We Will Bring the Tidal Wave


Jaime's Point of View

As soon as Mari's car got into the intersection, a truck ran a red light and smashed into the side of her car. I looked at Tony with wide eyes.

"Guys!" Tony and I yelled running down the street. I could hear Vic and Mike telling the girls to get two cars ready and to call the police. I ran so fast that I thought I would not stop. As we got to Marisol's car, I noticed there was a lot of blood all over her and the car.

"I'm sorry.' The driver of the truck slurred. I glared at him before going back to Marisol. Her head was leaning against the steering wheel and her right hand was on the center console. I tried to open the driver door but it was wedged shut. I noticed her pinkie on her left hand stuck between the door and the steering wheel right at the knuckle. I reached into the broken window and used the button on the steering wheel to lower it to get her and out of the place where it was stuck.

Her hand dropped free as I slowly lowered the steering wheel. Tony went to the passenger side and opened the door. I unbuckled her as Mike climbed into the backseat to help Tony get her out. I could hear the sirens approaching as the girls appeared in Vic's SUV.

"Is she okay?" Jess asked. I rushed around to Marisol and kneeled next to her unconscious body. I placed my ear to her chest and listened for her heart beat.

"She has a slow heart beat." I said as the ambulance pulled up to the intertsection. They jumped out and helped Marisol.

"We need to transport her to San Diego Regional." The third paramedic said as he kneeled with me. "Who knows her the best?"

"I do." I choked out.

"The rest of you follow us in your car." He nodded to the group as they put Marisol on the scretcher.

"I'm going to stay here to talk to the police." Tony said. "Since we saw it." I nodded and looked at Tony. His eyes were red and he was shaking.

"I'll see you guys at the hospital." I said climbing into the ambulance. Vic and Mike got into the SUV and drove behind us. I was asked all the important info about Marisol and her medical history. I told them about her eating the brownie and punching the wall. He warned me not to tell the police that I knew about the weed.

When we got to the hospital, I was not allowed to go into the back with her. I was forced to stay in the waiting room. I held my head in my hands as Jess rubbed my back. I watched as Tony came in and sat against the wall rocking back and forth. Mike had Aly, Vic had Dani and I had Jess. I immediately felt bad for Tony. He had one person and she was behind those metal doors on a bed, alive or dead.

Marisol's Point of View

The annoying beeping was the first thing I heard but it was soon followed by the annoying cold. First I was glad to know that I was at the hosptial but my movement was very constricted. I moved my legs but stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital room and not an emergency room.

"Mierda, mierda, mierda (shit, shit, shit)." I said closing my eyes trying to remember what had happened. I got into an argument with Jaime, punched the door and broke my right hand. I opened my eyes and noticed my right hand was in a cast but my left hand was also wrapped up. I shut my eyes and tried to remember. I was driving and then a bright light. I opened my eyes wide. "My car!" I said loudly. I grabbed the nurse call button and pressed it repeatedly as the beeping began to increase.

"Code blue in room 116." Someone said over the overhead. I could feel myself start to panic as I set down the nurse call button. I tried to calm myself down but the pain in my hands and chest were unbearable.

Vic's Point of View

"Can we at least know what room she is in?" Jaime frantically asked the lady at the front desk. She looked at her computer and then looked up at Jaime.

"116." She said. Jaime nodded and sat back down. Tony had stopped rocking and was staring at the ground. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"She will be okay." Aly told us all. We looked at her with tired eyes and she sunk back into her chair and rubbed Mike's back. We were all pretty upset because this could have been prevented.

"Code blue in room 116." Someone said over the overhead. We all looked at each other with wide eyes. A few nurses rushed down the hall as Jaime stood up.

"Sir, if you go back there. I will contact police and have you arrested." Jaime stopped in his tracks and went back to Jess.

"This is bullshit." He muttered. Jess whispered sweet nothings into his ear trying to calm him down. He nodded a few times but other than that he was silent.

"Family of Marisol Delacruz?" A man in a white lab coat said coming towards us. Mike, Tony, Jaime and I jumped up.

"How is she?"

"Is she okay?"

"What's happening?"

"Can we see her?"

"She is fine. Pretty sore. She just woke up and panicked so we had to calm her down. I can allow your group to see her but she is probably on pain medication. She has a broken right wrist. The pinkie on her left hand is smashed but we fixed that up by putting two small metal pins in the knuckle. That will take the longest to heal but luckily she won't need physical therapy for it. She has a few minor cuts and brusies. She can leave in an hour." The doctor said. Jaime thanked him and ran down the hall with Tony hot on his heels.

When we got to the room, Jaime and Tony stood at the door watching her through the window. I walked up to them and noticed she was staring at the metal contraption that was holding her pinkie still for it to heal. She furrowed her brows at it and set her hand down. She leaned her head back to look up at the IV drip that was hanging next to her bed.

"She is like a child." Mike said causing a small laugh to shake through us. "She is like, 'What's this?'"

"She is probably higher than a kite right now." Aly said. As she said that Marisol yawned and lifted her right hand that was in a cast. She tried to move her fingers but winced and set it back down.

"Let's go in." Jess said. Jaime opened the door and Marisol slowly looked at us.

"I was in a car crash, dude." She said scrunching up her nose. She held up her left hand and attempted to point at it with her right hand. "And look, I'm one step closer to being a robot." Jaime laughed at the inside joke that they shared.

"One bolt at a time." Jaime said sitting next to her bed. "How are you?" She looked up at the IV drip with a hazed smile.

"They said that since my pinkie is smashed, I'll be in a ton of pain so they have me on this awesome pain medicine that just drips into my body and melts away the pain." She said blinking slowly. "Doctor's words. Have you met the doctor?"

"Briefly." I said looked at her. She gave me a lopsided grin.

"He's cool." She said as a nurse came in. "This lady is cool, too."

"Thank you, Marisol. I brought you a coke." The nurse said setting the coke on the table that hung over her legs. Marisol smiled. "Ohh, I almost forgot. Here is the candy bar you asked for."

"Thank you. I asked her for a coke and candy bar while they were setting up the medicine bad boy above my head." Marisol said as the nurse left the room.

"Are you in pain?" Dani asked her. Marisol patted the bed and the girls sat near her feet. Mike and I pulled the arm chair over and let Tony sit down in the chair while we sat on the arms.

"At the moment, no." Marisol said licking her lips. "Does anyone have chapstick? My lips feel like a desert."

"Here you go." I said giving her my chapstick. She fumbled with the getting the lid off before Jaime grabbed it and opened it up.

"Pucker." Jaime said. She did as she was told and Jaime put the chapstick on her.

"I'm sorry, Jaime." Marisol said as Jaime handed my chapstick back to me. Jaime grabbed her left hand carefully.

"Sh. It's okay, Mari.I should be the one that is saying sorry." Jaime said. Marisol shook her head but stopped and raised her shoulders up to her neck.

"What's wrong with your neck?" Aly asked her.

"Whiplash, I guess." Marisol's eyes went wide. "Is the other driver okay?" All eyes went to Tony who was the only one who stayed behind.

"He was arrested for drunk driving." Tony said softly. Marisol burst into tears and we just stared at her in shock. Jaime wrapped his arms around her and whispered to her something that made her calm down.

"She lost her aunt to a drunk driver when we were younger." Jaime told us. "Same type of crash but..."

"It was one of those 18 wheelers." Marisol said slowly. Her eyes went wide. "What about my car?"

"It was totaled." Tony said sitting back in the chair so that Mike was blocking him. "T-the officer said that it w-was totaled becused t-the airbag d-deplo-oyed."

"Not my car." She said sadly. "Oh well. Doctor doesn't want me to drive until my pinkie and wrist heal up." She handed Jaime her coke and he opened it for her. "Jaime, I have a question."

"What's up, Mari?" Jaime said as he looked at her much like someone would look at their younger sister.

"Are you mad at me for earlier?" Marisol asked. "Or Tony?" Tony perked up and looked at Jaime. Jaime only looked at Jaime.

"No." Jaime said not breaking eye contact with her. "Guys, can you give us some privacy?" We all stood up to leave. "Tony, you stay too."

"We will be signing you out." I told them.

Tony's Point of View

I watched the guys leave the room leaving my to sit in silence with Marisol and Jaime. Jaime had his hand on the side of Marisol's bed near her leg. She was looking up at the IV bag again as it dripped into the cord that led to her hand.

"I need to know." Jaime started. "What is between you two." Marisol stayed silent as she looked away from the IV bag and to the needle stuck in her arm. "Marisol, pay attention please. I need to know what is there between the two of you."

"Jaime, I have only known him for a few days but you know that I have always had a soft side for Tony. No, I'm not going to jump into a relationship with him. I may know him but what does he know about me?" She said looking at Jaime as she spoke. She looked almost confused at her words as she spoke.

"Tony what about you?" Jaime asked me. He looked at me while Marisol continued to look at Jaime. I felt like she was disgusted with me.

"I want to get to know her. I know that sleeping with her wasn't the correct way to do that but now I am going to take my time to get to know her. Jaime, this is the first time in months that I have been happy. And it's because of her." I said looking at Marisol. She turned her attention to me and smiled. I returned the smile before looking at Jaime. His face softened before smiling at me.

"That sounds like a good idea." Jaime said as Vic came into the room.

"Well we can take Marisol home. The girls went to go and get clothes for Mari and another car." Vic said looking at Mari before leaving. "The nurse wants you to get up and use the restroom." Marisol groaned causing Jaime to look over at her.

"What?" Jaime asked her. She kicked the blankets off her leg and revleaed that her left leg was bruised from her hip down to her ankle. "Are you sure you don't hurt?"

"Jaime, you will be the first to know that I hurt." Marisol said as she made her way to the bathroom slightly limping. She shut the door and I was left in the room with Jaime.

"I'm sorry." I told him quickly. Jaime glanced at me with a small smile.

"I know."