
This Place Is Haunted, Possession by a Ghost

Chapter Sixteen

I didn’t start feeling better until Wednesday, but Mom had me stay home anyway just in case that day. When I went the whole day feeling fine, I was okay to go to school the next day, which is today.

I made sure I sent Blue and Nick a text so I wouldn’t have to walk home all alone today before starting off my morning routine for school. When I was ready, I went downstairs and caught Ricky on Mom’s computer, typing away. I move to sit next to him and look at what he’s typing, but as soon as I’m seated, he hastily closes the tab. I raise an eyebrow.

“What the fuck? Were you writing smut or something?” I ask him as I avert my gaze to him. He reddens as his eyes widens.

“N-no, I just don’t like people reading my stories. Well, at least when they’re not done yet,” he defends himself.

“Or, you don’t like people reading your kinky smuts, hm?” I tease him a bit more, laughing as he whines and buries his face in his hands.

Nooo, I wasn’t writing that! I swear!” Ricky desperately whines.

“God, you’re so fucking cute,” I laugh again as I stand. “I believe you, I was just teasing.”

I grab my bag, which was conveniently by the door, before walking out, not without a goodbye to Ricky, of course. I see Blue and Nick waiting for me at the sidewalk and I head over to them. They greet me when I approach them.

“Hey, guys! What did I miss?” I ask as we start heading towards the school together.

“Johnny got suspended, Craig has detention for the rest of this week and next week too,” Nick fills me in on what’s been going on while I missed school three days straight.

“Seriously? What did they do?” I ask.

“Johnny got in a fight, don’t know who or why, and Craig didn’t do anything. Someone lied on him.”

“What the fuck? What did they say?”

“We don’t know, I don’t even think Craig knows.”

I shakes his head disbelievingly. Whoever snitched must have made up some intense lie to get Craig detention for so long.


Blue and I sit at our usual seats when we get to class that morning. She's been quiet all morning, which is kinda unsettling. We all know she's quiet, but not that quiet. I wanted to wait until we were alone before asking her about it, which we are now.

"Hey, Blue? You alright?" I ask, catching her off guard. She looks up to me and smiles a bit, but there's something off about it.

"Yeah. I'm fine, why?" she answers.

"You sure? You're not acting like yourself this morning," I say, and she sighs, but before she can say anything, students start to come in, wanting to be in before the bell rings too. Mrs. Cockson follows in after, staring her lesson once class starts. Blue turns to face the front so I do the same, focusing on whatever bullshit she’s talking about.

Class finally ends after what feels like hours, and Blue is quick to gather up all her things and dash out of the classroom. I sigh as I watch her go. Something’s definitely bothering her. I gather my things and head to my next class, which I have no friends in. I groan, dreading sitting through the next class all alone.


“Hey guys,” I greet Craig and Ronnie as I sit at the lunch table. “Y’all know what’s up with Blue?”

“No, we were gonna ask you but you beat us to it,” Craig answers.

“You were gonna ask Chris, I was gonna ask Adriana,” Ronnie corrects his friend, causing Craig to roll his eyes.

“Does it matter? No, it doesn’t,” Craig tells him playfully as Nick sits. He raises an eyebrow as he does.

“Am I missing something here?” he asks.

“Nah. We were wondering what’s been up with Blue today,” I say. Nick’s face falls as he sighs.

“Yeah, something happened between her and Adriana,” he says as he picks at his lunch, which actually looked pretty damn good. I steal Craig’s fork off his tray and steal some of Nick’s pasta as I ask what happened. Nick playfully glares at me.

“It’s not my place to say,” he tells me. “And don’t steal my food, you ass muncher!”

I choke on the pasta as I laugh, Ronnie slamming his hand on my back as an attempt to help. Everyone else laughs at me as Blue sits on the other side of me, Adriana sitting on the other side of Ronnie, away from Blue. We’re engulfed by an awkward tension then. No one says anything. We’re too scared to. But then Craig clears his throat bravely and turns to me,

“So, how’s Ricky doing?”

“Probably at home writing porn.”

What?” Craig laughs with the rest of the boys, while the girls remained unresponsive. “Innocent little Ricky?”

I laugh at them. “No, I was joking. He’s fine.”

“You should let us over again this weekend so we can see him!”

“Uh, maybe,” I answer. “I think my mom’s taking work off this weekend.”

“Today’s Thursday, so you’ll text us tonight or something?” Ronnie asks.

“Yeah,” I reply just before the bell rings. We all get up and head to our next and final class, me having mine with Adriana. We walk there together in silence like usual, but this time, it’s awkward rather than pleasant like usual.

As soon as we both sit down, I ask her if she and Blue are okay. She sighs and pulls out her phone, not wanting to get in trouble for talking (even though she’d get in more trouble for having her phone out). She taps something in and I almost immediately, my phone goes off. It doesn’t take a genius to know that it’s from Adriana.

Adriana: She broke up with me..

me: Oh. What happened?

Adriana: She accused me of cheating

me: You didn’t, did you?

Adriana: Of course I didn’t :(

me: Oh. What made her think you did?

Adriana: She caught me texting my sister. Her contact has a heart next to her name

me: Did you tell her that she’s your sister?

Adriana: Yeah but she didn’t believe me since she’s never met her. she’s all the way in Europe

me: That sucks :( I really don’t know what to say, I’ve never been in this sort of situation

Adriana: I appreciate it I guess. We should put our phones away before we get them taken away

Before I can do so, the teacher has our phones in the drawer of her desk until she decides to give them back like the bitch she is.
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holy shit guys it's been 2 months and it's not even a good chapter :(
I'm such an asshole :(
I love you guys so much <3