Live every second


Tom's POV

Yesterday was so stressful. Mom hadn't called yet, but I hadn't expected her too. I woke up before Bill, at about six in the morning. I pulled myself out of bed slowly, as not to wake Bill. Once I succeeded with that, I walked into the kitchen. I put on the coffee pot, and got out the milk and sugar. Once everything was set up for the coffee to be ready, I sat at the kitchen table.

After a while of tapping my fingers on the table, I figured I would just go out and get coffee. Screw waiting for it. I grabbed my cell phone, left a note for Bill telling him where I was going, and left the building. I went down to the cafe down the street. The same one we went to the day we told Georg.

I pulled into a parking space in front of it, and walked in. The waitress looked up from whatever she was reading and stared at me.

"Hey" She said "You're Tom from Tokio Hotel aren't you?" She asked.

"Actually I am. I'm just here to pick up breakfast for me and my brother" I told her. She pulled me over to the first table in the shop, and sat me down. She told me her name was Allie. She was tall, and when I say tall, I mean like 5'10" tall. She had dark brown hair, that was straightened, with the most beautiful blue eyes to match. And for once, she wasn't one of those stick figure girls. She was gorgeous to say the least. But I had Bill.

"Would you mind talking to me for a while? I mean its not everyday you meet your favorite member of your favorite band" She said. Allie blushed after saying that and I laughed.

"No problem. I guess I have a while until Bill wakes up" I said.

"Awesome! So, are you guys writing anything right now?"

"Well we write when it comes to us. We're trying not to push anything"

"Cool. Natural writers huh? Well do you have a girlfriend?" She asked, leaning a little closer to me.

I cleared my throat "Umm well no. Not really. Why do you ask?" I said quickly, leaning away.

"Because since you don't, I can do this!" She jumped into my lap, and kissed me hard on the lips. I tried to pull away, but she had her hands on the back of my neck pulling my closer. I heard the door chime open, and pushed her away.

Oh god. It was Bill. he just stood there staring at us. I slid Allie off my lap, and yelled "Bill! I can explain!" But it was to late. He had seen us.

"Shut it Tom! I don't want to hear it!" He screamed back. Bill stormed out of the cafe, visible tears rushing down his cheeks.

Allie was at a loss. "We promised not to be with anyone, so we could spend more time together"

"Ooh. Okay" She said quietly. I asked her for her phone number, and two coffees. She gave them to me for free, saying this was her fault. I thanked her and left for home.

When I got inside the flat, I listened for any sound of Bill being home. It was silent. I stayed perfectly still for a second, and heard the almost non-existent sound of someone crying. I put my keys down on the table, and walked to his room with the coffees on my hand. he had closed the door, but we both knew there was no lock. I opened the door and placed the coffee on his night stand.

I knelt beside him and explained everything. "Yeah right Tom. You know you loved it. I knew I never should have loved you" He said. That last sentence hurt. How could he say that? I loved him!

"I love you Bill, and you know it"

"No you don't. You're just saying that. Now get out of my room. you have no right to be in here" He spat at me. I was really hurt. I picked up my coffee, and went to my room. Luckily it was across the flat, so I didn't have to feel guilty about Bill crying.

I looked at my cell phone for the time. It was only seven thirty. God. In just an hour and a half, I went from being the luckiest guy in the world, to having nothing. I sat on my bed for a while, just thinking about how I could fix this.

I spent the day trying to tell Bill I wasn't kissing her, that she was kissing me. But my history of being with random groupies wasn't helping me at all. Once it was eight PM I knocked on Bill's door one last time.

"Bill, you haven't eaten anything all day, and I'm worried about you. You need to eat something" I said loudly, so he could hear me through the door.

"BULLSHIT" Bill screamed back at me "You don't care about me at all! You don't even love me!"

"Bill! I love you with every ounce of my human body. I would do anything to comfort you right now, to be close to you, to tell you how sorry I am. You just won't let me" I told him. He was silent for a second, but then the door opened. Bill looked tired, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Do you mean it?" He asked

"Mean what?"

"That you would do anything to be close to me right now"

"Yes I do. Bill I love you. Nothing can change that. If you want to talk to the girl from the cafe I asked for her number"

"I would like that" He said warily. We went to the living room go get the phone, and I gave Bill the number she had given me. While it was ringing he asked me to leave. I didn't want to screw this up again, so I did.

When we was done talking to her he came to get me. I had wondered into the kitchen, making coffee for the two of us.

"She seems nice" He said "She said she was sorry for what she did, and that she didn't know how much the promise meant to me. Apparently we promised not to see anyone for a while huh?"

"Well isn't that what it means when you have a boyfriend? That you made a promise not to go out with anyone else?" I said sarcastically.

"Well I guess so. I invited her over tomorrow. I like her" He told me.

"I think shes going to be nice, now that shes got the fan-girl out of her" I laughed. We talked a little more, and decided to go to bed at about ten. We both decided it would be better if we took it slow, so I went to my room to sleep.

At about two in the morning, I woke up for just a second. I noticed there was someone else in my bed. I turned around to see who it was. Bill was lying next to me, fast asleep. I kissed his forehead and went back to sleep.

I wonder what Allie will be like tomorrow....
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to my friend Allie. I miss her sooo much =P
Comments are love <3