We Will Bring the Tidal Wave


Jaime's Point of View

Mike pulled up to my house and I was starting to feel pretty nervous. I knew that the guys would like her because not only was she a great cook and easy on the eyes but she was an aboslute sweetheart.

"Why did you finally decide to let us meet Marisol?" Vic said as I grabbed my bags out of the car. I turned and smiled at him.

"Mari would kill me if I didn't bring you guys over. She figures its been long enough." I said laughing.

"We will see if she is as great as you say she is." Mike laughed as Tony pulled up to the sidewalk. He got out and came over to us. He had been really different since Erin had broken up with him. He doesn't talk as much as he used to and when he does talk, he stutters and mumbles.

Marisol's Point of View

I stood behind the stove at the house that I shared with Jaime as I waited for him to get home from tour. I was making him his usual welcome home dinner the only difference was that he asked the guys to join. Even though we had been best friends for 20 years now, I had yet to meet his band mates. I had constantly bugged him about meeting them but he was never ready to share me.

He was really protective of me and I could never figure out why he wanted to keep me to himself. It was not like we were dating or anything. Maybe it was because I was just like a sister to him but whatever it was, I knew that the guys would want to come over more.

"Honey, I'm home!" Jaime laughed as he called through the house. He would say that after every tour and it never ceased to make me smile. "Damn. Something smells real good."

"I'm in the kitchen, Jaime." I called. The sounds of feet rushing towards the kitchen made me smile. I turned from the stove as I stirred the refried beans before serving up the plates. I set down the hot pan on the counter and turned my attention to Jaime as he stood in the doorway with his band mates. I wiped my hands on my apron and smiled at him.

"Bonita." Jaime said as he pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you, Mari." Jaime looked at me once he had pulled away from me. I handed him a plate with a smile. "Thank you, Marisol."

"You are welcome, Jaime. Here you boys go." I smiled at them as Tony stayed at the doorway. "I made something vegetarian for you."

"H-how'd you know?" Tony stuttered. I smiled at him happily as Jaime laughed. I watched Tony take the plate and mutter a soft thank you before walking to the table and sitting next to Vic.

"Dude, I told you that I live with our biggest fan." Jaime laughed. I grabbed them all a beer with a smile on my face.

"If you don't marry her, I will." Mike said as he stuffed some of the enchilada in his mouth. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as the pink spread to my face. "This is so good."

"I would introduce them all but you already know them. So guys this is Marisol." Jaime smiled at me happily as if I was something that he cherished but maybe I was. The boys said a form of hello as they filled their mouths with food.

"Are you going to eat with us?" Vic asked me. I nodded and handed Tony his plate before grabbing one for myself. I listened to the guys talk about the tour and when they would start working in the studio that Jaime had in the extra bedroom. I sat down at the last seat that was at the end of the table and smiled at the guys.

"How has things been here?" Jaime asked me. I smiled at him sweetly.

"Really good actually." I chuckled. "I finally mustered up the strength to break up with Micah."

"Gracias a Dios!" Jaime said throwing his hands above his head. "He was not good for you." I nodded in agreement hoping that the guys woulf not ask.

"What was uh wrong with him?" Tony said causing Jaime to look at him quickly. He opened his mouth to lecture him but I placed my hand on his forearm that was now on the table. He looked up at me and his eyes softened.

"He was just a bad guy. Nothing to worry about." Jaime scoffed. "Anymore."

"I hope not." Jaime mumbled before eating. I shook my head and looked at the guys happily. I was happy that Jaime was home now. It meant that I did not have to be alone anymore. Ever since I had moved in with Jaime, I did not have a job because Jaime offered to help me out until as he said, "pawn me off to someone else." He would say this to mean whenever I would bring up that I wanted to get a job but he was a stubborn guy plus he knew about my health issues.

"I think I'm going to marry her." Vic laughed. I watched Jaime narrow his eyes at Vic. "I'm totally kidding man. But I see why you always come back from being on break and you are chubby."

"Do I really make him chubby?" I asked quickly. The three boys nodded as Jaime pouted. "Jeesh. I'm sorry, Jaime. Maybe I should stop making you such amazing food."

"Hell no. I woudl rather be fat than miss out on your food." Jaime said as he got up to get more. I shook my head and laughed as I pushed the sleeves of my shirt up.

"You guys can get more. I'll give you leftovers to take home, too. I made more than enough." I said Jaime sat back down as the guys looked at me. I gave them a questioning look.

"H-how many tattoos do you have?" Tony asked me. I thought it was cute that he stuttered. I made a mental note to ask Jaime about that later.

"I honestly lost count." I looked over at Jaime. "Do you know?"

"No. You get random stuff all the time." Jaime laughed as he smiled at me in adoration. He was always like this with me. We would flirt but we both knew it was harmless. He had his girlfriend Jessica but I was just over the five year mark.

It was hard to find a decent guy in the San Diego bar scene. They always wanted to just have a sex and mess around but that wasn't me. I was reaching the tender age of 28 and I was looking for someone to try and settle down with. I would also joke with Jaime and tell him that if I wasn't married by the time that I was almost 40 and if he was not married that I would marry him or invest in one of those cute little cat coffe shops in Japan

"They look nice on you though." Vic samiled causing Mike and Tony to nod.

"Just wait till you see the rest of them." Jaime winked at me. I felt my cheeks grow red again. I knew he would bring it up. Jaime had seen me naked once but that was only because he walked in to my bathroom when I had gotten out of the shower. It was real awkward at the house for a few weeks.

"Not happening." I shook my head. Mike and Vic gave me questioning looks as Jaime laughed. I noticed that Tony was no longer at the table.

"Why not?" Mike asked. I flipped off Jaime before looking over at Mike.

"The tattoos he is refering to are on my hips and thighs." I said quickly. "The only people that see them are people that I have slept with." The Fuentes brothers nearly choked at my words as Tony dropped a spoon.

"You and Ja-Jaime slept together?" Vic coughed. I shook my head frantically as Jaime was laughing so hard that his face was turning red and he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"No! He walked in on me showering." I said covering my face with my hands. I was mentally kicking myself for not having a filter on myself because I knew that it would get my in trouble.

"She wishes I would sleep with her." Jaime joked. I rolled my eyes and looked at me with an eyebrow lifted.

"No, Jaime. You wish I would sleep with you." I said slowly and seductively. Mike, Vic and Jaime looked at me with wide eyes and Tony stopped midair as he was sitting down. I laughed at their shocked faces. You could tell by the expressions on their faces that they had not heard a girl talk so sexily for many months.

The sound of a phone broke the silence as we sat there, the guys exchanging wide eyed glances. I laughed asVic jumped up and answered the phone. He checked the caller ID and the biggest smile appeared on his face.

"It's Danielle." Vic smiled bring the phone to his hear. "Hello my love."

"That is adorable." I smiled after him longingly. "How's Jess?"

"Good. She is coming over tomorrow." Jaime grinned at the thought of his girlfriend. I sat back in my chair and smiled at him.

"Good. I miss her." I said causing Jaime's smile to grow wider than I thought was possible. "Do you guys have a special lady in your lives?"

"Yes." Mike smiled. "I'll bring her over sometime."

"I'd like that. You too, Vic." I said as Vic entered the room after he got off the phone.

"Maybe we can have a BBQ tomorrow." Vic suggested as he took his seat at the table. I nodded at him as I looked over at Tony.

"Is there a lady in your life?" I asked Tony. He looked up at me and I noticed the pain his eyes and I immediately regretted even asking him. He shook his head before putting his head down to eat. I looked at Jaime with worried eyes and he gave me a small smile that meant we would talk about it later.

"What do you have planned for tomorrow?" Jaime asked me. I smiled at him happily but not forgetting about Tony.

"Now that you are home we can watch that documentary you wanted to watch on Star Wars. I almost watched it without you." Jaime's eyes went wide as he gasped.

"Did you watch it?" Jaime asked quickly. I shook my head with a laugh. "Good. Are you still going to get your tattoo?"

"Yes. I made an appointment this morning for tomorrow afternoon. Are you going to be able to go with me?"

"What time?" Jaime asked me giving me a look that meant most likely not.

"2." I said. He shook his head. "Damn. I guess I'll with going alone, again."

"Are you sure? I can cancel." Jaime said. I shook my head.

"I am a big girl." I laughed.

"What does the tattoo have to do with Star Wars?" Tony asked. He was a big fan of Star Wars just like me. I got up from where I was sitting and grabbed my sketchbook. I flipped to the page as Jaime smiled at me. I set the open sketchbook on the table to show a sugar candy skull Princess Leia and Han Solo . "Did you draw this?"

"Yes." I smiled. "I'm getting Leia on my right and Han on left and have their hands reaching for each other."

"What is the story to that?" Mike asked me. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"That my Han Solo is still out there."

Tony's Point of View

I smiled at Marisol as she cleared the table after telling us to go and watch some TV or play video games. She had really caught my attention when she talked about her Star Wars tattoo. As the guys left the kitchen, I just sat and watched her as she hurried around the kitchen to clean.

"Do you n-need any help?" I called out to her. She shook her head withouy looking at me. I walked over to the counter and leaned against. "Do you need c-company tomorrow?" She stopped and looked over at me with a smile.

"Yeah. That would be really nice of you." She said before looking to the counter sadly. "Jaime is usually busy with Jess so lately I've been doing most things alone."

"I know how that is. The guys are all in relationships and I'm just h-here." I told her as I sat in the stool and watched as she dished out three containers of food for the guys that had to go home in a bit.

"It sucks. Jaime is literally the only person I have. When my dad left, his family ignored my existence and my mom does the same because she blames me for his leaving." She scoffed. "She was having a little too much fun with the pool guy."

"Why does she b-blame you?" I asked her in utter confusion.

"I told my dad." Tony looked at me with wide eyes.

"W-wow. I'm sorry." She shrugged and smiled at me.

"I was 12 at the time. If it wasn't for Jaime and his family, I would have been taken off to foster care." She said smiling over at Jaime who was too busy playing video games.

"D-do-o you love him?" I hestitantly asked her. She snapped her head in my direction. "As more than a friend?"

"No. He is like my brother. Like I said, my Han Solo is out waiting for me. He is probably on another galazy far, far away but I'll find him." I chuckled at her Star Wars reference. "Why don't you go and join the guys, I'll be in there in a minute."

"I like talking to you." I said as my cheeks went warm. "You are easy to talk to."

"Thank you, Tony. I really appreciate that." She smiled as she walked over to me. "You are easy to talk to, as well."

"Tony, your up." Mike yelled from the living room. I heaved a sigh as Marisol walked away from me and continued to clean up the kitchen. I walked into the living and played Mario Kart against Jaime since he was the champion.

"Mari, it's your turn." Jaime called. Mari came in with a smile and it was then that I truly noticed how beautiful she was.
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