We Will Bring the Tidal Wave


Marisol's Point of View

I laid in bed with Tony as we tried to nap. Tony had fallen asleep a while ago and I was left just staring at the ceiling and left to think about everything. It had been a little over a week since Tony and I had started dating. It was nice but I found it kind of sad that we had yet to go on a first date since I haven't been able to wear any that would match my cast and metal finger brace thing on my pinkie. I hated that I was always in this house. I went outside to get the mail once and Jaime freaked out on me thinking I was leaving.

I chuckled to myself as I looked over at the sleeping Tony. His lips were slightly parted as soft snores left him. His hair was much like a jungle, it was fanned out on his pillow and in his face. I gently brushed his hair out of his face and smiled at him. He looked so peaceful which was nice because he had been nothing but worried about me since the car accident, they all have.

I stared up at the ceiling and listened to the fan swirl above us. Today was probably one of the hottest days in San Diego and I was glad that I was stuck inside for once. I did not want to be outside in the heat where I knew that I would be uncomfortable. I could Jaime and the guys downstairs talking, the sound of their voices got closer and then stopped as a door closed telling me that they were in the studio which was soundproof.

"I said I'd never let you go and I never did.

I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it." My phone sang from Tony's side of my bed. I cringed as Tony reached over to grab it. He tried to look at the phone through squinted eyes before he groaned. I grabbed it from him and turned it on silent. I set in on the table next to me and curled into his side.

"Why're you awake?" He said groggily. I kissed his shoulder.

"I have no idea. I was tired until we climbed into bed." I said softly trying to make sure he stayed asleep so he could continue my nap.

"I'll get up so you aren't alone." Tony said rubbing his eyes. I stopped him and he turned his head towards me, not opening his eyes.

"I'll take a nap. I'm actually tired now." I yawned. I turned on some soft music and cuddled up to his side. I rested my casted arm on his stomach so that I could lay against him in comfort. I listened to Tony breath until his breaths turned into soft snores. I smiled before cuddling into his side and falling into a peaceful calm sleep.

I woke up some time later to the sound of arguing. I opened my eyes to find Tony was now fully dressed with his beanie on his head. Th noise downstairs stopped and I shut my eyes again to let sleep consume me.

Some time passed before the arguing got louder. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was alone. I sat up in the bed and pulled my shirt down that was exposing my stomach. I tamed my hair a little before walking over to the door. I could barely make out what they people were arguing about.

"I want to see her." I froze at the sound of his voice. It had been one that I had forgotten because I had not heard it in years. I grabbed my phone and called the 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked. I cleared my throat.

"My roommate and boyfriend are arguing with an unwanted person in my home." I said quickly.

"Is he a threat?" He asked as the yelling got louder followed by something glass breaking. "I'll take that as a yes. Are you out of view?"

"Yes. I'm in my room right now." I told her.

"Stay in there until we have detained the man. What does your boyfriend and roommate look like?" She asked me. I told them what they looked like and I could hear her telling the officers. "Officers have just arrived."

"I can hear. Thank you." I said hanging up. I squeezed my hand tight and left my room to see four officers standing in the entry way with Jaime, Tony and my father Indalecio. Indalecio looked up at me and his eyes shot daggers at me.

"Are you the one who called?" He hissed at me. I nodded. "Fucking bitch." He screamed trying to break out of the grasp of the two officers. They dragged him to the patrol vehicles and put him in the back. I walked down the stairs and stood next to Tony.

"Hello I'm Officer Carlson." The older officer smiled at us. I shook as Tony put his arm over my shoulders.

"Marisol." I said softly as Jaime started to rub my back.

"Is there any particular reason you called other than him being an unwanted guest?" The officer asked me. I nodded as Jaime urged me to go.

"That's my father. He use to... beat me." I said. I felt Tony tense up next to me.

"What is his name and date of birth?" He asked me. I gave him that info and he gave it to who ever was on the other side of his radio. He continued to ask us questions until he got a response from the person. "Well you won't be seeing him again."

"Why?" Jaime asked.

"He has a warrant for his imprisonment. He killed a Sunita Delacruz-Jimenez and Jeffery Jimenez in the area." The officer said. I looked at him. "Do you know either of them?"

"Sunita was my mother. But I haven't seen her in over 15 years. I had no idea she still lived in the area." I said softly. I had no reason to cry. She was no one to me anymore. She was just the woman who gave birth to me. "I don't know who Jeffrey is."

"Well you have a sister named Angelica. Your mother left custody to you." The officer said. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"How old is she?" Tony asked. Jaime was also in shock over this information that we were just given.

"She is going on 15." The officer said. "She is at the station right now. She came in with evidence of what Indalecio had done."

"Mari..." Jaime said looking at me. I turned to the officer and looked at him.

"When can I get her?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Tony sleeping