Stay for the Night If You Want To

What If I Can't Forget You

A couple hours had passed, and I must have dozed off, because it was already 6:30 p.m. I was still on the couch, and Mtv was still playing. In the background. I picked up my phones to see if anyone bothered to text me. The screen was full of text messages from Vic, oli, and Jack.

"When can I come see you bro?" "I hope your doing better. I got some more school work for you." "I'll be over after I eat."

My friends aren't like ordinary friends. There friend who will stand by your side no matter what the issue is.

Though they might not know the whole story or exactly what happens at my house, and the burdens that I carry. They will love me and protect me with their lifes.

I answered them all back short handedly.

From the kitchen I could hear my mom singing a long with the radio. My head flashed back to when my mom, and I were baking a cake. I played the first song I ever written for her. She danced her little heart out. The smile she wore that day, the way her hair was, the kisses she gave me, and how she walked around the house the next day humming the song was priceless. My mom isn't just my mom she's my best friend.

Slowly I crept to the kitchen, and saw her standing there making dinner. Her head slowly peaked up, and saw me standing in the door way.

"Mom your the most beautiful women on the face of this earth." the words flew right off my tongue.

Her gorgeous green eyes flew my way. She smiled, and replied "Thanks honey, and the most handsome, sweetest boy I ever gave birth too."

We were interrupted by the door bell. My feet never moved so fast toward the door. I russled my hair a little bit. Then slowly opened the door. Vic stood there on the other side. I seen his brown almond shape eyes look at me from head to toe. We made small eye contact, but it quickly ended when Vic broke it with the words "so you going to let me in or not?"

I pulled the door the rest of the way open making room for Vic to get in. "Smell great Miss. Quinn!" I heard Vic exclaim as he waltzed into the kitchen.

"Was beginning to think you'd never stop by. Sir Victor." there wad a squeak in my moms voice.

The way my mom, and Vic play around was like my mom had another son.

My feet didn't want to walk to the kitchen so I ended up back into the living room. I grabbed the blanket I was cuddled up with earlier, and flung it on the back of the couch. Vic moved quickly crossed the floor.

"Hey Kellin." his voice echoed off the walls, but it sounded beautiful slipping off his tongue.

I turned around "Vic."

He made himself comfortable like he always does at my house. I wanted to bring up the kiss, and see what he'd have to say. But I didn't want to scare him away or make it awkward.

The whole night I wanted to ask Vic about the kiss. There was plenty on opportunities, but my heart was controlling my words.

After Vic left I texted him. "can we talk?"

"sure? About what?" his response came quicker than I thought.

"you. Well yo---you remember the kiss at the hospital?" i hesitated a lot.

"I was thinking we should talk about that too actually." straight to the point.

"What did it mean?" I wasn't holding back anymore.

"hopefully what I thought it meant." Vic made things so easy to talk about.

"what are your ideas?" I was confused and wondering what his exact thoughts are.

"Well. I might he Bi." Damn Vic went for it all.

My heart pounded a little. I couldn't answer him back my hands were shaking so bad.

"Kellin I think I might have a thing for you. That letter I wrote, and how my heart completely ached when I heard you were in the hospital, and I didn't think you were going to make it. Honestly Kellin I look at you, and I'm like damn. Holy fuck how did I get this blessed to have a beautiful, true, caring, honest, cute friend like this?" I could tell Vic put his whole heart into the text.

What was I suppose to say to that? Should I respond? Should I tell him exactly how I feel? Or should I tell him I love him?