Status: completed

Tell Me It's OK


“I didn’t forget...” Brian murmured , “I can’t forget her birthday”
“Then why didn’t you say something?”
“I don’t know...” he sigh softly , “I was a idiot. Still am but with her in the hospital looking so broken and bruised I-I... I just want to forget the last month.”
“That you can’t do. What you can do – is changing for the better and the only way we’ll get that to happen is if you witness the hurt you’ve caused her.”

“Birthday girl” her three best friends exclaimed. She laughed and embraced them. Quickly locking her car the 4 girls walked inside the mall and immediately started shopping.
“Ooo what did Brian get you for your birthday?” Cathy asked. The only one aware of the problems Bianca has with her husband is Joanna and she promised to never tell anyone except Matt who wanted to punch the living shit out of Brian but refrained when Bianca begged him not to.
Joanna looked at Bianca who struggled with an answer. She didn’t want to lie but she didn’t want to speak the truth either.
“Oh look!” Joanna yelled , “I wanna go do my hair” she grabbed Bianca’s hand after giving Cathy a ‘do not ask’ look and hurried down to the salon.
Cathy , sensing something was up , ignored her previous question. But she was wondering what ever was the matter and was going to ask Leana and Joanna. She knows her husband , Zacky , would have told her if he knew so she counted him out