Running on Empty

Early Morning Quinnanigans

I wake to hear the sound of buzzing; it was 5:00am. I slowly sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes trying to feel a bit better than I already did. I look over into the other guys beds, Quinn and Dan look to already be up & Bert is still passed out on the couch. I walk into the bathroom still rubbing my eyes, I look in the mirror, boy do I look a mess. I though I’d better start packing my things, so I headed back into the bedroom only to notice Quinn & Dan sat outside on the balcony, their bags were already packed, looks like they had packed Bert’s things too. I grab all my belongings, easy to find since everyone else’s stuff was already packed. I was wearing my clothes from last night, so I didn’t need to worry about that, I just stuffed everything in my suit case that was mine.
”Jeph, you almost ready?” Yelled Dan from outside
”Yeah, don’t worry” I replied.
As I was zipping up my suitcase I remembered the girl form my dream, how gorgeous she was. I was kind of day dreaming, Dan was putting his hand in front of my face as a joke, waving it back and forth. I snapped out of my day dream and hit is hand away.
”Ouch man” Dan said
I just looked at him and walked off, they new something was up, even if they didn’t say anything.

I could hear Quinn attempting to wake Bert up, it was always a challenge this early in the morning.
”Bert, get up!”
”G. .a..y!” Bert’s head was in the arm of the couch again.
”Your acting like a kid man, just get up you can sleep on the plane”
Even if you couldn’t hear what he way saying, you still what he meant. He finally sat up, rubbing his face and glaring at Quinn.
”Your bags have been packed for you” Quinn said pointing at Bert’s bag on his bed. Dan was hiding in the kitchen trying not to laugh; he always thought this was funny. Bert snatched his bag off the bed and headed out the door, we soon followed after snickering at his bad mood. As we got out of the elevator, Dan pulled me aside.
”What’s up with you today man?”
”Ugh, nothing” I looked away from him
”You know I don’t believe that” he was still looking directly at me
”It was just a dream I had last night, nothing big”
”bu-” he was cut off by the sound of Quinn calling us.
”Guys, the bus is here, hurry up!”
We ran over to the bus, throwing our luggage on, I could feel Dan watching me the whole trip to the air port. I could tell he was curious about my dream last night, well so was I. I wanted to know who this girl was, and why I was dreaming about her. I could still remember every detail about her, from how tall she was, to all the piercings she had. Ugh, I couldn’t get her out of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter again.
I cant write long ones.
My mind wonders (cant spell)
