We Should Be Friends

Escape from the terror. Death.

It was time to get dressed. I wandered around the room, taking in the light as I stood. I felt quite strong as I reached where the nurse was waiting for me.
"Well done sweety" The nurse took my towel and I stood naked. I tried to focus on her face but something was obstructing it. It was turning black before me. I began to shake as the demon before me came out.

"Well arnt you a pretty little thing?" The voice was sadistic as the nurses once normal face turned into an evil snarl.
"Get away from me!!! NOW!!! I screamed and struck the zombie nurse infront of me. She fell to the ground but was soon away towards the help button leaving the demon on the ground. I made a dash for the bathroom door. Getting inside the smaller room, I wedged the back of the chair that the nurse had been sitting on earlier under the handle. Looking through the checkered glass square window, i could hear the nurse shouting for help. She rushed frantically as the demon laided on the floor where she had fell. I looked at it. Its whole body covered in black tarnished skin, as if it had been burnt alive. it was not moving. Was it dead?
Focusing back into the wider room I saw Gerard dash across the room. I stood naked, facing him.

"Luan, open this door! now. Darling come on open this door" Gerard tapped on the glass, his eyes in straight contact with mine.
"I love you Gerard"
"No baby, no! dont you dare say goodbye, Luan OPEN this door!!!!" He began to hammer on the glass paine with his fist. His face filled with horror, his hair in movement with each bang, strands covered his forhead and eyes. I looked back at the black body lying on the ground. It reared its ugly head and smiled at me, Its fang like teeth glissening. "Time to sssssay, goooodbyeee!!" It hissed as it picked its self up. Moving towards the door it crept upto Gerard, pulling a knife from its back. I brung my hands up over my mouth. He was gunna kill Gerard. It grabbed Gerard and slit his throat before my eyes.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I saw Gerard fall to the floor, blood gushing from his arteries. I covered my eyes, as I screamed his name.

"LUAN!!!!!" Gerards voice still echoed around me. Stepping backwards I opened my eyes. Gerard was still stood behind the door. Banging with all his might. Then a black dust came from under the door. It was in.

"GERARD!!!" I screamed as the demon took me by the face and pushed me backwards. Gerard watched on as he saw my body stiffen, my eyes roll back into my skull and my limbs tremble. I was having another terror seizure. The image of the black body flashed infront of me as I fell backwards into the bath, the water hadnt been drained.
Gerard grabbed the nearest object, a fire extinguisher, and proceeded to smash the glass in the door. The security glass took three hits to smash to reveal a plastic layer.

"FUCK! LUAN! LUAN!!!!!!!" Gerard smash at the door as he saw my body fall into the water, clutching at my neck, i was holding myself under the water. I was drowning.

Finally getting the plastic away after another 3 or 4 hits, Gerard, broke through the door. He bashed his way through, the chair losing a leg in the posess. My body twitched as the water filled my lungs. My vision blurred, as I lost all life. My legs swung from the comotion.

Gerard jumped to where I was, one leg in the bath, he scooped me out of the water. But it was to late.

I stood and watched as my lover broke down, dragging my dead body from the water. I stood and watched as he pulled my body away. My skin was grey as I was naked, my hair dripping wet. I stood a spirit.

Gerard lifted me down to the floor, one arm around my shoulder the other touching my face. He laid me down flat, and tried to get me to wake.

"Please, please, please, come on ,come on, come on" He banged his fist against the floor in pain.
"Luan, please! nooooo! DONT LEAVE ME LUAN "

He picked me up again and pulled me tight into his body, his jeans drenched. Laying me down again he rocked backwards and forwards as his heart burst with distruction. A male nurse appeared in the door way.

"Dont fucking touch her, dont you touch her!!!!" Gerard guarded my body as he scooped me up again. Water drained from my mouth.

"I love you Luan, im so sorry, I love you. I love you. I love you."