Status: Active

Faithfulness at Its Finest

You Won't Break Me

*Alan's POV*

I hadn't moved from my bed since what happened with Brendon. It had been almost two days but I couldn't move. My body was overwhelmed with pain and regret all I could do was replay what had happened over and over. I ran out of tears a couple hours ago now I'm just lying here hyperventilating. I was such a fuck up I knew that deep down what Brendon did to me I deserved.

I have to admit I kinda missed the little anon. I've been dying to check if they had sent me a message but I couldn't find the strength to move yet, it felt as if all my strength and willingness to do anything left my body I was just a shell of a person now. Helpless and worthless. Casey had to leave town for a few days for a meeting in Virginia. So here I was all alone again my least favorite/favorite feeling.

I wanted to lay here forever and die here I didn't feel the need to be part of the world anymore. My time was up there was nothing left for me Brendon hated me my parents hated me I was nothing but a burden on everyone. Why was I even still alive I should've died in that bathroom two years ago and none of this would've ever happened. I would've been at home in the clouds where couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

I heard my door open and didn't have the energy to look over or speak. I had no idea who it was but whoever it was they were probably here to yell at me or hit me.

"Alan are you ok" it was Aaron how did he get in here? Casey must've left a key and asked him to check on me.

I tried to speak but I couldn't manage to form words. He climbed into my bed and pulled me into his lap. Hugging me tightly to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him almost holding into him for dear life.

"Alan what happened" I could feel him trying to turn his head to where he could get a better look at the bruise/ scratch on my face.

I attempted to clear my throat as best as possible. "I-I and he-e and" I could barely form words and it looks like I wasn't out of tears after all. I buried my face into Aaron chest and sobbed. He didn't talk or ask he just rubbed my back and tried to soothe me. In this world of horrible things and hateful people I was thankful for Aaron I don't know what it was about him but he understood me without me having to speak it's almost like he could read my mind and know exactly how to help me without words.

I don't know how long we sat there but I was eventually able to compose myself and had Aaron get me a water bottle so I could return some of the water to my body that I had cried out.

"So do you wanna talk about what happened to your face or is that to much right now"

I thought for a second and decided it was finally time to confess to Aaron what was going on. I took a deep breath in hopes I could get through explaining this without bursting into tears. "Well um Brendon came over and uh I had been talking to to this anon and the anon was being really uh sweet and Brendon saw the messages and he he did this." Surely enough that flood of tears began once again. Aaron embraced me in a bear hug and whispered sweet nothings to me until the tears faded away once again.

"You know what he's doing to you isn't ok right"

I nodded

"Alan you shouldn't have to put up with this no one should be treated like this"

"I deserved it"

"You did not deserve this by any means Alan. You were just answering a nice stranger he shouldn't have blown up and hit you"

I wasn't sure how to respond so I sat there waiting for him to talk again.

"Sigh, are you hungry Alan when's the last time you ate"

"Um... A few days ago why"

"Do you wanna get some pizza or something"

"Yea that sounds nice"

"Ok I'll call it in, you go take a shower ok"

"Ok" he knew a shower would calm me it was like my own little personal escape all my thoughts were freed me I could cry or be emotional without anyone judging me. I grabbed some clothes and a towel before hopping into the shower.

Inside I got a better look at the now bruise on my side it was just under my rib cage and it hurt like I bitch. I cautiously cleaned around it not wanting to make it even more painful then it already was. My mind was somewhat at ease right now it hadn't been this calm in awhile I don't know what it was about showers but they were like magical. I lost track of time and zoned out staring at the tiled wall in front of me thinking about nothing in particular just content with how good the warm water felt on my back.

I must've been in there for awhile because there was a knock at the door "You ok Alan"

"Um yea I just got lost for a second I'll be out in a minute"

"Ok hurry up before your pizza gets cold"

I shut off the water and dried myself off before getting dressed and joining Aaron for pizza. We talked about stupid things like what would happen if we were really girls or how if the world was suddenly taken over by monkeys we would become allies with them. It was nice to forget the world for a night and just talk to Aaron

~The Next Day~

I think I've finally gathered up enough courage to look to see if I have a message from the mysterious anon. I logged into tumblr and clicked on the messages. Sure enough there they were three new messages. The first one said "Oh no we can't have that if you died I don't know if I would ever forgive myself" I giggled at that one. The second one read "So what kinda music is a cute boy like you into ;)" did that anon just winky face me. They say they don't want me to die but they sure are doing a hell of a good job trying to kill me. The last one read "Oh no what happened where did you go :("

I decided to answer the second one seeing as it would be the easiest to respond to. "Um I'm mostly into Blink-182, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, Sum 41, Lit and Fall Out Boy and stuff like that what about you"

A second later another message appeared "OMFG NO WAY!!! You literally are into everything I'm into, that's it you've somehow have broken absolute perfection."

I was smiling from ear to ear now. I had no idea who this person was or what they wanted from me all I knew is I loved talking to them and I certainly loved the feeling they gave me. It was like a thousand butterflies filling your stomach and your happiness that hasn't been apparent for months appears once again. I didn't want my anon to ever leave they made me feel happy again it's crazy to think something just as simple as a sweet message can fix so much.

We talked back and forth for hours talking about bands and our likes and dislikes I was dying to know who was on the other side of this conversation I couldn't take it anymore. "So what's your name mysterious anon"

"I would love to tell you but I'm unfortunately very shy"

"Oh come on please I have to know its killing me on the inside" my heart was pounding I really was dying to know and maybe just maybe I will finally find out.

"Ahhhh ok fine... My name is Austin"
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Short shitty update but it's an update