
Virtues are like horseshoes

On the way home, I kept thinking about the sermon and tried to have some personal meaning with it. He'd said that the main message was that the good in you is what GOD looks to with a smile and the evil is what he challenges you to abolish. I had a lot of questions, though I'd never dare voice them to my family or members of the church, about GOD and Heaven and Lucifer. It just didn't make sense how one being could be and yet not be, have created and destroyed so much, and also be looked at as either the most holy or the most stained.
The guy I like at school says that there's things they don't teach in the churches. Two of his stories, both of which are my favorites, just seem to amazingly true and awesome.
  • Eve was not the first woman. She was the second, in fact. Lilith was the woman before her, also created from Adam's rib. However, she was cast aside because she refused to be his subservient and demanded to be his equal (as it honestly should be, in my opinion).
  • The Vatican is the reason we still have churches. They did not approve of the notion of true worship being in any way other than a congrigation within a Holy House of GOD. They even turned a blind eye to some supposed words from Jesus himself. "Pick up a stone and find me. Take a branch and feel me. Listen to the wind and hear me."
Thinking on all of the gaps, and what he's told me, I just don't see how it makes any sense to base one's life on a religious basis that gives little to no results and has been a cause of so many wars.
It doesn't seem to add up.

"Fera, what did you think about the sermon this morning?" my father asked, pulling into the drive way. He asked in place of my mother, who would've said something more along the lines of So, did the word of GOD help shake the evil from you? or something like that. She really hated that I existed while being so...different.
"It was okay. I'm just happy mom didn't stand up and say her happy place is a world without a Devil Child again" I said, looking out my window. It wasn't that I didn't like mom or what she had to say, I just wish she could put things in a less harmful way.
"Fera, you just aren't normal. That's all. After all, dumpster babies happen all the time. I bet mom and dad just couldn't pass you up" Carmen jabbed. She always called me a dumpster baby when I was feeling down about myself. She's one of those Kick 'em while their down type girls.
"Then I can't imagine why they kept you. Or was it to save the parents that you kept trying to stab in the back all the time?" I snapped back. Carmen was such a bitch to me all the time. Maybe it was because she fancied feeling superior. I can't imagine it was that bad for her when she was the baby that she had to be so hateful when I was born.
While mom and dad and Carmen argued on and on about how she shouldn't have said what she said and yet again of how I'm just a devil spawn, I just kept staring out the window. I noted the clouds the whole way home and smiled when I saw flashes in the far distance. "Rain's coming I whispered to myself.

As soon as we got home, I ran to my room and plopped on my bed. It was one of the few places nobody in my family went, no matter what. Why? Because, I kept about a dozen Tiger Rattle Snakes (Crotalus tigris) in my room, as well as two Great Lake Green Vipers (Atheris nitschei), and a Spiny Bush Viper in my room at all times. The windows were never opened and the door is air tight. All of the vents have a mesh lining, about four inches thick, to ensure that the snakes couldn't escape if they were allowed out of their little habitats. I had names for each.
  • Yuna
  • Luna
  • Runa
  • Ari
  • Marry
  • Tina
  • Tony
  • Terry
  • Jerry
  • Jake
  • Lane
  • Luke
  • Quin
  • Deran
  • Apep
The reason why I named my Spiny Bush Viper after the Egyptian God Apep, brother of Ra (God of the Sun and Radiance) and son of Neith (Goddess of War, Hunting, Wisdom, and Weaving) was because Apep was viewed as an evil God who avoided the light. Spiny Bush Vipers are nocturnal and was also rather venomous. So, I figured it was a nice tribute name. Apep was also the same type of snake that gave birth to my deformities. Without his kind, I would just be as painfully annoyingly average and dull like my family...