Live every second


Tom's POV

I heard the front door slip open.

I woke Bill up and told him what I had heard.

"Hello? You guys awake?" We heard Georg yell into our flat. I had forgotten I told him he could come over so we could hang out today. He haven't seen each other in a while since we're no longer on tour.

I rushed out of bed to put on my clothes, as Bill did the same. My ass hurt so much, but I couldn't let it show. I told Bill I would leave the room first, and he would follow five minutes after. I opened the door, only to find Georg looking through my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound confused.

"Where did you come from? I looked all around the house for you, and only Bill's door was closed. Were you in there with him?" He asked, I hoped jokingly.

"H-he felt a little sick last night, a-and so I slept on his f-floor to make sure he was okay." I stuttered. Almost on cue, Bill stepped into the room.

George went over to him and asked "You feeling fetter man? Tom said you were sick last night."

Bill didn't even flinch before he said "Yeah. I guess I just needed to sleep a bit. If you guys don't mind I'm going into the kitchen to eat something." God how was he so calm when he said that. When did he learn to lie like that?

"Yeah I guess I'll join you. I'm pretty starving." I said as calmly as I could.

"I just ate, so I think I'll keep rummaging through Tom's stuff." Georg said smiling. I sighed and left the room with Bill. When we reached the kitchen Bill grabbed my arm.

"We have to tell him! I can't stand not telling him!" He said.

"But what would he say Bill? Were brother's! This isn't a normal relationship we have." I exclaimed

"But I can't not tell him. He will find out sooner or later anyway! And I would rather tell him now, and get it over with, then hurt him for not telling him sooner." Bill said. "I don't care what he thinks of us. I have waited too long for you, and I won't let anything take you away from me."

I sighed. Today just wasn't going as easily as I had planned. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Bill grabbed something from the fridge, probably just a soda or something, and we walked back into my room. Georg was going through my drawers. He almost looked like he was searching for something. Bill coughed and Georg spun around, looking me right in the eyes.

"Were you looking for something?" I asked him.

"No, just digging around to see what I can borrow next time I need something." He said quietly, blushing a bit.

An awkward silence set over the three of us before Bill decided to say something. "Anyway, we have something to tell you. Why don't we go into the living room?" We all made our way across the flat to the couches, me and Bill on one, Georg on the chair across the room. Bill placed his drink on the table in between the couch and the chair. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was.

"What is it you have to tell me? You look pretty distraught about it." Georg asked genuinely worried.

"Well.....Me and Tom....we kind each other." Bill said quietly, and fairly quickly.

"Thats all? Well of course you love each other, you're brothers for gods sake!" Georg looked a little relieved once he had said this. We both looked at him, right in the eyes. He looked right back for a second, then his eyes got wider.

"You love each other? Like love each other?" Asked a confused Georg. Bill and I both nodded our heads slowly. Georg still looked a little out of it, trying to make sense of what he had just learned. "How long?" was all he could manage out of his mouth.

"Only since last night" said Bill, still as nervous as ever. I grabbed his hand, setting both of them in our laps. I squeezed his hand gently, making sure he knew we were in this together.

"So, I guess I'm the first to know then huh?" Georg questioned.

"Yup, and we would really love your support on this. I mean not a lot of people are going to like us being together, and it would mean the world to us if you did." Said a little less worried Bill.

"I have no problem with you guys being together. As long as I don't see or hear anything I don't want to, then I'm fine." Said Georg with a small smile on his face. Only seconds after he had finished his sentence, Bill had pounced on him and gave him a hug.

"Aww what about me?" I asked with a puppy face on

"Hahaha, wait your turn Tomi, you get a special hug!" Bill practically yelled in Georg's ear. After Bill let go of him, he rushed over to me, sat on my lap, and kissed me. For a while it felt like it was just me and him in the room. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and I gladly complied. The feeling of his barbell in my mouth was enough to send me off moaning. But once I had voiced my pleasure, Georg coughed. It sent us back into reality, and I realized I had just moaned in my brother's mouth, in front of my best friend.

"Sorry. Didn't mean for you to hear that." I said blushing. I pushed my head into Bill's back, trying to avoid Georg's eyes.

"No problem, since it's the first time. But next time, I'm not going to take it so well." He said with the same small smile on his face as last time. After an awkward silence, he finally said "So are we going out or what?"

I guess he did take this better then I would have thought.
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Again, don't exactly know where this is going.
Comments, and ideas are fully welcome!