Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


After the plane landed I got my bag and put it into my car grabbing some clothes for tomorrow and putting them in my purse before finding Adam to go home with him. I found him and Dougie talking with Torey and Brad.
"You ready to go?" he asked and I nodded my head. I handed my car keys to Dougie who we decided was going to take my car since he rode here with Adam and definitely wouldn't want to go home.
"I'm trusting you Dougie. Don't fuck up my car, or I'll fuck up your face and not in the good way." I said and the boys laughed.
"Don't worry." he said and I shook my head.
"Yeah, okay." I said and then hugged Brad and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you guys tomorrow probably because I'll have nothing better to do." I said and laughed then kissed Torey’s cheek giving him a hug too. "And do me a favor and one of you call me if Dougie trashes my car on the way to your house." I said and they laughed.
"No problem" Torey said as me and Adam got into Adams car to go to his and Dougies house.
When we got to Adams I walked in and put my purse on one of the chairs in his living room then turned around to face him.
"So you finally have me to yourself McQuaid AND your clear for physical activity. What should I expect from you?" I asked and he laughed while walking over to me.
"Well obviously pure greatness. because as you said when we first met... I am Godly." he said and I started laughing.
"I don't think that’s exactly what I said, but I'm glad I helped boost your confidence." I said and he laughed.
"Yeah and when I won that ab contest we all had here before." he said and I laughed then started to pull the shirt of his suit he was wearing out of his pants.
"ooo yeah, let me get a look at those babies up close." I said as I got his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, "Oh yeah, if you don't have confidence with those abs your just hopeless." I laughed and pushed his shirt and jacket off his shoulders.
"You've got a pretty hot body yourself Rachel. Why do you think Brads constantly making a puddle of drool following you around." he said and we laughed.
"If he does drool, he's been pretty damn good at hiding it." I said and pulled my shirt off and put it around the back of his neck to pull him closer to me, "Now enough about Brad, it's your turn." I whispered close to his face and pressed my lips to his dropping my shirt and resting my hands on his strong shoulders instead as he put one hand on my ass bringing me closer to him and one hand on the side of my face tilting my jaw more deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away from him and smirked. "You stayed a virgin for a long time didn't you?" I asked and he blushed. "I knew it! No one is that good at kissing unless that’s all they did for a long time." I said and he chuckled.
"Why are you so good at it then? I thought you said you wished you were a virgin longer." he said and I laughed a little.
"I ended of being one of those born again virgins." I said and he laughed.
"So who did you lose your second virginity to?" he asked.
"The person who I lost the first one to's cousin" I said and he laughed and started kissing me again and lifted me by my ass and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked while still kissing me the next thing I know I'm dropped into hot water and realize were in the hot tub. Adam started laughing when I gasped in shock and I punched him in the shoulder. "Why are we even in the hot tub?" I asked and he laughed
"I've always wanted to have sex in here and I'm sure as hell not doing that with Dougie." he said and I laughed and put my arms around his neck and sat on his lap facing him with me legs on either side of his body.
"Then I guess its up to me to make your fantasy’s come true." I said and leaned down kissing him and sliding my arms from around his neck to his shoulders and then down his chest and over his abs making him moan the sexiest moans I've ever heard. Adam started to unbutton my pants and tried to pull them down my legs but was struggling making me laugh and pull away. "It probably would have been a good idea for us to finish taking our clothes off before you dropped us into water." I said as we both stood up in the hot tub and took our own pants and under where off and I took my bra off. I looked over to Adam and was highly impressed. "Wow, I wasn't aware you had so much going for you Adam. What else could you possibly need to boost your confidence." I said and he laughed and sat back down in the water and pulled me on top of his lap again with my knees on either side of him so he had to look up a little to look at me. He started to kiss my neck and shoulders while his hands roamed all over my body making me let out little moans. I brought my hand down to start gently stroking his penis and he let out one of his beautiful moans making me stroke him a little faster. His lips made it down to my breasts and he slid his hands up my sides from my hips up to my breasts and started to massage them and roll my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers making me moan more and lean into his touch wanting more. I brought my hands up to the side of his face making him look at me as he made me moan, "Adam" I said breathlessly as I put my fingers through his hair and he slid his hands back down my sides down to my hips and took one of his hands off of me to guide his hard penis to my more than ready vagina not taking his eyes off mine the whole time. I rested his my hands on his shoulders again as his penis entered me and Adam closed his eyes in pleasure and let out another moan. He brought his lips to mine again kissing me as he started to lift me up and down on his cock making the water in the hot tub start to slosh as our rhythm got faster and faster I rested my head on his shoulder leaving kisses on his neck every once in a while as we moaned in each others ear in absolute pleasure. His penis was so big it filled my body so perfectly hitting all the right places inside me.
"Oh God Rachel." he moaned out as he was getting closer to coming making me moan again, his moans are just the right amount of raspieness I could listen to him all night. I could also feel myself getting closer to the edge and couldn't help the moans I was letting out and kissed Adams neck and nibbled on his earlobe as me squeezed my hips tighter in his big hands as we quickened our pace even more and some water started to splash out of the hot tub. I felt Adam start to cum inside of me and it sent me over the edge as we both orgasimed moaning each others name. Once we were done I got off Adams lap and kissed him one more time as we sat in the hot tub.
"Well? Was your fantasy fulfilled?" I asked looking at him and he smiled making me smile too.
"Oh yeah, fulfilled and then some." he said and I nodded my head.
"Good, because that might have just been the best sex I ever had." I said and laughed a little and so did he.
"That’s good to know we're on the same page then" he said.
"Your moans alone could make me orgasm Adam you have the sexiest sounds I have ever heard." I said and he laughed.
"You want to go have sex again somewhere else in the house now?" he asked and I stood up.
"lets go." I said and stuck my hand out to him and we both got out of the hot tub and went towards the living room and I heard my cell phone ringing and then Adams house phone started ringing. "I guess we might as well answer those" I said and I answered mine to see Torey was calling me.
Rachel: "Hello?"
Torey: "Hey Rach, now don't freak out. but Dougies in the hospital, he crashed your car a little but he's going to be okay. They don't even think he's hurt they're just checking him out because he seamed a little disoriented." he said and I started to freak out.
Rachel: "Are you sure Dougies okay? how did he crash?"
Torey: "I said don't freak out. he's going to be okay, I'm at the hospital waiting for him and Brads taking care of the stuff with your car." he said and I only calmed down a little bit.
Rachel: "I'm coming down there. Are you guys at Mass General?" I asked.
Torey: "Yeah." he said and I hung up the phone and Adam walked over to me as he hung up the phone too.

"That was Brad. Torey told you Brads handling your car?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"Yeah lets go, I told Torey we'd meet him at mass general." I said and Adam nodded his head and we both started to get dressed and he lent me a pair of sweatpants to wear and a sweatshirt and we got in his car and went to Mass general.
We walked in and I found Torey and rushed over to him. "Is he okay?" I asked and Torey put his hands on my shoulders trying to hold me still as I was freaking out.
"He's fine. They're just checking him out to see if he made his concussion worse." he said and I put my head on his shoulder.
"I'm such a moron! He already had a concussion I shouldn't have let him drive in the first place! what kind of athletic trainer lets a guy with a concussion drive!? I should be fired." I said and Torey rubbed me back.
"Hey, don't say that. Its not your fault. It wasn’t even that bad of an accident. It could have happened to him even if he didn't have a concussion, plus he didn't have a bad one to begin with right?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, but that's not the point." I said, "How long have you guys been here?" I asked.
"like 2 hours, but most of it was waiting for a doctor to be available." he said and I nodded my head.
"Okay, how long have they been looking at Dougie?" I asked and Torey tilted his head to the side.
"They just took him into a room when I called you so... 15 minutes maybe." he said and I nodded my head.
"Okay, they're probably doing some basic concussion tests on him then." I said and sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room in between Adam and Torey. After 10 more minutes Dougie finally walked out and I stood up and ran over to him and hugged him and grabbed his face looking at it and feeling over his arms making sure he was really okay. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I never should have let you drive. What did the doctor say?" I asked and he laughed.
"Calm down mom I'm fine." he said making fun of my panicked state, "They said the same thing you said earlier, I have a mild concussion and should be better in a week or 2." he said and I hugged him again.
"Thank God your okay." I said and kissed his cheek.
"Alright, I'll take Dougie home, you should go with Torey and see what’s up with your car. and now that we know the boy is fine, you can stop freaking out." Adam said and I pouted.
"Fine... and I promise you'll get the part 2 of sex we were going to have before our phones rang." I said and he smirked.
"Good, now I have something to look forward to." he said and him and Dougie left in Adams car and I followed Torey to his.
"So the sex with Adam was that good? you were going in for seconds when I called?" he asked and I laughed.
"Yeah it was." I said. And he laughed.
"Oh and I have some inside scoop for you." He said and I got excited.
"Ooo really? you haven’t given me any inside scoop in a while what is it this time?" I asked and he laughed.
"Your little Spoonie is a man now." he said and a gasped.
"When!? With who!?" I asked and he laughed.
"This is where it gets really good. When we were in Dallas and I was in your room apparently he had one of Tyler’s visiting sisters in our room." he said and I gasped again and started laughing.
"No way! Brad's Tyler!?" I asked and Torey nodded his head laughing, "And he broke my uncles rule of no sleeping around! I did not know he was such a badass." I laughed and Torey nodded his head.
"yup, but don't tell Brad we can't have Tyler finding out. I technically don't know about it, but I knew you would want the inside scoop." he said and I laughed.
"Don't worry I wont tell Brad. I can't believe my little Spoonie is a man... I'm going to have to give him a manly nickname now." I said as we got to Brads place. We walked in and Brad was at the kitchen counter on the phone with someone.
"Okay, and that will cost how much?... that’s bad... okay... yeah... got it... thank you, bye." he said ending his phone call and I walked up to him and gave him a hug as he got out of the chair he was sitting in.
"Was that about my car?" I asked pouting a little as he hugged me back.
"Yes it was. And unfortunately it would cost way to much to try to get parts for your old ass car and they don't really think it's worth saving, but they did say that you can trade it in at the junkyard for a slightly less crappy car that still needs to be fixed or for money to go towards a new car." he said and I sighed and sat in the chair he was sitting in before.
"Great, now I have to be a stripper on my days off." I said and put my head on the counter brad started to rub my back.
"don't worry about it, I'm sure Dougie will pay for some of it since he did crash your car." he said. and I quickly lifted my head off the table
"No! I do NOT want Dougie paying for anything. It was my fault for letting him drive with a concussion in the first place. I'll just be walking everywhere for a while." I said
"Rachel, it's the middle of winter. You are not walking everywhere. We'll figure this out tomorrow morning before we leave for Chicago okay? It's almost one in the morning lets just all go to bed okay? Your staying here tonight." Brad said and I nodded my head.
"Okay." I sighed and stood up and walked towards Torey’s room.
"Why are you going to Torey’s room?" Brad asked.
"He cuddles better." I said and walked into Torey’s room and he followed in soon after me. and I was already in his bed.
"Hey, that’s my side of the bed." he said.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'll move." I said getting ready to move over and he laughed.
"Nah, its okay, don't worry about it Rach." he said and got in on the other side after taking his pants off.
"ooo boxers? your the first one I've seen to wear boxers instead of briefs." I said and he laughed as he put his arms around me and I cuddled myself into his side putting one arm over his stomach, "Your such a good cuddeler." I said and he laughed.
"So you've told me." he said and I laughed.
"And your nice and warm. Its like I'm a baby cuddling with a giant blanket." I said and he laughed and wrapped his arms around me tighter cuddling me closer and kissed my head.
"Goodnight Rachel." he said and I rubbed his side a little.
"Goodnight Torey." I said and we went to sleep.