To My Loyalty You Reside


It's truly amazing how this place can be called "public". This place is no educational system, no place of safety, and nothing but lies. They call this prison a "public school", but it's nothing more than a place to hold children captive in a legal prison. These young people, younger than myself most of the time, are here most likely since birth. I can never remember the last, or first, time I had ever left this place. No one is allowed in unless you're a child or newborn. I'm not even aware how I myself had ended up in this place. I had always seen these walls that most mistake as normal plaster and wood, but it's actually filled with chains, electric fences and specialized spy cameras. No child has left this place alive and no child has ever made it past 17 years of age. They make it all the up to the last 24 hours before they turn 18, before the clock can start for their last day, they "disappear".

These people have gotten away with these murders long before I was even conceived in this place. All I know for sure is that they have been around for longer than 100 years. How long for sure, I'm not sure. This place, as far as I've heard from these people, looks like a normal, educational public school on the outside, but on the inside is "the most promising institute of experimental procedures the world could ever never know". As if that made a lot of sense to begin with. For those of us who are brought up in this place, it's nothing more than a nightmare reality that we can never go to sleep to escape from. When you go to sleep, you can dream of a place that is far from the reality you see everyday. In this hell-banished place, you can never sleep. You can only daydream of sleeping because you can never go to sleep to find peace, unless it's eternal peace.

This place may not seem real to you, if it doesn't allow me to tell you why. It's because you have a sheltered life, a life full of lies that tell you my reality isn't or can't happen, but allow me to enlighten you. This is real for me. I live and breathe this place to stay alive. I would be overjoyed to find you wander in this place and survive. If you could survive even 1 hour in this place, I will personally kneel before you and bring my loyalty to you. I will personally help you survive at the cost of my life and assist you in your weaknesses to become strong. But, my loyalty is fickle and my attention short, if you wish to impress me with your life or prove to me that this place isn't real, then please, come join me in Hell and show me that I am wrong.