Blazin' It Down

The Apple.

Chapter 1

Walking down the hallway of school people tend to whisper and talk. You can never tell who they are talking about, but I didn't care what they were saying. I'll still be me at the end of the day, and they'll still be ignorant. My best friend Erin is perched up at our locker, swinging her keys to her car around her fingers. She's my ONLY best friend, and practically my only friend. We met in 9th grade. I'd known who she was from living here all my life. I had never really talked to her up until I let her cheat off me in history. We've been best friends since then. She sees me coming down the hallway and quit slinging her keys, and turns slightly with her left shoulder still on the locker. She tucks her dyed brown hair behind her ear, and sighs once I get to my locker. Her hair is naturally strawberry blonde, so you can imagine why she dyes it. She got the brilliant idea to cut it off into a bob above her shoulders last year after her ex dumped her. I told her she was going to hate it, but she actually loves it still. She set her icy blue eyes on my brown ones and said, "only a week into school and you already show up later than usual". I laughed at her, and shook my head. She had on tight denim skinny jeans, and her usual frilly top, and cardigan. She looked cute. "I don't understand how you bare to come to school watching your ex-boyfriend, and ex-best friend all lovely dovey. I'd go insane." She said watching as Connor and Sarah walked by holding hands. I just shook it off like it was nothing. "It is what it is, Erin. She obviously had something better to offer." She just stood twirling her hair like she normally does. "Have your heard about the transfer students from Australia, yet?" I had heard about them, no one could stop talking about them. "Yeah, I heard that they are all boys, and that they are all drop dead gorgeous." I said shrugging my shoulders. "They are not just drop dead gorgeous, they are make-you-wanna-gouge-your-eyes-out-so-you-quit-staring-gorgeous" she said using her hands to pretend to gouge her eyes. I couldn't help but just stare at her, and laugh a little. "Don't you think you're being a little over dramatic?" I questioned lightly. She just smirked and said, "Nope," making sure she popped the p.

I hadn't seen these kids once since school started, at least until today... Four boys had walked in headed to the locker across from mine a little up. I didn't study them I didn't care too. Erin and I had grabbed our stuff out of our locker, and headed to our first period. We had Economics first. The most boring class to take at this school to be honest. I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was walking, when I ran into someone with my shoulder. Thank my good luck (sarcasm) it was Connor. "Watch where the fuck you're going, whore." He said plainly, and kept walking. I didn't miss a beat. I took off my leather jacket, and tossed it to one of the four Aussies, politely asking him to hold it. It was the one with the lip ring, and the quiff. The apple in my hand that I was going to have for breakfast wasnt going to be eaten. Not today at least. I reared back, and launched it. It missed Connor's head by an inch. I put my knuckle up to my mouth and bit down on it. The apple didn't go unnoticed because about the time that it missed Connor, it hit Vice Principal Taylor in the back of the head. He turned and as he turned everyone else's eyes landed on me. His face was reddened, and his voice was stern. "Van Neil, my office now!" I turned my head to above the Aussies lockers, and took my hand from my mouth. "Fuck man." Erin was laughing so hard, I thought she was going to piss herself. The Aussies had a smirk on their faces, while only the one with wild colored hair laughed. I grabbed my jacket from the Aussie with the lip ring, and said a thank you, handing everything but my jacket to Erin, I headed to VP Taylor's office. I turned to Erin again while walking backwards, and said "I guess I'll see you later." I kept walking til I heard the door slam.

|Erin's POV|
Van Neil, what have your gotten yourself into? I thought to myself. She never came back to first. I'm sitting in here in second period with ALL of her stuff, except her jacket. Someone took a seat beside me. It was one of the Aussies from earlier. He had dark features and dark hair. "Hey." He said casually laying his things down. I smiled at him, and replied a hello. One of his other friends was seated in the desk in front of us. He was the one that held my best friend's jacket earlier, I think. The bell sounded, and class started. Something landed in front of me. A note.

"What was up with that this morning? -C"

Who the hell is C? I glanced up and the boy beside me was already looking at me, I guess he's C.

"That guy that bumped into her was her ex, and he called her a whore, and she doesn't care for him at all, so she reacted badly. -E"

I tossed the note to him. I watched as he read the note, and scribbled down a few words, and handed it to me. His handwriting was sloppy at best.

"Probably the funniest shit I've seen in a while. My names Calum. You two should join us for lunch. We don't really know anyone from here yet."

I looked up and smiled at him. He returned the smile, as I wrote okay, and told him my name, class ended quickly, as did every class in between lunch. I still haven't seen her, until lunch came around.

|Ashton's POV|
This school is shit, the food is shit, I honestly don't even know what this is on my tray, and most of the people are shit. The classes went by slowly, and lunch finally rolled around. The boys and I had met up at the table we've sat at since we got here. People gave us looks, making me want to flip off each and every one of them. Calum was the last to sit down. "Remember the girl that chunked the apple this morning?" He asked as he sat down with his tray addressing the group. Most of us laughed at the memory of it. "Yeah," Michael said, "she'd be hard to forget." Everyone was tuned into the conversation. "Yeah, well in second period I was sitting beside her friend she was walking with, and invited them to sit with us since we don't really know anyone." Luke didn't seem surprised, so I'm guessing he already knew. I don't remember what the girl looked like. Only her figure, and her throwing the apple. "Dude, that's fucking awesome, we get to sit with the girl that chunked and apple and hit the vice principal!" Michael screamed. I saw the two girls talking near the entrance of the cafeteria, in line to get their food. The girl that threw the apple was talking to her friend laughing, and cutting up. They grabbed their trays and headed this way. I just put my head back down, and pretended to be engulfed in my food.

"Hey guys," Her friend said, "I'm Erin." She sat her tray down beside Calum. The other sat beside Luke. Luke smiled at her and introduced himself, then turned to Erin and introduce himself again. Mikey introduced himself next. "So, what was your punishment for the whole apple incident earlier?" Calum asked the girl. She smiled. She had beautiful straight teeth, and a pixie cut hair style. She was different from most people here and you could tell just from looking at her. Her face was absolutely breath taking. I couldn't quit staring. My mouth even hung a little, but I shut it quickly. "5 days suspension, said I was lucky he didn't expel me. The mans never really liked me anyways." She said shrugging her shoulders with a smile. The guys laughed along with Erin. Michael piped in after her and said, "That was probably the highlight of my life. I kept picturing it in class and laughing so loud teachers thought I was insane." He laughed the whole time he spoke. The girl just laughed with him. "Glad I made a few people laugh today." She said laughing. "Your face after it missed that guys head was priceless!" Luke said laughing. "You looked like you were thinking "oh shit, no."" Luke continued. Everything quieted down after that. The girl was side glancing me. I saw her out of the corner of my eye. I picked my head up and cocked an eyebrow. "Yes?" I questioned her. She just cocked her head sideways looking a little confused. She looked adorable when she did it. (Stop it Ashton. You can't get attached) She just smiled and said, "Well all the other boys introduced themselves, you're the only one that hasn't, so what is your name?" I kept looking at her, and realized I never did tell her my name. "Ashton Irwin is my name, and being a drummer is my game." I said smoothly, and smiled. She laughed, and said "You're a drummer? That's fucking rad." As she said this I realized she's yet to tell us her name, the only thing I know about her is, one she chunks apples like a man, and two, her last name is Van Neil.
"Hang on. What's your name? You haven't told us." All the boys around the table leaned in. "They call me Blaze, so blaze it boys." She said with a smirk. Blaze Van Neil will be the death of me. I swear.


|Blaze's POV|
School ended at 3:10 as always. I walked down the hall way with Erin. "What is the plan for after school?" She asked with a smile, rolling her key around her fingers again. "Don't you have to work today?" I replied remembering her saying that she worked every day this week. "I go in at 6:00 and get off at 11:00." She replied to my question. "I guess just come over in an hour. I should be done with homework." My school gave out homework like it was an STD. You got it just by walking in. I'd be lying if I said I was book smart, did all my work, made good grades. I was about average on the school level, and I just didn't care.i waved bye to Erin, she parks on the other side of the school. I walked out those front doors like they'd just released me from a ten year sentence in prison. I walked to my baby. My mom and dad were by no means rich. They had heard me say exactly what I wanted for a long time. I finally got my car my 18th birthday. Two days ago. I have a black 2012 Matte Audi A4. My dad had saved pay checks for a while to buy the car. I was grateful for him. I slung myself into my car, and sat my bag, and jacket beside me. I replaced my long sleeve baseball tee shirt with a Gypsy looking tank top. It was still summer, so it was hot as five hundred hell. I cranked my car, and backed out of my parking space. It was somewhat near the front so I could leave quicker. I rounded the corner and saw Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton waiting for the buses, which always arrived late. I pulled up beside them, and rolled down the window. The first to look over at me was Calum. He did a double take, and proceeded to hang his mouth open. He finally shut it, and said, "Who robbed a bank for that car?!" I laughed at his choice of words and said, "Do y'all want a ride? The bus is kinda lame." They all talked it out, and walked towards the car. Luke sat in the front seat, and the back seat was left to the 3 others. Everyone was finally settled, so I turned to my radio. I have two 12" speakers, so needless to say my shit hit hard. "Fair warning. I can't drive well, so you might wanna put on your seatbelt, and by might I mean, put it on." I said nonchalantly to them all. They all put it on right away, and I blasted Letting Go by Sean Kingston as we peeled out of the parking lot, tires screeching. Ashton screams, and threw his hands up and laughed saying something along the lines of "Hell yeah!" Luke just sat all the way back in the seat clutching the Oh Shit handle like it'd gave him life. The rest of the boys were acting a fool.

I'd finally slowed down, and Luke visibly relaxed into his seat nodding his head to the music. I turned towards him on Nicki's part, and sang(yelled),
"I ain't like them other bitches that will be actin' loosely,
Know you gettin' hyper, I know you wanna get up in it,
But I just wanna think about it for another minute,
I think I like your style you all,"
Luke had joined in and acted a fool with me. Laughing just like all the rest, except Ashton, he was staring at the back of Luke's head. He looked angry. I wanted to know why but I wasn't worried about it. It was probably personal. I turned the radio down, and asked them where they lived. Michael rattled off the address, and I knew where it was. I also use to know the person that lived there. The thoughts gave me shivers, and sent an unsettling feeling down my spine. I swallowed harshly, and drove. No one noticing my panic. I drove down the road, and parked in front of their driveway. They waved as they got out of the car, and I waved back, hands shaking. I couldn't bare the memory. I couldn't bare the house. I sped off like my life depended on it, and got home five minutes later, and cried my eyes out, laying on my bed. Memories from that house, and the one who inhabited it, flooding in, making the crying so much more horrible.