Sequel: OHSHC Storylines

Seven Minutes in Heaven: Ouran High School Host Club

Umehito Nekozawa x Reader

Hunny took the bag from Hikaru and marched around the room, seeking the next player. He managed his way to the back of the room where you sat, trying to stay unnoticed.

“I think I’d like you to go next!” he said cheerfully.

You grimaced. You hated dark places, but Tamaki had insisted you place an item of yours in the bag. Nodding sullenly, you reached your hand inside and drew out a hand puppet. Your eyes widened as you recognized what and who it was. “Ooooooooooh no! I am NOT going in there with HIM!” You tried to stuff the hand puppet back into the bag.

“Belzeneff! There you are!” Nekozawa came rushing over, draped in a full black cloak. He snatched the cat puppet from your hands and placed it on his own. “You naughty boy. Warn me next time you wish to play a game.”

You groaned; why him?! Nekozawa noticed your reluctancy and bowed. “I am deeply sorry. We will take our leave now.”

He turned to leave and ran right into Tamaki who was scowling. “No take backs! You have to go into the closet you two.” He pointed at the door that stood wide open.

You shook your head fervently. “No way! I can’t go in there!”

Nekozawa flailed his hands in front of his face. “Why would I want to go into a small closet, and much less to be alone with a lady. It’s indecent!”

Tamaki only scowled deeper. Grabbing both of your arms, he drug the two of you into the closet and shut the door, the lock clicking. “You two aren’t getting out of there until you get over yourselves.”

This side of Tamaki made you wary. Why were his undies in a bunch? The sudden shock took away the knowledge in your mind that you were in a dark closet, pitch blackness. What made you remember and squeal was that of Nekozawa touching your arm.

“I’m sorry to startle you, but you were spaced out and shaking.” He said this gently, concern in his tone.

It was true, you WERE shaking. “I-I’ll be fine,” you fibbed.

His hand became his arm wrapping itself around your shoulders. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Something about his change of demeanor worried you. He was always so skittish and secretive, but right now he was relaxed and calm. You turned your head towards him. “Why are you so calm?” you asked.

He was taken aback by your question. “I don’t know,” he confessed. “I just…am. It is odd indeed.”

You were scared to your wits end with it being dark, but the shaking that gripped you began to release and you slowly calmed down. He wrapped both his arms around you, hugging you tightly. The warmth of his embrace calmed you even more. Hadn’t you just been against being in here with him? You were overlooking that, focusing on the protectiveness of his arms. The time the two of you had was coming to a close and it made you a little sad that nothing had happened. He felt you squirm as you were thinking this and pulled away enough to look down at you. “Everything alright miss?” he asked.

You blushed; thankfully he couldn’t see your face. “Yes,” you said softly.

His posture stiffened at your words, he realizing what was missing from the game. “I do apologize, but I’m not use to all of this. I’m usually secluded from everyone.”

“No hard feelings,” you replied, removing his arms from around you.

You knew Tamaki would be opening the door any moment so you stood in front of it waiting, turning your back to Nekozawa. You were turned and pushed up against the door a second later, making you jump. Nekozawa stared at you with a look of sorry and leaned in; his lips caressed yours softly, apologetically. He had already told you he was sorry, but he had decided to take it from another approach. That made your heart skip a beat with glee. Leaning in, you kissed him back. That was all you were able to manage before the door was flung open and the two of you toppled over onto one another. Your face and his were bright red from embarrassment. Tamaki stood over you grinning.

“That wasn’t so bad now was it?” His posture and smile said he was willing to stick the two of you back inside.

Though the thought became appealing, you decided not to take the chance. Nekozawa stood and helped you to your feet. “I hope you are not offended for what has transpired; I must be honest to you however, I enjoyed our time.” A sweet smile spread across his face.

The heat in your face increased and you nodded. “I did as well.”

The following smile drew you to wanting to follow after him as he slipped within the closure of his wing of the room. You stood where he had left you for a few moments until Tamaki snapped you out of your daze. “Why not go after him? He’s in there all the time, you don’t have to worry about him leaving.”

You took the advice without hesitation. Running across the room, you flung his door open and went inside. It was dark, of course, but knowing he was there gave you comfort.

A voice came out of nowhere and the words it said made you giggle. “I wondered how long it would take you to follow me."