We Will Bring the Tidal Wave


Marisol's Point of View

The doorbell rang a few times as I got ready in my room that was next to Roe's new room. I could hear her listening to Sleeping With Sirens as she unpacked her stuff. I smiled to myself as I thought about the first time that I had met Kellin and they guys. They were visiting from Oregon and had decided to stop by. It was nice just getting to talk and hangout with them in a social setting and not while they were preparing for a show.

"Knock knock?" Someone said said as they knocked on my door. I pulled on my shirt before opening it. I looked at a smiling Kellin Quinn.

"Hey Kell." I smiled at him as he pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"BBQ." He grinned. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Hurry and come downstairs. The party is going to be awesome."

"I'll be down in a bit, Kell." I smiled at him. He turned and left. I went to my window and noticed that it was full with the guys of All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, A Day To Remeber, Black Veil Brides and Of Mice and Men. I shook my head as I watched Tony talk with Ronnie Radke and Andy Biersack. I had met all of these people over the last month and I considered them to be my friends.

"Marisol?" Roe said getting my attention. I turned to her and smiled. She looked really nice in her ripped parental guidance shirt and shorts.

"C'mon. I want you to meet some people." I smiled at her as I grabbed her hand. I knew that she would flip when she met the people that were all invited because she had told me that she was a fan of them all.

"Who is here?" She asked as we walked down the stairs. I smiled at her as I pulled her outside. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the crowd in front of her.

"Holy shitzle." She whispered looking around with wide eyes. "This is a dream, I'm not awake. I just need to pinched." Austin Carlile walked up and playfully pinched her.

"Nope, you are definitely awake." He smiled. She looked up at him before he gave me a hug. "Hey Mari, who's this?"

"Austin, meet my little sister Roe." I smiled. He gave her a hug as Alan Cashby came up with his Red Solo cup in his hand. "Hey my ginger princess, this is my sister, Roe."

"Hey there Roe. Real name or another nickname from princess shortshit?" Alan asked as he drank some of his drink.

"Nickname." Roe smiled. "My name is actually Angelica."

"Dude, how did you get Roe?" Austin asked me.

"Her middle name is Monroe." I shrugged. Next we met Alex Shelnutt, Gabe Barham and Neil Westfall who were standing near us talking with Jaime and Vic. They were busy with talking about tour and we moved on to find Ashley Purdy, Justin Hills and Jack Barakat seated at the table just having casual conversation.

"Hey Mari." Jack smiled at me. I introduced Roe and they all seemed to light up at the mention that she was my sister and a huge fan. I walked over to where Mike was standing with Alex Garskarth, Jeremy "Jinxx " Ferguson, Jack Fowler and Kellin Quinn were at. They gave my sister a hug and talked to her for a bit before we moved on to where Tony was standing with Ronnie Radke (who I had not met yet) and Andy Biersack.

"Oh Ronnie, this is my girlfriend Marisol." Tony smiled at me. I said hello to Ronnie and introduced Andy and Ronnie to my sister. "Has she met everyone?"

"Not yet but we are getting there." I gave him a kiss before grabbing my sister's sweaty hand once more. We walked up to Jeremy McKinnon, Josh Woodard, Kevin Skaff, Aaron Pauley, Phil Manansala, Valention Artega, Rian Dawson, Zack Maerrick, Jake Pitts and Chirstian "CC" Coma who were all in the pool playing volleyball.. "Hey guys this is my sister."

"Hey." They chorused before going back to their intense game. Roe looked like she was going to pass out.

"Are you okay, mija?" I asked her. She nodded as we went to the cooler. I grabbed her a soda and she drank some of it.

"This is just a lot to take in." She said looking around the backyard.

"I hope its not too soon after the accident." I said. She shook her had and looked at me.

"They weren't the ideal "parents" a girl could have." Roe said. I pulled her to my side and kissed the top of her head.

"I know, mija but now you have me and all these guys as your family." When I said that she sat up and looked around.

"All of them?" She asked me. I nodded as Ronnie, Andy and Tony came to join us at the cooler.

"I feel like I have seen you before." Ronnie said pointing to Roe. She turned a bright shade of red.

"I was at the first concert after you got out of jail. I was probably the first to get the meet and greet passes." Roe said softly. Ronnie looked at her with a wide smile.

"Everyone was afraid of me and this little girl walks in all fearless and shit and starts talking to me. I was blown away." Ronnie said looking at Roe. She nodded.

"I'm brave like my sister." She said smiling at me.

"You guys have the same smile." Andy said inhaling his cigarette. I looked at her as she smiled and it was true. She could be my mini me except that she didn't have the Hispanic blood as strongly as I did, she looked more like mom. I looked like dad,

"Yeah she does. But she is more gringo than me." I laughed nudging her. She looked up at me and laughed.

"Beaner." She said loudly causing everyone to stop and look at us.

"Thank you." I winked at her. "Now when will Lettuce be here?

"He should be here soon. He might be outside too afraid to come in." She laughed. Right as the laughter died down, Aly and Jess came in with this poor white boy who looked like he was going to throw up.

"He found him on the door deciding whether to knock." Aly said patting the boys back. "Who is he here with or for?" Roe walked up to him and gave him a hug. She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to me.

"Mari, this is my Andrew... I-i mean Andrew." Roe said happily. It was almost as if her mother and stepdad were not murdered. "Andrew, this is my big sister, Mari."

"Wow. It's nice to finally meet you." Andrew said putting his hand out for me to shake. I smacked him hand away and pulled him into a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Lettuce." I said with a laugh. "Roe, introduce your guest to the family."

"F-family? Andrew stuttered as he looked around the room at all the rockstars. Roe went around the backyard and everyone called her their little sister much like they had with me. Andrew was pretty nervous and Roe looked pretty happy.

"Why do you call him Lettuce? Jeremy asked. I turned to him with a smile.

"His last name is Lechuga which means lettuce in Spanish." This casued the people standing around me to chuckle. I shrugged and smiled as I watched Roe talk to Austin and Alan while Andrew talked with Jinxx and CC. This was the start of a great chapter in my life. I had the greatest boyfriend, my friends were pretty awesome and I had my little sister who I had not known about until hours ago. Life was good.