Live every second

Tears shed in the process

Bill's POV

“Tomi, are you alright?” I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows, which was movement to me, so I relaxed a little. “Tom, speak to me.” I walked over to him and sat on the couch. I put one hand on his thigh and with the other turned his face towards me. Moving slowly I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, but that only made him stiffen up. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No.” He mumbled, still not moving.

“Then what happened Tom?”

“I did.”


“I did something wrong.” Tom closed his eyes and hung his head. I again picked up his head in my hand and stroked his cheek.

“Tell me what happened.” I whispered. Tom closed his eyes and sighed.

“I tried to....feelAllieup.” He mumbled the last part, but I could piece it together.

“You what? When?” I asked, standing up.

“The night of the party. I was drunk, I didn't remember anything. I promise it didn't mean anything, and I thought it would be better if you heard it from me.” My eyes stung from the on coming attack of tears but I bit my lip and tried to fight them back. I honestly didn't know what to say, so I just stood in front of Tom, staring a whole in his chest. “I know I was on the last string, so I really hope this doesn't change anything. I'm so sorry.”

“You hope it doesn't change anything? Is that all you have to say for yourself? Because if I have to live through you constantly hitting on girls I can't live with this.” I waved my hand into the air. “I seriously can't believe you! Twice, two times you've done this, and thats all you have to say for yourself?” I scoffed.

“I'm so sorry.” Tom whispered again. I rolled onto the back of my heals and turned out of the room. I let the tears fall slowly from my face, ruining the little amounts of makeup I had put on. I crawled into our room and locked the door. I pealed off Tom's sweatshirt and threw it on the ground next to the closet. I kicked off my shoes and sat in the bed, leaning my back against the wall. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders and cried for as long as I could, and then fell asleep from exhaustion.
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I'm updating twice tonight. I'm not that cruel xD