
c h a p t e r 2 [p a r t 1]

Friday came faster than I would have liked. I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into. Harry was right; of course, I had never been to a party in my life. I had no idea what to expect and asking Stacy for help was completely out of the question. I couldn't ask Niall or Liam because they would no doubt tell Harry. God dammit.

"You sure you're ready for tonight?" came a deep voice from behind me. I didn't bother turning around because I knew exactly who it was. Apparently he didn't like that and reached around me to slam my locker shut.

"You're acting very childish, Ada," Harry stated.

"I'm childish? You don't think harassing me about a damn party isn't childish? Leave me alone, Harry. I don't even know you."

"You're right, you don't," his green eyes grew darker, "and you shouldn't. I'm not a very nice person."

"You make absolutely no sense, Harry, you know that?"

"Is Harry giving you a bad time?" I had never been so happy to see someone in my entire life, even if it was just Louis. "I thought we were "laying off" her, Hazza? I don't think harassing her her first week of school is very nice."

"So it's safe to assume you've come over here just for a spot of tea and a lovely chat with Miss. Ada then?" Harry countered.

Louis winked and stepped closer to me, "Well you know what they say about assuming, Haz. I actually came here to ask Miss. Ada if she had a ride to the party tonight?"

Before I could answer, Harry cut in, "It's your own house, Lou. Obviously you weren't suggesting you would give her a ride."

Louis' cheeks began to turn pink, "Naturally, Harry. I was simply asking to see if I could arrange something for her."

"I've already got that covered. Thanks for your concern," Harry voice was level but the tension between the two was almost unbearable.

"You have?" Louis and I both looked to the boy in front of us with questioning looks.

"Yes, I will drive you," Harry answered me, completely ignoring Louis. "I'll pick you up at 8."

"You don't even know where I live and who said I even wanted you to take me?" I followed him down the hall, leaving Louis fuming at my locker.

"Who else is going to take you, Ada?"

"I don't know-"

"Exactly. I'm taking Niall as well so don't go thinking you're special or anything, I'm just trying to be practical."

"I never said-"

"And Zayn has become very good friends with your sister it seems," he smirked "I'm sure she will tell him where you guys live, considering he's taking her to the party."

"Wait, my sister is going too? There is no way-"

Harry stopped walking, causing me to crashing into his chest, "Look, sweetheart, you're coming and that's final." When I tried to object, he kept talking, "What else are you gonna do on a Saturday night? Read a book? Do your homework? Whatever it is you had planned, it can't be better than going to a party, with me."

"I can think of lots of things I'd rather be doing than hanging out with you."

Harry's eyes narrowed and he leaned close to my face, "Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I'm doing you a favor. Now shut your trap and revel in the fact that I'm even speaking to you because there are many things I'd rather be doing right now."

I couldn't stop myself from asking what those things he'd rather be doing where and that damn smirk on his face told me exactly what he meant and I wanted nothing more than for him to do those things right here in the hallway.


I was unpleasantly surprised to see Harry amble into my pre-calculus class that morning. He stopped briefly to get scolded by the teacher and sat down in the seat in front of me. I knew this class was going to be hard to get through after I noticed his shoulder muscles stretching through his thin t-shirt. I was in the middle of imagining how good he'd look from the front when someone tapped his or her pencil on my desk.

My eyes met a pair of unfamiliar blue ones. The boy had wavy hair and a weird smirk on his face like he knew something I didn't. "You're new here, right?"


"So I would assume you don't have the answers to the homework from last week, right?" his smile was friendly.

"You'd be correct in assuming that. I probably wouldn't have it anyways- I'm not really good at math."

"You call this math?" the boy scoffed, "It's like a foreign language and I'm bad enough in that subject."

I laughed, "Well that makes two of us. I got a C in Spanish."

"I don't think I even finished taking the class," he smiled and then I smiled and we laughed. "So you hear about the party this weekend?"

"Yeah, it's at Louis'. We're sort of friends, I think," I scrunched my nose.

"Yeah I'm in the same boat. You have a date?"

"Date?" my brow rose, "Do people normally bring dates to parties?"

He shrugged, "If you agreed, I would be happy to make that a trend."

Before I could answer him, Harry turned around, "Cinnamon, right?"

"Actually, it's Sonam," my new friend frowned.

"Sure, Cinnamon," Harry rolled his eyes, "Shelly is waiting for you in the hallway."

"Why would she be-"

"Like I fucking know. Now go; it's rude to keep a woman waiting."

Sonam shook his head and headed for the door. Something about the smug look on Harry's face made me think he was lying but I knew he'd never tell me.

"So his name is Sonam?

Harry's smug expression vanished and he turned back around, "Yeah pretty stupid name if you ask me."

"I don't know, I kind of like it," I smirked at the way Harry's shoulders viably tensed and I was suddenly more excited for tonight than I thought I'd be.
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Hope you guys like this! Someone tell me what you think, yeah? Thank for reading.