Live every second

Show Time

Bill's POV

We were about halfway through the set, and we had just finished playing Leb Die Sekunde. I was standing pretty close to Tom, and the rest of the band was just playing some random tune they came up with to transition the songs.

"Hey guys, who wants to see me kiss Bill?" Tom shouted into my microphone. The entire crowd light up in screams. Girls were shouting things like "Sex him up!" and "Just kiss him already!". I chuckled a bit and turned to Tom. He swung his guitar around so it was upside down on his back.

"Come here Billa" Tom smiled, motioning with one finger. I hooked my microphone back into its stand and walked back over to Tom, standing very close to his face. "You sure you want to do this in front of everyone?" Tom whispered to me.

"Its just harmless fun. The crowd will love it, and we can play it off as a publicity stunt" I smiled. With that Tom crashed his lips to mine. The fans screams grew to a deafening roar. My eyes closed, as did Tom's, and I grabbed the back of his neck. We were both suddenly unaware that there were thousands of fans beside us.

The next thing I heard was Georg's amp squeak extremely loud, causing Tom and I to pull away from each other. I blushed a brilliant red, and Tom just smirked at me. He pulled his guitar back in front of him, and I picked up my microphone. "So, who enjoyed that? I know I did!" I screamed.

The next two songs were played uninterrupted, until Tom walked back over to my spot. He glanced down towards his guitar, giving me the signal to look down there myself. He was pretty damn hard! I got a little happy just from looking at him. I hooked my arm around his shoulders, and stationed myself behind him. My crotch was pressed right against his leg, and I knew he could feel it.

"Who wants to hear the sexiest noise ever?" I asked the fans. They all screamed, and Tom looked at me with a 'What the fuck' look. I made small movements against his leg, getting myself even harder. Tom moaned quietly. Eventually, when I was hard enough, I began to grind myself against him, at which he moaned rather loudly. I kept doing it, but I moved the microphone in front of Tom's mouth. He moaned again, but heard himself reverberating in the speakers.

The crowd screamed even louder then before, and Tom's eyes went wide. He blushed, but moved back to his spot smiling just a bit. I realized he had something to hide his hard on, but I didn't. I looked at him and scowled playfully, and he just licked his lips.

I let it go down by itself, parading around the stage for all to see. Just at the end, Allie showed up just off stage. She was clinging to the sound techs arm, giggling. "Hey everyone, I'd like you all to meet someone special to the band" I announced through the microphone, before we played the last song.

Allie looked a bit shocked and nervous, but smiled like I've never seen her smile before. "Guys, this is our friend Allie. Allie will you come out here with us? Please?" I asked, motioning for her to come on stage. She walked up next to me, and I wrapped an arm around her waist. "We met Allie a while ago, and she agrees to come on tour with us!"

Allie turned to me and tried to talk, but the crowd drowned her out. I leaned down to her, and she talked right into my ear, almost screaming over the fans. "Bill I can't do this! I feel like I'm going to throw up!" She screamed.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to show you off. you can go back to your arm candy now if you want." I smiled.

"Oh shut up, I'm going to stay just to spite you" She laughed.

I turned back to the crowd and said "Can you guys say hi to Allie?". Thy all screamed in response. "Shes a little shy," I said, turning to her, "but if you guys scream loud enough I bet she'll talk to you all. She might just tell you what its like to be on the bus with us!" I bribed.

The crowd screamed so loud I swear my ears were going to pop. Allie grabbed the microphone from me and said "Okay, okay, if you guys stop shouting I'll tell you all a little secret about the boys." Immediately the crowed went dead silent. I looked at her and she stood on her tip toes to get to my ear. "You'll see when I tell them" She smiled.

"The other night the boys and I were playing a game. Poker. Strip poker to be correct" The crowd went wild."Guys guys! I told you you had to be quiet didn't I?" They all got quiet again. "We were about half way through, and I do have to admit I was losing pretty bad. I was in my bra and underwear. Bill however, was sitting on the floor in his boxers. Tom had taken off his shirt, and his hat!" She told them all. At that point I was getting pretty nervous. Was she going to tell everyone?

"You guys want to see something absolutely delicious?" She asked, and they roared. She walked over to Tom, and said something in his ear. He took off his guitar, and placed it on the ground. "Ready guys?" She asked. They all nodded their heads or screamed. Allie placed a hand on the hem of Tom's shirt, and raised it up to about mid chest. She ran her other hand across his muscles, and Tom closed his eyes.

She let his shirt fall again, and pulled the microphone to her mouth. "Now seriously. Who wouldn't want to do him?"

I heard some fans laugh, probably the guys, and a ton of girls shriek "I WOULD!". I just laughed to myself before walking over to Allie. I snatched my microphone and looked out into the crowd. "You wanna see something else?" I asked.

Tom's POV

The crowd went wild in response to Bill's question. "Are you sure?" He taunted. They were louder this time. He handed the mic back to Allie, and unbuttoned his jeans. The zipper came down next, and the crowd was roaring louder then they have ever been.

I took the mic from Allie and said "I've never heard any of our fans scream so loud. All we had to do was have Bill strip his pants off?" I asked, giggling. Bill looked over at me and smiled. He continued pulling down the right side of his pants, about to show off his new tattoo. "Can we have the camera guy zoom in on it?" I asked. I had noticed earlier there were huge screens that casted live feed from the camera guys.

He did as he was told, and zoomed in on Bill's hip. Bill silently asked for the mic back by waving his hand towards himself. I handed it over. "I'm going to show you guys something only a couple people have seen. Are you ready?" Again the crowd roared up louder. Bill pulled the fabric of his jeans and boxers off of the tattoo and the crowd softened a bit.

"What, were you expecting me to show you my manhood?" He smiled. "How about we save that for another show?" Bill covered himself up, and had me pick up my guitar. "So, for the last song of the night, we're going to play one of my favorite songs. Durch Den Monsun!" He announced.

At the end of the show, our sound tech guy was waiting for Allie. We all ran off stage, and Allie ran straight into his arms.They hugged for a while, then let go and smiled at one another. We went into the dressing room, all sweating like pigs and downing waters like it was air.

Once we had all drained all of the water bottles in the room, we sat down and talked about the performance. "Thats probably the most we've ever talked to the audience!" I spouted. The whole band laughed, and looked extremely tired.

"Can we get back to the bus now?" Georg asked, standing up.

"Yeah, I'd really like to sleep for like, three days" Gustav smiled. We all stood up and worked our way out of the building. Allie was nowhere to be seen, but we left a message with the bodyguard that when she came to find us, to tell her we were on the bus already.

When we opened the back door, there were tons of screaming girls. Some of them were singing our songs, others were screaming for us to come over to them. Bill smiled widely and walked directly over to them.

I walked next to him, holding his coat in case he got cold. He walked up to two girls that looked just like every other fan. Dark brown hair, pale skin, Tokio Hotel clothes, and loads of strange make-up on. "Bill! Oh mien gott! Its Bill Kaulitz!" They screamed.

"Yes its me." He giggled. He signed some things for them, and went on to the next fans. This went on for a while before I noticed Bill shivering. I handed him his jacket, and he gladly took it.

"We should get to the buss Billa. Its getting pretty cold outside" I suggested.

"No way! I mean look at all these fans that are out here waiting for us! How can you just leave them out here?" Bill said, giving me puppy eyes.

"Fine. Just a little while longer" I told him, giving in. He continued talking to fans, showing off his new tattoo, and piercing. They only noticed the piercing once he was off stage, which I found a bit funny. After about an hour or so Bill started to get bored with the fans. He loved to hear their stories of how they got to know us, and when they got in line for the concert. Some girl he talked to had been in line for two days! Can you believe that?

Bill said goodnight to everyone, and walked over to the bus. Allie was already asleep according to Georg, who was sitting on Gustav's lap. "Well, I think I'm going to bed" Bill announced.

"I'll join you in a minute" I said to him, walking over to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, just washing the unwanted sweat from my body. I stepped out of the shower, and pulled my boxers back on, and picked up the rest of my clothes. I walked back to the bunks quietly, placing my clothes in my suitcase.

I slowly climbed into our bed, and snuggled up to Bill. He was facing towards the wall. He wasn't asleep yet, but he was close to it. I put my hand on his upper arm, and he put his hand over it. I kissed his shoulder, and said "i love you Billa. And I always will" He smiled and mumble something, but it was incoherent.

We both slipped into a comfortable sleep, probably for the only time on this tour.
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I'm really sorry this has taken me so long!
School has been wicked demanding lately, and I had a bad case of writers block!