Status: Active

Back to the Start

"Cause she's everything I ask for."

The band asked for a five-minute break, John put his head on the wooden table and pulled out his phone. He clicked the small round button on the screen and watched as the picture came to life.

His looked at the picture of a blonde holding her hands above her head as they stood in a field of flowers. He closed his eyes and shook his head. That summer day seemed years away, when really it was just a couple of months ago, before everything fell apart.

“John, are you okay?” Janette asked she sat back down across from him.

“Hey Mad, it’s John. I had a great time with you last night. I wanted to see if you wanted to get some dinner. Call or text me back when you get this.” He hung up and sat on the edge of his bed.

“Did, she answer?” Garrett asked walking into the bedroom.

John shook his head no and lay back on the dark blue comforter. “Nah, but it’s fine.”

Garrett laughed and shook his head. “Yeah right, Ken told me you were basically drooling over her last night on the dance floor.”

“That’s not true,” He said as his lips pulled down. "I like her, but I also want to get to know her. We didn't get to do a lot of talking."

Garrett raised his eyebrows and John flipped him off. "Not because of that you dick."

Garrett laughed again and pulled out his phone.

“Jared said they’re meeting at Len’s for lunch. Want to go?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Sure,” John said getting off the king sized bed. He shoved his leather wallet into his back pocket, grabbed his eyes and wayfarers and they headed out the door.

“Finally you guys are here,” Jared said as he scooted down the sticky booth. John sat down next to him and grinned.

“Garrett had to primp himself,” Garrett flipped off his friend and opened the menu.

“Hey guys, what can I get ya?” John looked up and smiled. When Madison felt eyes on her, she looked up and blushed.

“Oh hey guys,” She said smiling. “I didn’t even realize it was you guys.” She put her pad and pen in her apron and put her hands on her hips.

“That hurt Mad,” Kennedy said winking.

John rolled his eyes at his friend.

“I got your text, but I haven’t been able to respond,” She said to John in front of everyone. He looked at them and saw them all smiling.

“Oh, that’s fine,” He said shrugging. “You interested?”

“Yeah, I’d love to. I don’t have a car though so can you pick me up here at 7?”

He nodded and she smiled. “Awesome, what do you guys want to eat?” She asked as she grabbed her little notebook and acted like they didn't just make a date in front of the entire band.

“John, are you okay?” Kennedy asked putting his hand on his shoulder. John shook his head to clear the memory.

“I must’ve fallen asleep, honestly.”

“You were mumbling about something but the words weren’t clear,” Kennedy said with his eyebrows scrunched together.

John shrugged a plaid shirted shoulder. Tim reached over them and put a Styrofoam cup of coffee in front of John.

“Drink up,” Tim said before backing away from the table.

“Dude, you have got to get out of this funk.” Kennedy said.

John rolled his eyes and took a long swig of the coffee. “I know it’s not easy, but it’s not you’re really trying.”

“Because,” John said, “it’s not over with.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So what did you guys think???
I am still writing this as I post, so if it's a little slow, I apologize.

I want to thank m-atie and arizonaskies for recommendations and comments. I also want to thank those who subscribed, I can't see you, but thank you!