Status: Active

When It All Falls Down


Katie watched as he turned to go somewhere. A curved door ascended to the ceiling. It was another IRONMAN suit. It was red and gold. The glass ascended as well.

The suit moved and attached itself to Tony. Once he was inside, he turned his attention to her. She waited for his cue. His face mask lifted up. "Ready to go?" he asked.

She gave him a thumbs up. The ceiling opened up. "Put your feet together. Hands out to the side like this." He demonstrated. She giggled because he looked like a penguin.

She was thankful he couldn't hear her. She followed his lead. "J.A.R.V.I.S. a little help in getting started." The suit powered up. She started levitating.

She looked around. "You're fine Kate. I'm right here beside you." She looked over at him, floating beside her. His face mask was in place. He went higher.

She followed. She swayed some but after a bit she got the hang of it. They started off at an easy pace. It was a new experience for her. After a while, Tony started to get ahead.

She hesitated as she tried to figure out what to do. Soon she was gaining on him. She followed wherever he was going. It wasn't long before LAX came into view. She smiled.

She went faster. She flew past him. She figured out it was a race. She circled around and started heading back. Tony unfortunately was having some trouble.

"This is LAX air traffic control tower. You are unauthorized to be flying in this area. Please land and prepare to be taken in." Tony ignored them. "If you don't comply then we will have no choice but to bring you down ourselves."

He panicked a bit. He called Katie. She heard ringing but didn't know what to do. "J.A.R.V.I.S. I wish you were here to help me." "Certainly Miss Rhodes."

Soon Tony was talking a mile a minute. "Tony!!" she managed to squeeze in. "Yes?" he asked. "Slow down and take it from the top." He took a deep breath then repeated what he said.

"Hang on," she said before turning around. She pushed the suit to its limits to get there. She found Tony. There were four jets surrounding him. "You there in the black suit.

Land immediately or be forced down." She stood there looking at them. "I repeat, land immediately or be forced down." "J.A.R.V.I.S. please connect me to the LAX air traffic control tower." "Certainly Miss."

"You have the floor Miss." "Hello boys." Tony looked over at her. "This can go down two ways. Either you let us go free or..." she looked at all four jets. F-22 Raptors. "I take you down. One. By. One."

She waited to see what they would do. She dared to move. One of them moved to block her. "So it's going to be like that? So be it." She surveyed her targets.

She shot upwards. Three of the jets followed her. They started firing at her. She dodged all of the bullets. Wasn't that hard given that she flew for the Navy anyway.

Out of nowhere, she started firing at them. The fourth jet left Tony unattended to join the others. "J.A.R.V.I.S. disconnect me from LAX and connect me to Tony." "Katie what are you doing?! You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Tony I really need you to stay calm. The heat is off of you. So go back home. I'll take care of them." "I'm not leaving you Katie. You can't take of all of them by yourself!"

"Tony, that's not a request! It's an order! Go home!" "I'm not one of your Navy guys Kathryn! I'll stay here if I please!?" She sighed. "J.A.R.V.I.S. do you trust me?" she asked. "That's a rhetorical question isn't it Miss Rhodes.

I do." "Please override Mr. Stark's suit and send him home. If I'm not back in an hour, override my suit and bring me back home." Tony didn't like that. "J.A.R.V.I.S. don't listen to her. I made you you only listen to me."

"Miss Rhodes do be careful. I will see to it that he gets home and doesn't leave until you return." She turned her attention to the jets still chasing. "I will do my best J.A.R.V.I.S." Tony's suit started to head home.

She started firing again at the jets. She hit one in the tail. She fired again near one the right turbine. The pilot ejected out of the jet. She turned away and moved faster. A blue explosion erupted on her left.

She took a nose dive. She rolled over and fired at that jet. That pilot went up in flames with the jet. Two down two to go. She reminded herself to have Tony change the color of her suit when she go home.

A little timer widget told her that she had less than thirty minutes to go before J.A.R.V.I.S. overrode the suit and brought her home. She had to hurry. She needed a plan. And fast. Finally she got one.

She turned to face one. She pushed the suit to it's max and flew towards the jet. She managed to avoid getting hit as it fired at her. She took a nose dive again. Now she had both jets going for her. One was behind while the other was in front of her.

She flew for the other one. It wasn't until she flew up and narrowly missed crashing into the jet, that both jets crashed. Going at its maximum speed, she barely escaped the fiery death. She heard a beeping sound. The timer was almost to zero.

"Crap," she said. She watched as the numbers turned zero. The suit stopped her in midair. Next thing she knew she was heading back to Tony's. She was going to have some explaining to do.