who she had in the present and possibly the future.

As she walked into her office that morning she was met with the dazzling blue eyes of her boyfriend and the face of a woman she did not know.

"Hey, baby," Jake said, as he made his way towards her and placed a small, loving kiss on her lips. Yes, she had made the right choices and her heart swelled when she thought of Jake. But who knew that this woman who had just stepped into her life could take all that away from her so easily?
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So, I thought I'd update.
I'm sorry I babble a bit about her thoughts and feelings and 'what if's' but its a crucial part to know her feelings at this point.