Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


The road trip was NOT a success, Boychuk’s wife did give birth to the most beautiful little girls though which I would still be really excited about except we just lost a game at home against Toronto. Plus there has been too many injury’s and it's making me feel uneasy. Sidenburg is out for the whole rest of the season which sucks. We have Kevin Miller up from providence in replacement to him and we also have Ryan Spooner up because Chris Kelly broke his fibula and now Dougie has a minor concussion after we just got Loui Erikson back from having his second concussion of the season which both happened before I started working here. Adam is clear for contact now thankfully, he's been practicing hard to try and be the best so he can sleep with me. Tomorrow night were playing the Dallas Stars and I just hope everyone can make it through the game alive at this point. We were all on the bus ride to the hotel in Dallas from the air port and I was sitting next to Ryan Spooner, who I've gotten to know since he got here, because I had a headache and Brads excited to see his friend Tyler who apparently got traded from the bruins to Dallas last year and he won't shut up.
"Your headache getting any better?" Ryan asked while I rested my head on his shoulder that he was kind enough to offer to me.
"A little. I'm pretty sure it just feels a little better because I don't have Brad yelling next to me not that it's actually getting better." I said
"You know, I hear that sex can help cure a headache." he said and I laughed a little.
"Normally I would turn you down, but if my headache doesn't start to feel better I might just have to take you up on that offer Spoonie." he did a little celebration fist pump.
"Maybe I should send you back over to Brad to insure that you sleep with me, and as punishment for calling me Spoonie." he laughed a little and so did I.
"You love when I call you Spoonie. Now stop making me laugh it's making my head worse." I pouted and lifted my head off his shoulder and took his arm from his side and put it around me and snuggled my head deeper into him and I could feel him laugh a little as he kissed the top of my head.
"Sorry." he whispered and used the his arm that I put around me to rub my arm.
"It's okay. You smell good today, by the way." I said and he chuckled a little.
"Thank you. I do my best to bring pleasure to peoples nostrils rather than repulse them." he said and I felt the bus stop.
"Ugh, I don't want to move. Where’s Brad? He'll carry me." I said as Ryan stood up.
"Hey Brad, Your presence is requested. Her majesty wants to be carried." He said as Brad came down the bus aisle laughing and stopped and stood with us while everyone got off.
"You still have that headache? Don't worry, I'll carry you princess." he said laughing as Ryan got out of the way and Brad picked me up into his arms and carried me off the bus and into the hotel and he walked us over to Torey.
"Aw, you still got that headache Rach?" he asked and I nodded my head rested it on Brads chest as the other staff members handed out all the room keys. Uncle Claude came over and put two of them in my lap and handed one to Torey.
"Ay, Kruger, were roomies." Ryan said excitedly as he walked back over to us and he brushed his hand threw my hair a little, "And me and Adam took your and Brads bags off the bus for you."
"Thanks Spoonie. Where is Adam? Doesn't he usually room with you Torey?" I asked since I didn't see him any where.
"He went up to his and Brads room." Ryan said.
"Ooo switchen the rooms up this trip." Brad said, "I wanted to room with Rachel though." he said and I shook my head.
"I already promised someone else a spot in my bed if my headache doesn't get better." I said and Brad looked at me shocked.
"Who? Adam? because that’s not fair you already made a different deal with him." Brad said and I shook my head.
"Nope, I promised it to Spoonie" I said
"Oh, okay." Brad said and I looked at him weird because that’s really weird for him to just say okay.
"Um... okay. You can put me down if you want. I've got to be getting heavy by now." I said and Brad shook his head.
"Nah, your good. I'll carry you to your room." he said.
"Thanks Brad. Good night Torey, Goodnight Spoonie." I said to them as Brad started to walk towards the elevator.
"Feel better Rach." Torey said as the elevator doors opened and me and Brad got on and the doors closed behind us and I looked at our key cards in my lap then pressed the 8th floor.
"Just so you know, Spooners a Virgin still." Brad said and I looked up at him shocked.
"Is that why you acted weird when I said I promised sex to him!? He's not a virgin. He can't be. He's so handsome, someone has to have had sex with him before." I said shocked and Brad shook his head.
"Nope, I told him about your uncles no puck slut only sleeping with you rule and he said he wasn't worried about it because he's never had sex before anyways." Brad said and I still couldn't believe it.
"Are you sure he wasn't joking? I just can not imagine him being a virgin still. He's 21 when I was 21 I already had a kid for Gods sake, there is no ways he’s a virgin." I said then realized what I said and opened my eyes wide in shock and looked up to see Brad was also looking down at me with shock and confusion on his face.
"Wh- wai- what?" he asked as he put me down to stand in front of him so he could look at me better.
"Um... lets just get to my room, then I'll explain." I whispered and turned away from him and the elevator doors opened on the 8th floor and me and Brad walked down the hallway awkwardly quite to my room and I opened the door with the key card and gestured for Brad to sit on the bed and I started to pace in front of him trying to figure out how to word the truth to him. "Okay." I said letting out a breath. "When we first met and I told you about my MMA career I said that I stopped because f a knee injury. That was a lie. I- I stopped because my husband, who I married when I was 18, got me pregnant. I said it was a knee injury and refused to have it confirmed so no one would find out I was pregnant." As I told the story I started to pace faster and faster. "My husbands name was James and my son-" I started to sob and Brad quickly pulled me down into his lap trying to comfort me. "My son's name was Hunter" I quietly started to continue as I calmed down a little. "Last year they both died along with my brother, sister, and both my parents in a RV accident because we were all going to go on vacation but I had to go to a meeting at school first so I wasn't with them. I was supposed to be with them. I lost everyone I loved that day" I said still sobbing and Brad hugged me tighter as I clung to him. "I had no money after because uncle Claude didn't help pay for any of the funerals or the expense’s of other people who died in the accident and I only have my job because he's making me sleep with you guys to keep it. I might as well be a fucking prostitute!"
"You are NOT a prostitute." Brad said and held me more in front of him to look at me. "Your uncle is wrong for making you sleep with us. You are worth more than that. I am SO sorry about what happened to your family. When we go back to Boston you are moving in with me, I don't want you living with your uncle. You are not going to sleep with the players to keep your job anymore. He is going to let you keep your job without sleeping with us, if he tries to get you fired I'll threaten to tell the media about this whole thing. You are worth so much more than that Rachel. I though you were sleeping with us because you were getting paid extra for it and really needed the money. I didn't know it was because you would lose the job you have if you didn't do it." He said and he sounded really mad and upset.
"I'll be okay Brad. I don't need to move in with you. I don't want to cause a whole big thing with my uncle. I just want my life to calm down and it has been starting to do that. I love you for offering for me to live with you and for all of what you just said... but I'll be okay. Me sleeping with you guys really has been good for the team anyways." I said
"No. You shouldn't have to deal with these things Rachel." He said still sounding angry.
"I'll be fine for now Brad. okay? If it ever does become too much for me I'll take you up on your offer okay?" I asked wanting him to feel better about it.
"Promise me." he said holding my face in his hands so I couldn’t look away from him.
"I promise." I whispered and he looked at me and then pulled me into a tight hug again and I let a few more tears out as I hugged him back. He pulled back and whipped some of my tears off my face.
"I don't want to be the one to ruin this nice moment we're having but your really starting to crush my balls." he said and I couldn't help but laugh as I got off of him.
"Sorry." I said and sat on the bed next to him instead.
"You know you can come to me with anything right Rachel?" he asked and I looked over to him and nodded my head and looked away.
"Yeah. Can you do me a favor though, and not look at me with pity like you just did. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. You've become one of the most important in my life in this short time we've known each other weather you realize it or not and I don't want you to see me any differently that's why I didn't want to tell anyone the story." I said and Brad grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
"Your one of the most important people in my life too. I don't think I could ever see you any differently than my awesome, sexy best friend that I like to have sex with." he laughed and I did too.
"Wow we sound like freaks." I said, "God, my headache is so much worse after all this." I said as I leaned back on the bed with my legs hanging off the end.
"Lets take a nap then." he said and I remembered that he was supposed to be meeting up with his friend that plays for Dallas.
"Aren’t you supposed to meet up with your friend?" I asked and he nodded his head.
"Yeah, but I can be late for that. You need a cuddle and a nap more than he needs a drink and a wingman." he said and I laughed a little.
"I can just call Adam or Spoonie or even Torey to come cuddle me while I sleep. You barely get to see this friend anymore, go hang out with him." I said and he nodded his head.
"Fine, but if you decide you want to have sex with someone just remember that Ryan’s a virgin and that I'm only a phone call away." he said and I laughed.
"I still don't believe that he's a virgin. Now go, I don't want you to be late for your friend." I said and he kissed my forehead.
"Alright, I'm going. If your feeling better later you should come hang out with us so my too bestist friends can meet. He's hot too, you two would get along great." he said and I laughed.
"Yes, because all hot people automatically get along." I said sarcastically
"You automatically got along with me didn't you?" he said and I laughed.
"just go you loser." I said jokingly and he laughed as he left my room.
After he left I tried to decide who to have come cuddle with me and decided to make it a competition for them, so I sent out a group text.
*Go down to the lobby and when all three of you are there race up to my room 812 and who ever gets here first wins.* I sent the message and waited to see who would show up first I went and opened my door so whoever won could just run in and so the three of them wouldn't end up piled up in front of my door. I sat in a chair facing my door and less than 10 minutes later I could hear loud and heavy footsteps running in the hallway and the three of them yelling and what sounded like one of them falling on the ground and then Torey ran through the door and stopped in front of me and smiled nodding his head in victory and I laughed.
"Which one of them fell?" I asked and Torey laughed.
"Both. Adam shoved Ryan on the ground and then Ryan Grabbed his ankle... there probably still wrestling in the hallway. Well, I'm sure its more like Ryan begging Adam to get off of him." Torey laughed and so did I. I stood up and me and Torey walked into the hallway to see that Adam and Ryan were indeed fighting on the hallway floor so I walked over to them and they stopped fighting but didn't let go of each other or even get off the floor.
"Torey won... you two can stop fighting now... well, from what I saw, Adam you can stop beating up Spoonie now." I said and Torey and Adam laughed as Adam got off of Ryan and Ryan pouted as Adam helped him off the ground.
"What does he win?" Adam asked.
"I told Brad I'd have one of you guys come a cuddle and nap with me so he would leave to go see his friend and I thought I'd make it fun for you guys instead of me just choosing one of you." I said and Adam nodded.
"Oh yeah, him and Segs were going to catch up. I'm surprised he didn't try and take you with him. You still have that headache?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"You said if you still had your headache you would sleep with me." Ryan said.
"No, I said I might sleep with you. and that was before Brad said you were still a virgin." I said and Torey and Adam bother looked shocked and then looked at Ryan who was starting to blush.
"Wait that’s true? I thought Brad was just being an asshole when he told me that when you were brought up." Torey said and Ryan looked down.
"Don't worry Ry, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, just ask Dougie." Adam said and I gasped.
"Aww little Douglas is still one too? I thought he might be. he always seams so innocent still, and looks like he doesn't get some of Brads jokes." I said and Adam laughed.
"Yeah, unfortunately I'm usually the one that try’s to explain them to him later." Adam said and Torey laughed.
"Dougie lied to me then, he told me he slept with some chick from the bar that night he left early." he said and Adam laughed.
"No I had to take him home early because he was making an ass of himself after Thornton bought him some drinks since he cant buy his own." I laughed.
"Aw that's so cute. Okay lets stop talking about it though, I doubt Dougie wants his virginity announced. There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin though, I wish I would have kept mine longer than I did." I said hoping to make Ryan feel better.
"Your a girl though. being a virgin as a guy at this age makes people think your gay." Ryan said and I rubbed his arm.
"Don't stress over it Spoonie. Now lets go cuddle Torey, I really want to sleep this headache off." I said and we said bye to Adam and Ryan and went back into my room and closed the door and got into my bed and I put Torey’s arm around me and cuddled into his side and he brought his other arm to be around me too holding me tighter to him.
"Ooo Torey, I didn't know you were such a good cuddeler. I would have sat with you on the bus instead of Ryan earlier." I said and he laughed a little.
"Yeah, I'm kind of a pro cuddeler." he said and I laughed a little realizing how tired I actually was. after a while I fell asleep.