Status: An Ongoing Humorous Story About An Assassin, A Ninja, and Love

A Ninja and an Assassin Walk Into a Bar

Meet Dipper and Snapdragon, an assassin and a ninja, thrown together by less than stellar circumstances. Dipper loves Snapdragon and Snapdragon may just end up killing Dipper if the hordes of hitmen don't get to him first.
Find out through witty comments and head thrashing action the mystery that brought them to this point as well as where they will go from here.
  1. Chapter 1: Every One Knows Pirates and Ninja Don't Get Along
    First exciting chapter throws us right into the action with our favorite ninja and assassin up against deadly pirates and less cool ninja.
  2. Chapter 2: The Things That Don't Change Stay The Same
    Find out about the first time Dipper and Snapdragon met!
  3. Chapter 3: Sometimes a Sweater Isn't Just a Sweater (its a hoodie you putz)
    This could very well be the turning point in Dipper and Snapdragon's love hate relationship!
  4. Chapter 4: Oh He's Just Some Guy Who Tried To Kill Me Once
    Take a stroll down memory lane with Snapdragon as she reflects on how she used to treat Dipper
  5. Chapter 5: This Is Where We Begin Again
    Dipper, Master Kiwi Midnight and Snapdragon sit down for dinner. What could possibly go wrong?