

Donavan Kent's body was lying on a silver table covered in a light turquoise sheet. As the latest victim to the murderer Eliza's death list, his death was found the quickest. Almost the second the note was placed the police arrived staring at the boy's empaled body.
The note feel to the ground as the police tried to remove the body from the branch.
Sarah stared at his life less body and wondered why he was killed. A freshmen just about to start his Sophmore year in collage, had good grades and was working on his first medical PHD. It just didn't make sense.
The note Eliza left for Donavan, didn't help her piece together the reason he died.

To my followers,
How lovely that you're still searching! Frankly I think that you should accept my existence as a minion for death. Angles, like you, just aren't needed for my line of work.
This one has to be my favourite, he's just so good! I mean straight A's, he just screams teachers pet. Shame he's got to go, I was starting to like him. But I can't spare anyone. Until the next one,

"Sarah," Adrian said walking into the office, bringing Sarah back to the real world.
"Yes?" She asked, dropping the letter on her desk.
"Miss James is here again," He sighed then opened the door and let the tall, wrinkled woman sashay into Sarah's office. Her light blond hair was styled into a pixie cut and she was wearing to much make up for her age.
"What do you mean again?"Miss James snapped
"Miss James," Sarah sighed fiddling around with the papers on her desk, "What can I do for you?"
The 59 year old sat down on one of the black leather chairs in front of Sarah's desk and sighed, her stern face changed to a sad teary face almost the second after Sarah asked the question.
"I want Willow," She whined. Sarah put her head into her hands and gave a long and bored sigh.
"Miss James," Sarah began choosing her words carefully, "we know you are still grieving over your lose," She looked at the middle aged woman and saw the childish face splayed on her, then she realised: she was drunk.
"but we think its time you started to go to Dr. Mormon," Sarah spook as if she was talking to a child, "he can help you with your... err... situation," Sarah smiled and stood up.
"But I don't want to go to Dr. Mormon," Miss James stropped emphasising most of her anger on the 'want'.
"I want to see Willow!" She yelled
"Miss James your daughter is-"
"You're keeping her away from me,aren't you?" Miss James started to walk towards Sarah pointing her manicured finger at her and glaring at the two of them.
"You think I'm a bad mum, I'M NOT A BAD MUM!" She yelled.
"Miss James!" Sarah snapped.
"No!"She yelled, then suddenly, she jumped onto Sarah pushing her down to the office floor,
"GIVE ME BACK MY WILLOW YOU BLOND BITCH!" She screamed raising a fist.
Miss James's fist never came in contact with Sarah's face: Adrian and another police officer had yanked her off and she was now struggling her way out of the office in a drunken mess.

Sarah let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and got up off the floor, brushing her self off then listened to the childish screams that come from a drunk Miss James.
Well played Sarah, well played[/p]
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so what do you think? I know it's short and doesn't really hold any jaw droppers but aren't the first chapters supposed to keep all the awesome stuff a secret?

Any way tell me what you thought about it and if there were any.. you know.. mistakes.... :D

