Status: I have this story on Wattpad and on Quotev. I've gotten a better response on Quotev than Wattpad, and I really want to share this story and get opinions on it.

Hate to Love You

HTLY Chapter 1


"Ugh," Eleanor groaned. "This is no way to spend the night of your high school graduation!" She was sitting in the bench in front of the window in my room staring at the rain.

"Oh, suck it up LaLa, it's only rain. We have the whole summer to celebrate." Eleanor gave me a dirty look and mumbled, "Whatever." Then she started banging her head on the window. I sighed and shook my head.

We had had to come to my house immediately after graduation because it started to pour. I wasn't ecstatic about it but I could deal. I'm just glad I finished school.

There was a knock at my door, "Come in."

My brother's head poked in, "Everyone's gonna watch a movie in the theater room. You guys wanna join?" He looked at us both and did a double take on Eleanor. She was still banging her head. "What's wrong with her?"

"What isn't wrong with her," I said while getting up from my bed. "We'll be there soon, just let the previews roll instead of skipping straight to the movie."

"Ok," he shrugged. "See you soon."

"Thanks Kevin." He nodded and left. I walked towards my closet and grabbed my dad's old college hoodie and switched my shorts for my sweats and put on my fuzzy toe socks. It can get pretty cold in the theater room. "Come on Eleanor."

She turned towards me and fell off the bench. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Get up LaLa, or I won't get you popcorn." She shot up, "I'm good, I'm good."

I nodded. "Good, let's go." We headed out of my room and towards the theater room. Once we got there I went towards my favorite spot in the far right corner in the front. My dad is a fanatic when it comes to Batman, so he had our home theater custom made to the bat cave theme. It was one of my favorite rooms in the house. The first being the kitchen, just for the fact that it has food.

The lights were already dim due to the previews playing. As I got closer to my favorite seat I noticed some strange shape on it. When I was standing right next to it and realized what it was I felt annoyance surge through me.

"Move, you know that's my seat."

"I didn't see your name on it."

"Ashton I'm not joking. Get the hell out of my seat."

"Ask nicely," he smirked.

"Get out of my seat before I make you seriously regret it."

"I don't think so," he said. "I'm pretty comfortable right here." He wiggled around to emphasize his point.

"Fine," I sighed. "You give me no choice." I walked away from him and to the chair behind him. He thought he won so he didn't even turn to see what I was doing. He tends to take my threats lightly and that's always been a grave mistake for him. I stood directly behind him as the movie started. I noticed it was Die Hard. Nice, I like that movie.

"Are we gonna do a marathon of all the Die Hards?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Kevin shrugged. Ashton nodded in approval. Just as he got comfortable, I turned around, bent over a little, and let one rip. Now, some girls may do the dainty fart or think its gross or whatever, but I don't. It's a natural bodily function and I celebrate whenever I fart, because then I know my body's working properly.

"Aw shit! Gross," Ashton yelled. He'd jumped out of the chair and went to the other side of the room. He hated when people other than him fart or do any other thing a body can do, unless it his own. He hates when people burp, vomit, crack their knuckles, or even cough in the same octave as him. Once, I'd asked him if it bothered him when other people breathed, since he does it too. He told me it only bothered him that I breathe at all. So I elbowed him in the gut. When he doubled over gasping for breath, I told him he was lucky I let him continue to breath. We were five.

"Thank you for returning my seat to me so willingly, Ashton. It means a lot to me," I chirped cheerily. He just grumbled as everyone else chuckled.

I looked back at Kevin. He had his arm around Ashton's older sister, Jennifer. They're mates. My brother is twenty two, and Jennifer is twenty. Now, since she's Kevin's mate, she comes over a lot. And since Ashton is her brother and likes to bug the crap out me, he comes over to my house more than I like. Naturally, since Ashton comes over, Benjamin just has to march right on over as well. I don't mind Jennifer, she's great. But you can imagine how I feel about Ashton. Benjamin, I don't worry about since he's turned into a man of few words.


"Eleanor, are you a deflating tire? Why are you making those noises, you know I love this movie?!" I snapped.

"I just wanted to know when you were going to get me my popcorn."

"I'm not going to."

"But you said you would! You told me so!"

"That was just to get you out of my room before you damaged something important. You should've known better than to believe me when I said that."

"True, true."


I was in the kitchen serving myself some ice cream after we saw the first two Die Hards. We all decided we should get a potty and snack break. I already did my duty (get it? I didn't really dooty but you get the pun), so I was getting some mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was one of my favorites.

My mom walked into the kitchen, "Hey sweetheart. I have something important to tell you."

I didn't look up from scooping the ice cream as I said, "Let me guess, the pack's gonna have a banquet."

"Yes, and as per usual, you need to go."

I looked up this time. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes, of course. That's such an obvious answer."

"But why? I really don't want to go, I just want to relax."

"Because you're the beta's daughter."

"Exactly! Everyone already knows me and who I am. I don't have to go."

"You are going. This is important."

"Oh, come on. We throw a banquet eveytime the wind blows east or some random flower blooms during the winter." I scoffed while rolling my eyes.

"We're congratulating all of the pack's graduates. And there is going to be some important information told. So you need to be there."

"Fine, I'm going to go back to the movie before my ice cream melts." There really was no point in arguing with her any further since she almost always gets her way. Especially when it comes to banquets, she just loves to socialize. My mother is really adorable, she's just like a little kid sometimes. We get along really well, just not when it involves a banquet. Although I like parties of almost any type, the pack banquets are kinda getting on my nerves. Very much like Ashton does.

Speaking of Ashton, he better not bother me more than usual on Saturday. I dont think I'd have the patience for it.