
Klaus' Pain

Klaus sighed restlessly as the green numbers on the alarm clock blinked seemingly slower than usual. Everything seemed slower, and he just couldn’t seem to get comfortable no matter how hard he tried. It was 3 o’clock in the morning when he finally growled in frustration and sat up, running his fingers through his slightly matted hair. He wiped away the sleep from his eyes as he rolled out of bed.
Quickly and quietly he left his room to descend the polished royal marble staircase. Klaus took his time walking through the colossal mansion he had grown to tolerate. When he entered the parlor he noticed a lump on the couch. Looking further he saw it was Elijah, his favorite brother at the moment.
The kitchen was much colder and the only light source came from the moon shining in through the warped window. Starring at the full moon sent a chill down Klaus’s spine. Something he never normally got. An image of Caroline appeared in his mind. He frowned, seeing her expression set into a scowl, and not the bubbly smile with lips that could talk more than everyone other than he could listen. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness, but he needed it. This was the reason why he couldn’t sleep. The aching pain he felt in his chest was guilt.