Live every second


Bill's POV

"Well maybe I'll just rape you then" Tom smiled as we walked out of the bunks.

"You can't rape the willing Tommi" I laughed back.

Suddnely Allie broke out of the bathroom and looked a little embarased. "We need to stop at the nearest pharmacy" She said, acting way to calm.

"Why, are you alright?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah, yeah. I just need.....something" She explained vaguely.

"What is it? Maybe I have it" I told her.

"I doubt you would. And if you did, I would be a little afriad, and a bit disguested actually"

"Then wil you tell us whats wrong?" Tom asked.

"Its....a girl thing" I immediatley got it, she was on her time of the month. Apparently Tom didn't understand.

"I don't follow" Tom scratched his head in confusion.

"Tom, I'm having the painters in" She paused, but Tom still didn't understand. "I'm on my monthlies, my friend is here to visit, its my holy week, my curse of eve!" She explained, but he still didn't follow.

"Ugh! God you still don't get it do you?" She smiled. Tom shook his head. "I'm on my period!" He besically screamed for the world to hear.

"Oh" Was all Tom said. He blushed heavily and looked at the floor.

"So when can we stop?" Allie asked.

"I don't know. I'll go ask the driver" I said. I kissed Tom's cheek and laughed. "You know, sometimes you can be so dense!" I walked up to the front of the bus, past Georg and Gustav watching a movie in the living room, and stepped into the drivers quarters. There were two seats, like a normal car would, but above them was a small bunk like ours.

"We, um...we need to stop at a pharmacy soon. And when I mean soon, I mean like within the next two minutes" I said. "Where's the nearest one?"

"Well, we passed one about ten minutes ago, so there should be one in a minute or so" He said, turning a corner. "Whats the emergency?" He asked.

"Its, um. Its not us. Its Allie, the girl we have with us" I explained.

"Oh, okay then. We really do need to get there then, don't we?" He chuckled to himself. We turned into the pharmacy, and before I could even go tell Allie we were there, she was already out the door.

I decided I might as well pick up some more hairspray, and make-up. I went and got my wallet from my suitcase, and walked down into the pharmacy. We were in the middle of nowhere, so I decided I wouldn't be recognized to easily. I slapped on a pair of sunglasses I found near the door, and walked into the store.

I went down to the make-up and looked for my favorite kind of black eyeshadow. After a minute or so I still couldn't find it. I went up the the counter at the front of the store, and stood infront of a girl about my age.

"Can you help me find something?" I asked polietly.

"Of course ma'am, what do you need?" She smiled widely. I laughed, and took off my sunglasses. "Oh..oh my god. You''re Bill Kaulitz!" She said loudly.

"Yes I am" I smirked.

"Oh my-...I called you a girl didn't I?"

"Actually yes" I giggled.

"I..I'm so sorry!" I didn't mean to- I mean, I should've known! I'm going to your concert tonight! Of course your driving through here!" She explained to herself.

"Its fine. Now can you help me find something?"

"Sure what do ya need?" She asked cheerily.

"My favorite black eyeshadow. Its called-"

"NYX3. I know. I think we have some in the isle don't we?" She asked, walking out from behind the counter.

"I don't think so. I looked for it and its not there"

"Well, we deffinetely have some in the back. Let me go get it for you" She said, heading off behind a door labeled 'Employee's only'" A minute later she came back with a small package of my favorite eyeshadow.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled widely.

"No problem" She laughed. I saw Allie standing at the front counter, paying for her things. I walked over to her and got in line.

"So, when do we need to make then next stop?" I giggled.

"Not for a while. I've got enought to last me through the next six months, at least" She countered. "Since I'm the only one on the bus with a monthly problem, I get to keep these under the sink" She said sternly.

"Says who?" I asked defensively. I kept all of my make-up and hair stuff down there.

"Says me. You can keep your things in the mirror cabinet!" She exclaimed.

"But I don't wanna!" I whined. I walked up to the cashier, and payed for my things.

"Well thats to bad, because you don't have to deal with a whole shit-load of blood coming out of your body once a month now do you?" She asked.

"Fine. But if any of my stuff gets broken, your replacing it"



"Yeah! Who said the money had to come from my wallet?" She laughed. We made our way back to the bus, and Allie went straight for the bathroom. I heard her re-arranging my things, so I went to find Tom.

I searched the bus, but I didn't find him. I decided to call him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Where are you?"

"I'm out with Gustav checking out the town!"

"We have to get going!" I told him, then whispered "Plus, I'm really in the mood...if you know what I mean"

"We're already heading back" It was clearly audible that he was smiling. "I'll see you in you bunk in just a few minutes"

"Okay Tommi, I'll see you there" I said seductively.

"Mmm, god you sound horny. You better still be in the mood when I get back"

"Don't worry about that. I'll see you when you get here"

"/Bye Billa"

"Bye Tommi"
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler I know, but I'm writing the next chapter as we speak!
I promise I'll make up for all the ling waits you guys have gone through.
Just wait for the next chapter and you guys'll love it xD

Edit: WHY IS NO ONE COMMENTING? I have evelen subscribers...and NO ONES COMMENTING!