Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


Two months passed awfully quickly, leaving Isabella and Eliza forming a tight bond between them, making them almost like best friends instead of just having a professional relationship. So much so that Isabella had invited Eliza and her boyfriend over to her children’s 6th birthday party. Jake was also coming and so of her fellow models, along with Jesse and Rory’s friends.

Eliza smoothed down her dress and smiled at herself in the mirror. Tonight was the night that her ‘boss’ would meet her boyfriend. Now to some this doesn’t sound like much but to Eliza it meant everything, her new found friendship with Isabella was special to her and she didn’t want her to detest her boyfriend, the love of her life.

Nate had tried to get out of going to the party. He was bogged down with paperwork and was constantly tired due to working everyday till insane hours at night. He hardly had time for Eliza lately and the fact that her boss was famous and there were other people going to be there bothered Nate a lot. He didn’t want to be around stuck up, pompous people and would rather just curl up on the sofa with a movie.

Isabella’s mood was elevating more and more each moment. The look on her children’s faces as they opened their birthday presents, which was a bike for Jesse and a large Barbie play house with dolls and accessories for Rory. Pride swelled in her belly as she thought of herself raising these children almost practically by herself. She couldn’t wait for the party that night to see the looks on their faces as they saw their huge dream party with clowns and acrobatics and such.

Jake thought about his life and how much it had evolved since he first met Isabella. Before he was a bit of a player, to which he is ashamed to say. But Isabella had a hold on him like no other. The fact that she had two children didn’t distract his attraction from mutilating; it made it expand ten-fold. He loved them children as if they were his own and that morning was the day he made his decision. He was going to make Isabella his for life, his one and only soul-mate till the end of time. He was going to propose the day after the twin’s birthday, at their lunch date.

The tension rising. The curtains parting. I guess it’s time for the drama to set its clutches on the scene at hand.
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Short, I know. But it's only because I'm setting the scene for the drama in the next scene.
On another note, sorry I haven't updated in ages but thats because I've been so busy laterly.