Status: This play was performed at my school, I am so proud of this piece and I hope whoever reads this is touched by it.

As the Dominoes Fall

The Eye Of The Storm

Fade in:
Scene 1

(President Harry Truman sits in Oval office reading letter. He is apprehensive as he finishes the letter. The letter is from the Japanese leader Hirohito.)

(Letter)(Hirohito Voiceover)
Mr. Truman, if you refuse to accept our terms and conditions there will be continuous war against Japan and the United States of America. If you do not allow us to conserve our honor, this will not end well. Reconsider or face the consequences!

(End voiceover)

(President Harry Truman sighs and tries to reconsolidate his thoughts, looking down and rubbing his head. Elizabeth Truman enters from doorway.)

Elizabeth Truman
Did you receive the Japanese’s response?

Harry Truman (sigh)
Yes. They have refused to surrender.

Elizabeth Truman
Such a stubborn nation!

Harry Truman
Bess, do not judge an entire nation based on its leaders.

Elizabeth Truman
I’m sorry I’m just aggravated! You’ve been so tense these past couple of weeks. I just want this to be over. There must be something we can offer in compromise!

Harry Truman
There isn’t. The Japanese are very faithful to their culture, they refuse to die at the hands of their enemies, they’d rather kill themselves. They will not give up that easily. It’s going to be tough to figure out a solution.

Elizabeth Truman
Honey, I know you’ll figure something out.

Harry Truman
What am I supposed to do?

Elizabeth Truman
Well for starters, get some rest. For heaven’s sake you haven’t left this office since after your inauguration!

Harry Truman
Bess, I have a duty to this country to settle this issue. We’re so close to the end of this war, I can’t rest until I figure this out.

Elizabeth Truman
Oh yes you can! Even if I have to shut the entire government down while you take a nap!

Harry Truman
When I took over this oval office after the death of Roosevelt, I took over all of its problems. He was such an amazing leader! He led this nation out of its worst economic years, I need to try and be half of what he was.

Elizabeth Truman
Or the whole

(Secret service official enters.)

Secret service Official
Mr. President, Arnold Stephens is here to see you.

Harry Truman
Send him in.

(Enter Arnold Stephens. Exit Elizabeth Truman.)

Arnold Stephens
Good afternoon Mr. President.

Harry Truman
Good Afternoon, please sit down.

(Arnold Stephens sits)

Harry Truman
Mr. Stephens, I am afraid that the Japanese leader Hirohito has refused to surrender unless we agree to their conditions.

Arnold Stephens
Do they have the slightest idea of what they’re up against?

(Harry Truman does not reply.)

Arnold Stephens
We gave them the opportunity to raise their flags, now I suggest Mr. President that we raise our advantage.

Harry Truman
Mr. Stephens I have not had nearly enough time to consider that option.

Arnold Stephens
Sir, what is to consider? If Hirohito is under the impression that Japan is at any arms length stronger than the U.S he must be deranged!
The Japanese army has grown weak; they are slowly losing their ground.

Harry Truman
My decision weighs not only on their army, it weighs also on the innocent people that will be harmed by the blast.
There are thousands of more non-military lives occupying Japan than the army we battle. This is like a set of dominoes, very precarious. You can’t take out one without knocking the others down. By using nuclear weapons against the Japanese people I send those dominoes sky-high!

Arnold Stephens
Mr. president, I understand where you’re coming from, but perhaps your compassion is in the wrong place. Let’s remember what happened at Pearl Harbor? Those bastar—

Harry Truman
NO, this is not a time for revenge Mr. Stephens. Revenge does not sew a wound back together it rips it further apart. A wound heals with time, medicine and care. That's exactly how I want to approach this issue.

Arnold Stephens
This “wound” is threatening continuous war. We'll risk millions of more soldiers, including I believe your son.

Harry Truman
That is a personal matter and it will not be taken into account.

(Brief moment of silence)

Arnold Stephens
Sir, say we do not bomb Japan, say we agree to their terms, what if they attempt to incite another war in the future?

Harry Truman
Mr. Stephens there are many possibilities for what awaits the future of this nation, but this is a dangerous game that we are playing. I’m just trying to choose my cards wisely.

Arnold Stephens
I understand sir. But we cannot just simply wait for an attack! Something must be done! We have no choice but to act soon.

Harry Truman
I understand... if things go down the wrong way... then lord help the innocent. It’s like a mob rule, if you’re in the middle of a crowd and everyone is in trouble, it doesn’t matter who you are. You’re no different in the eye of the storm.

Arnold Stephens
You are very justified, sir. With all due respect, it’s a shame that you do not see the justification in this act.

Harry Truman
And it is a shame that you do.


Scene 2

(Harry and Elizabeth Truman sleep in bed.)

Harry Truman (Voice-over)
My fellow Americans… today we destroy Nagasaki!! This war shall end!!

Child screaming

Explosions and more screaming(sound effects)

Elizabeth Truman

(Elizabeth Truman shakes Harry awake. Harry Truman screaming and gasping for breath, his heart pounding sending a severe burning pain throughout his body.)

Harry Truman
(breathing heavily)
I killed them…!! I… I… I’m a murderer!!
(hysterically crying)

Elizabeth Truman
(Holding him tightly stroking his head)
Honey, honey it’s okay! Everything is okay. You’re safe, nothing happened. You were having a nightmare.

(Harry Truman slowly breathes in and out leaning into his wife’s loving embrace calming down.)

Elizabeth Truman
Honey, we need to get you to a doctor. You are in a panic.

Harry Truman
What’s happening to me?

Elizabeth Truman
You’re under a lot of pressure

Harry Truman
I’m not supposed to break under pressure! I’m the President of the United States, this whole country is counting on me to call the shots and I’m emotionally compromised!

Elizabeth Truman
You’re only human!

Harry Truman
Only human? I’m supposed to be a man, THE MAN who does whatever he has to do for his country. But look at me…

Elizabeth Truman
No you look at me, look at me Harry!

(He looks at her.)

Elizabeth Truman
Every great warrior has his weaknesses. What makes him a true hero is that he can overcome them and come out stronger!

Harry Truman
Elizabeth… what would you do if you had to make this decision?

(long pause)

Elizabeth Truman
I… would do what I thought was right.

Harry Truman
What if I don’t know what’s right?

Elizabeth Truman
You’ll figure out what’s right in time. I know that these past couple of weeks have been tough. But I know that you’ll pull through. You know why?

Harry Truman

Elizabeth Truman
Because you’ll make the decision that no one else can make. Even the decision that you think you can’t. I’ve known you for a long time Harry, you’re strong.


Scene 3

(Harry Truman and his wife await the arrival of their son and his wife Natalie for dinner.)

Harry Truman
Bess I’m going to have to insist that David doesn’t hear about last night, or anything that’s been going on.

Elizabeth Truman
Why not Harry? He’s your son. You can tell him about anything! As he can to you.

Harry Truman
I just don’t want him to worry about me.

Elizabeth Truman
I won’t tell him then, but I guarantee you that he’ll see right through you. A son can tell when his father is troubled. Especially if his father is the President.

(David and Natalie Truman enter.)

Harry Truman

David Truman
(hugging him)

Harry Truman
How are you?

David Truman
I couldn’t be better, how’s the Oval office? Keepin’ it warm Mr. President Harry Truman?!

Harry Truman
Yeah, yeah I’ve been keeping the seat warm as can be!

(David Truman chuckles and he turns around to greet his mother)

Elizabeth Truman
How’s my little soldier?

David Truman
I’m great mom. You look beautiful!
(giving her a big hug)

Harry Truman
Natalie! It’s so good to see you again!
(Giving her a hug and kiss on cheek)

Natalie Truman
Yes! And congratulations Mr. President!

Elizabeth Truman
I hope you two are hungry

David Truman
Starving mom

Elizabeth Truman
And Natalie, I made sure there is a lot since you’re filling up for two!

Natalie Truman
Oh yes, indeed
(smiling and rubbing large impregnated stomach)

They all sit in the dining room to eat.

Elizabeth Truman
How many weeks do you have to go Natalie?

Natalie Truman
About five Elizabeth

Elizabeth Truman
You’re getting so close! This is so exciting!

Natalie Truman
David and I couldn’t be more thrilled to almost be there.

David Truman
(Clearing his throat and raising his glass)
I’d like to propose a toast to our newly elected president, Mr. Harry Truman. He is an amazing human being all around. If everyone on earth was just like him I believe that we’d have a truly golden chance at world peace. Dad I know that presidency will be difficult at times, but I know in my heart and soul that you will rise to the challenge and you will shine. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. And I am also honored to announce that my new coming child, if a baby boy, will share the name of a great president and an even better father. To the president!

Elizabeth and Natalie
To the president!

(Harry sits there smiling at his son whom he could never love more than he does at that very second.)

Fade out:
Scene 4

Fade in:

(David and Natalie are saying goodbye.)

Harry Truman
It was great to see you son

David Truman
You too Dad

(They both hug.)

David Truman
Dad, may I have a word with you privately?

Harry Truman
Of course

David Truman
Natalie, I’ll be right there!

(They go into another room.)

David Truman

Harry Truman
David, I just want to tell you that I’m incredibly proud of you and that I feel so honored that you would name your child after me.

David Truman
Of course Dad, there’s no one more deserving. I want my child to grow up to be an honorable man.

Harry Truman
Just like his father.
Now what was it you wanted to talk about?

(David looks down for a moment gathering his thoughts, then looks back at Harry.)

David Truman

Harry Truman
Your mother told you didn’t she?

David Truman
You know me too well

Harry Truman
David listen… I’m fine

David Truman
Dad, don’t talk to me like I don’t know you. I know exactly what’s going on.

Harry Truman (rubs scalp)
David… I

David Truman
(places his hands on Harry’s shoulders)
Dad, listen to me. We all have to make tough decisions in times of war. It’s like the government takes away some of our rights to keep us safe; You don’t have to feel guilty about this.

Harry Truman
But David… I…I can’t sleep. These dreams I’ve been having… they’re a poison, I’ve seen things… caused havoc and I don’t know if I can live with it.

David Truman
But you’ve caused nothing yet! It’s all in your head!

Harry Truman
It’s not all in my head it’s soon to be reality if I do it. You’re having a baby soon, my grandchild. How am I supposed to explain to them that their grandfather destroyed the lives of innocent people that he didn’t even know?

David Truman
You’ll say that you did what had to be done. They’ll understand, they’ll see what an amazing human being you are.

Harry Truman
And what about you? If I don’t do this…

David Truman
Dad, don’t make this about me.

(Pause. David Truman looks at Harry Truman warningly.)

David Truman
When I signed up I knew exactly what I was getting into. I wanted to defend this nation, just like you do. And if I’m not there when my baby is born it’s not the end of the world. No one is going to blame you.

Harry Truman
But I have the power to make that happen. I have the trigger in my hand, I can end this war… but someone’s going to get hurt.

David Truman
You of all people know that someone is always going to get hurt.

(Harry Truman sits down and sighs overwhelmed and there is a long silence. He looks up at David.)

Harry Truman
I have to do this.

David Truman
No. You always have a choice. And you’ve just made the right one.

Fade Out:

Fade in:
Scene 5

(Elizabeth Truman waits quietly for the doctor. Doctor enters and sits down.)

Doctor Strasberg
Good evening Mrs. Truman

Elizabeth Truman
Good evening Doctor Strasberg.

Doctor Strasberg
During our short telephone conversation yesterday you briefly mentioned that the President is being emotionally compromised in making a decision.

Elizabeth Truman
Yes, I did. That is true.

Doctor Strasberg
May you elaborate in more depth to paint me a bigger picture?

Elizabeth Truman
Yes, He’s been having nightmares for days... there’s an issue with Japan. I’m not at liberty to reveal specifics.

Doctor Strasberg (Jotting notes)
The issues of our nation with Japan do not concern me at the moment, only the president’s health. You have a very honorable husband. Yet when taking the oath for presidency he swore to do all that was necessary to protect this country.

Elizabeth Truman
I understand that, but you of all people would understand that he’s only human.

Doctor Strasberg
The most powerful human in the free world.
Is there anything else conflicting him in the decision?

Elizabeth Truman
If there is I am unaware of it.

Doctor Strasberg
It’s very healthy to keep a good rapport in a relationship Mrs. Truman, especially in times of great pressure.

Elizabeth Truman
Yes, of course. We have a very healthy relationship. We’ve been together for twenty-five years.

Doctor Strasberg
Twenty-five years... that’s very good. Forgive me, Mrs. Truman, but this is medically a necessary question to ask, but has the president had any history of drinking problems? Something small that wouldn’t be on record?

Elizabeth Truman is silent for a few moments in hesitation.

Elizabeth Truman
…He doesn’t talk about it… and he prefers it not be spoken of, but when Harry was in his 20’s he had a small drinking problem. Nothing of course that severely affected his life… but he was at times difficult to be around. I didn’t know him yet, in fact we met after he decided to never drink except on special occasions.

Doctor Strasberg
Is there any chance that if he’s under too much pressure he might…

Elizabeth Truman
Are you suggesting...

Doctor Strasberg
I’m suggesting that Harry could be drawn to alcohol.

Elizabeth Truman
That won’t happen, he made a serious vow to himself.

Doctor Strasberg
People always break their own rules, Mrs. Truman. That’s why others lay them down for us and enforce them. Harry is at war within himself. It’s going to eat away at his soul until there is nothing left but a bottle of vodka!

Elizabeth Truman
You can’t know that!

Doctor Strasberg
I’m a doctor, it’s my job to know that.

(Elizabeth Truman gets up and storms out of the office.)

Fade out
Scene 6

Fade In: (President Harry Truman, Elizabeth Truman, secret service officials and Arnold Stephens wait watching the monitor as they await the atomic explosion. President Truman looks as uneasy as ever, his knee shaking. Elizabeth comfortingly hugs him from behind.)

Arnold Stephens
You’re doing the right thing sir. Soon this dreadful war will be in the past.

Harry Truman
This is what has to be done to end the war, but it’s still not the right thing to do.
(Looks over at David Truman)
But my grandchild will not be born at a time of war.

Secret Service#1
Mr. President, the aircraft has released the bomb into the atmosphere.

(They all watch the monitor as the bomb falls into Japan. The monitor shows impact and President Truman looks away in horror. The room is silent.)

Elizabeth Truman
Harry, are you okay?

(Harry Truman stares down at the ground, fighting tears.)

Arnold Stephens
I’m sorry that you had to do this, sir. I would’ve traded spots with you if I could.

Harry Truman
Why? Because you love the idea of killing millions of people?

Arnold Stephens
Mr. President that is absolutely not what I meant

(Harry Truman glares at Arnold Stephens.)

Arnold Stephens
Sir I understand that you are upset but—

Harry Truman
Upset? (chuckles) that doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now. I brought a child into this world, a living breathing beautiful baby... and now I just took a million out of it. How in the name of sanity do you think that makes me feel? How am I supposed to move past this?

Arnold Stephens
By not attaching emotion to work

Harry Truman

Elizabeth Truman
Harry calm down! Please!

Secret Service #1
Sir, look at the monitor!

Harry Truman
Is that the nuclear wave?

Secret Service #1

Harry Truman
Shouldn’t it have stopped by now?

(Arnold Stephens looks at the monitor peculiarly.)

Arnold Roosevelt
Yes... what in the world? It definitely should have stopped by now!

Harry Truman
Mr. Stephens, what’s happening?

Arnold Stephens
The nuclear wave isn’t stopping... but why? This isn’t supposed to happen!

Harry Truman
This has never happened before! We had no testing for this! You should’ve---!

Arnold Stephens
Look, look, look... don’t panic, don’t panic, maybe it’s... it’s just... a delayed stop?

Harry Truman
Delayed? It’s a nuclear bomb there’s no goddamn delays! What if it doesn’t stop?

Arnold Stephens
That’s not possible!

Harry Truman
How would you know that?

(Arnold Stephens says nothing, unable to think of an explanation.)

Harry Truman

Elizabeth Truman

Harry Truman

Arnold Stephens
It is!

(Harry Truman attacks Arnold Stephens. The secret Service breaks them up.)

Harry Truman
Don’t you dare tell me that this was fucking justified! Open your eyes you piece of shit!

Secret Service
Mr. President, Mr. President! The wave isn’t stopping. It doesn’t look like it’s going to!

(Harry Truman looks at the monitor and then back at everyone in the room breathing heavily and shaking.)

Harry Truman (cries out)

Fade out:

Scene 7

Fade in:
(David Truman enters)

Natalie Truman
Is your father okay?

(David Truman stands there speechless)

Natalie Truman

(David comes over and hugs Natalie tightly, feeling her impregnated belly)

(David cries)

Natalie Truman
David please talk to me!

David Truman
Natalie… the bomb… the nuclear bomb… something went horribly wrong… and…

Natalie Truman
What happened?

David Truman
The nuclear wave… it’s coming… it’s not stopping

Natalie Truman
What? How is that even possible?

David Truman
I don’t know! They didn’t test it out first… we’re all going to die in three days from the blast

Natalie Truman
What? What’d you mean…

(Natalie Steps back in shock)

David Truman
Harry Jr.… he’s not coming…

(Natalie clutches her stomach and collapses and David catches her. Natalie clutching her heart)

Natalie Truman (in hysteria)

David Truman
I’m so sorry… there’s nothing to be done. My dad didn’t want to do this… he felt so guilty… and I told him that Harry would understand… but now… there’s no Harry.

Natalie Truman
If there’s no Harry… there’s no me…

(Natalie runs to a drawer and takes out a pistol. David tries to grab it from her)

David Truman
Natalie don’t!

(Natalie shoots herself in the heart)

David Truman

(David holds Natalie’s dead body crying his eyes out.)

David Truman

Fade out:

Scene 8

Fade in: (President Truman stands at the podium for a public announcement.)

President Truman
My fellow Americans, I am here today to regretfully inform you that a nuclear bomb was dropped on the Japanese nation yesterday. The nuclear strike was great and many millions were killed. But the nuclear wave itself hasn’t stopped... and… and… it will not... until it circles the Earth and destroys everything. We have only three days until it reaches us...I am so, so sorry. I did this.

Civilians (sound effects)

Rioting (sound effects)

Fade out:

Scene 9

Fade in:

(Dr. Strasberg reads the newspaper)


Dr. Strasberg
Oh my lord…

(Dr. Strasberg dials the white house)

Elizabeth Truman

Dr. Strasberg
Ms. Truman?

Elizabeth Truman
Yes? Who is speaking?

Dr. Strasberg
This is Dr. Strasberg, we met about your husband’s..

Elizabeth Truman
How could you be so blunt? Do you have any idea what he’s going through?

Dr. Strasberg
Ms. Truman I called because I wish to apologize. Yes, I was very straight forward about your husband’s condition… and I just wish to tell you that I understand that he is only human, and as a human with a soul as true to his morals, killing millions is the hardest decision he has ever had to make.

Elizabeth Truman
Well thank you Dr. Strasberg… I’m afraid that… you were right. The pressure was too much. The moment the bomb dropped, I saw the life drain from his beautiful blue eyes. He did something he felt was so cruel… he set a nuclear bomb on his soul… and that’s when my husband died Doctor Strasberg.

Fade out:
Scene 10
Fade in:

(President Truman takes refugee in the oval office. He cries and pounds at the desk. Elizabeth Truman rushes in crying.)

Harry Truman
You see this Elizabeth? You see what I’ve done! Two weeks as President and I’ve already ended the world!

Harry Truman
Harry I need to tell you something.

Harry Truman
You need to leave, they’re going to get in eventually and kill me. I mean, I don’t see the point it’s just a matter of time before we’re all fri—

Elizabeth Truman
Harry shut up! I came in to tell you that David wants to talk to you alone.

(Harry Truman comes to realization that David’s baby will never be born, he’s speechless and begins to hysterically cry. Elizabeth Truman exits, David Truman enters.)

David Truman
Dad… my baby, he’s… he’s (Breaks into tears)

Harry Truman (breaks into tears)
I… I… I murdered my grandchild… little Harry Jr.

David Truman
No dad, you didn’t murder anybody. This war did, this godforsaken war! War kills everybody. It murders everything we believe in. It cuts between the lines of right and wrong and leaves us with nothing. No one deserves to win, just to start digging our own graves. How do we go on from this?

Harry Truman
We don’t son, we don’t. The line ends here. What was and will ever be ends here.

David Truman
I was mistaken when I told you that you made the right choice. There's no justification in dropping a nuclear bomb.

Harry Truman
It's not your fault David. I made that choice-- I-- am the destroyer of all-- I am the malevolence that has ended all life.

David Truman
No, no you're not. You tried to do the right thing and it backfired. It happens to the best of us.

Harry Truman
This is a little bigger than backfiring son.

David Truman
I don't care! You're my hero. All my life you've been my hero because you’ve always tried to do the right thing in a wrong situation.

(Harry Truman stands up)

Harry Truman
You need to go. Take your mother, you’ll be safe from the rioters.

David Truman
I’m not going anywhere… in fact, I’m never going to leave this room again.

(David Truman takes out a pistol. Harry Truman is alarmed.)

Harry Truman
David, what’re you doing?

David Truman
We could end this right now. We don’t have to suffer the burning, the air set afire. Like you said before, you have the trigger in your hand, we can pull the trigger, together.

(Harry Truman looks from David to the pistol making his decision.)

Harry Truman

David Truman

Harry Truman
I deserve this; I deserve all of it. I pushed down one domino and now the rest are crumbling down. As the dominoes fall, I go down with them. Now if you want to shoot me go ahead but I won’t do it.

(David Truman raises the gun and points it as his own head.)

David Truman
I love you dad; I love you more than words can tell. I'm proud to be your son. Because you are a hero, I don't care what anybody else says, you're a hero.

(David Truman pulls the trigger and falls to the floor. Harry Truman breaks down crying kneeling by his corpse. Elizabeth Truman rushes in and screams. She kneels down next to Harry Truman.)

Elizabeth Truman

Harry Truman
He wanted us to do it together, but I couldn’t.

Elizabeth Truman
Harry do you remember when you asked me what I would do and I said I would do what I thought was right?

Harry Truman

Elizabeth Truman
Well I wouldn’t have done anything because none of this is right.

(Elizabeth Truman spots the pistol and picks it up.)

Harry Truman
No Elizabeth don’t, Please!

Elizabeth Truman
What does it matter Harry? What does it matter? Everything is gone... I said that you would figure this out... I had faith... but I was wrong, I’m sorry.

(Elizabeth Truman shoots herself in the head and falls back. Harry Truman is left alone crying.)

Fade out:

Scene 9

Fade in:

(Harry Truman sits at the desk of the oval office drinking from a bottle of vodka. He is very drunk. Sounds of gunshots and rioting echo from the window.)

Harry Truman
Why did this happen? Why couldn’t we have just had unconditional peace? Why does someone always have to win? (takes another drink)

(Harry falls to the floor and then slowly rises up again. He looks down at his dead son and wife and screams out and throws his chair against the window, breaking the glass. Harry knocks everything off the oval desk and throws his bottle of vodka against the wall.)

Harry Truman
Farther I fall from my born nest, clutching my chest
Heart burning of guilt
I shatter all that the lord above has built
I now watch as the world I have destroyed becomes floating ashes in the void
As a split cell I envision a brighter, muscular
Fresh painting of myself atop this rocky pit
Beckoning my merge, with the greatest surge
As the spirit of faith shatters the weight
I rise to stand aside my precious mates
But they all appear as airy spineless peels
As with my touch they wipe away from existence
And I fall back
Conscious awakens, cold sweats and goose bumps erect
As a poor insect, crushed, and all faith evaporates
But a dream it was
But a dream shan’t recant what I have done
In this pit I lay prisoner
A sinner paying his debts while his fate is announced set
Never to forget
That I am here on my own accord
So many lessons have shed from my bones
I never deserved this throne
I deserve no survival
From now until the end, the world and I, are no more, than rivals

(Sound of screaming as nuclear wave hits.)

Fade out:

End of play
♠ ♠ ♠
If you wish to see this play being performed go to:

This version of the play is extended, the youtube version is the original script.