
This Place Is Haunted, Possession by a Ghost

Chapter Four

“Who’re you looking for, Chris?” Ronnie asks as I scan the lunchroom one more time. Before I can reply, I spot Blue standing by the cafeteria doors, looking around the room awkwardly and anxiously. There’s a girl with reddish brownish hair that curls at the tips and fringe standing with her, and I assume that she’s Blue’s girlfriend.

“There you are,” I mutter quietly as I hop up out of me seat and jog across the room towards their direction. I stop right in front of them, gaining their attention.

“There you are, Chris!” Blue says happily as she looks up at me. She’s like two heads shorter than me. “This is Adriana, my girlfriend.” Adriana is one head shorter than me. I look to Adriana now and smile at her. She returns it.

“I’m Chris,” I tell introduce myself, stating facts she already knows.

“I’m Adriana,” she does the same.

“Shall we sit now and introduce you guys to my friends?”

They both nod and follow me to our table. When I approach it, my friends look to me curiously.

“Um, Chris?” Ronnie asks, nodding towards the two girls behind me. I smile at my male friends.

“Ronnie, Craig, Nick, Johnny, meet Blue and Adriana,” I say as I point to each girl. “Blue and Adriana, meet Ronnie, Craig, Nick and Johnny.”

The six greet each other as I sit next to Johnny. Blue sits next to me and Adriana sits across from her next to Craig. For a good ten seconds, we all awkwardly look around at each other, waiting for someone to speak. The silence is broken when Craig sniggers, making Ronnie snigger to.

“What’s so funny?” Johnny asks them, wanting to laugh himself.

“We’re all just looking at each other and it’s awkward,” Craig answers him.

“And I’m laughing because he laughed out of nowhere,” Ronnie says.

“Well, anyways. I think Blue and Adriana should tell us about themselves,” Nick suggests, trying to start a conversation. The two girls shrug at the same time.

“What do you wanna know?” Blue asks quietly, shy around new people. She’s not very shy around me anymore since we hung out all first class, and the class after that one. We have two classes together so far, so that’s pretty cool.

“Are you single?”

Craig, you fucking moron.

“No, she’s taken,” Adriana answers for her, wrapping an arm around her waist to prove her correct.

“Oh, okay,” Craig says with a smile, even though he sounds a bit disappointed. Ronnie tries to hold back a laugh, but it slips out anyways, and Ronnie starts sniggering.

“Fuck you, Ronnie,” Craig snaps at Ronnie.

“You’d love that, wouldn’t you, Craigafer?” Ronnie snaps back.

“Let’s just ignore them,” Johnny suggests. “Just tell us something about yourselves. Like, what kind of music do you like, what kind of movies, etcetera.”

“We both like bands,” Adriana answers for her and her girlfriend.

“Awesome! What bands?”

“Bands like Paramore, Lit, Marilyn Manson, Breaking Benjamin,” Blue answers.

“Testament, Megadeth, Linkin Park, Slipknot, HIM, bands like those,” Adriana finishes.

“Then we will all get along just fine!” Nick chuckles.


When we all went our separate ways to get home, me, Nick, and Blue ended up walking together. Blue only lives a couple blocks away from us, so it only makes sense to let her walk with us.

I hug both Nick and Blue when I get to my house, Nick sighing when he looks at my house.

Something about this house makes him sad.

I decide, again, not to question him about it. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me.

I walk up to my door and unlock it, letting myself in. Again, my mom isn’t home. I think she has Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, I forgot. I kick my shoes off and lock the door behind me before going up to my room. When I get in there, I grab something comfortable to put on before heading to the bathroom. I haven’t showered since before we left Scranton on...Thursday or Friday? Maybe Wednesday? Well, it’s Tuesday now, so regardless, I really need a shower. I drop my clean clothes onto the toilet (not before making sure the lid is closed) and preparing the shower. When the water’s warm enough I strip and hop in. I do what I need to do before turning the water off and getting out of the shower, only to jump a couple feet into the air out of fear and surprise.

Me and the ghost make immediate eye contact as I stare down at it with wide eyes. We just stare at each other for a while, not saying anything.

Shit, at least he’s keeping his eyes locked on my face. I’m ass naked without a towel or anything.

I study his face. He looks scared, surprised, anxious, and if you look hard enough, sad, even.

“U-Um, sorry about th-the CDs. It was an accident, I swear,” he rushes out before bolting out of the bathroom.

That was the weirdest moment of my entire life.
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Two updates in one day! Yay! There might even be a third if we're lucky!