Live every second

Little girls can be so predictable

Allie's POV

Tom has been up since about seven, which is unnatural of him. Hes been scribbling words on a piece of paper ever since his eyes opened, and he keeps strumming his acoustic guitar every once in a while. I was guessing that he was writing the song for Bill.

“Tom, its eleven fifty eight! Get dressed already!” Georg yelled from across the bus. Jost had set up for the conference room to be theirs for a long time. I heard Tom scramble to get dressed, and ran out here.

“Okay, lets go.” He said, out of breath. I could hear the screaming fans outside, and it almost scared me. None of the other members of the band seemed even effected by it. They opened the tour bus's door, and walked casually out the door. When I took the last step off, I stopped, astounded by how many fans were here to greet the band. There were twice as many as I had imagined. When the fans saw me step off the bus, some of them turned to me.

I heard my name called on several occasions. “Hi Allie!” Some of them screamed, while others asked questions about living with Tokio Hotel. I told the guys they could manage without me in the conference, and asked to stay out with the fans. I had never really been famous, and now that a lot of people knew my name, I wanted to see what it was like.

I signed autographs for some people, smiling every time I did, answered a lot of questions, and even took some pictures with people. A lot of the girls were fourteen or fifteen, but there was this one little girl. She couldn't get through to me because she was so small, and was constantly pushed back by the taller, stronger girls.

I couldn't help but be sympathetic, and walk over to her. “Whats your name?” I asked, crouching down to her level. I remind you I was wearing four inch heals with skinny jeans, so it wasn't the easiest task.

“Isabelle” She squeaked out. She was only about ten

“And who are you here to see?”

“Bill. Hes my hero!” She smiled.

“You know, if he was here right now, I'm sure he'd want me to tell you that you are a true princess. You know that?” I told her. She smiled even wider, if that was even possible. “You know what? I think I'm gonna have him talk to you. I'll call him right now.” I took out my phone and dialed Bill's speed dial number. I didn't want observing fans to get his number down.

“Hey Bill?” I said when he picked up. “I have someone special here to talk to you.” I smiled. He sighed, and asked me who it was. “Her name is Isabelle, and she came all the way out to Vienna to see you. Shes in front of the Vienna Square Hotel waiting to see you.”

Well whats so special about her?” He asked, sounding a little miffed.

“Shes ten years old, and she came here by herself.” I explained. “She was pushed to the back of the crowd because shes so much smaller then everyone else. And apparently you're her hero.” I said sternly.

Well, what are you waiting for? Put her on!” I could audibly hear him smiling wide. I handed the phone to Isabelle, and smiled at her.

“Bill?” She asked into the phone. I couldn't hear his response, but I heard the little girl giggle. “Why aren't you here with Tomi? Your always with him!” She questioned. This I had to hear, so I leaned closer.

Well, I'm a little sick right now. I thought it was best not to get you all sick too.” So Jost had talked to him already. They all had their stories straight. “I heard from Allie that you said I was your hero.

“You are! Your pretty, and funny, and smart, and awesome!” She said, breathing in before each 'and'. I laughed, and I'm sure Bill laughed too. I leaned away, letting the girl have some space. “Okay, well, I hope you get better soon! Bye!” She smiled wider then she had the whole time. She hung up the phone and handed it back to me. Once I had it back in my pocket she latched around my neck. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU!THANK YOU!” She screamed.

“Your very welcome.” I laughed. She detached herself from around my neck, and turned to the rest of the crowd “HE BLEW ME A KISS!” She screeched. I stood up, and started walking away. Fans were still asking questions, and giving my things. I collected a ton of phone numbers for Tom, a few love songs and letters to Bill, a book for Gustav, some cards for Georg, and even a new leather jacket for Saki. I laughed at that one, but continued back to the bus. Once I had put things into piles with names, I walked back into the conference room.
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I know I said I wouldn't post this until everyone commented, but SOME PEOPLE, like xXxLost_My_MindxXx actually care about this story. In fact, this chapter, and the next couple are dedicated to her =P
*gives cookie to everyone that commented on the last chapter*