Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I woke up the next morning to find Torey looking down at me watching me sleep and I looked up at him and smiled. "Good morning." he said and I kissed him gently on the lips.
"Good morning." I said and he rubbed my back with his hand.
"I guess we should talk?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"I don't know what that was last night... but I liked it, and I like waking up in your arms, and I... I had no clue I had any of these feelings that I felt last night. I just... I don't know. When I talked with my aunt while I was sick, I thought I was falling for Brad I mean I've had gentle loving feeling kisses with Brad... but last night... with you... all of it... it all felt... it felt like I was being loved." I said and he smiled a little.
"That’s because you were." he whispered. "It seams weird but I've been falling for you since the first day I saw you and introduced myself to you before you slept with Brad. Even though I was still with Melanie and still felt so in love with her and like my world was falling apart... I was falling for you. Even though its been completely obvious that Brad has a thing for you and Adam too, and I even though I felt like I had no chance... I kept falling for you anyways and I still am." he said and I kissed him again.
"I'm so sorry Torey... I...we... we can't do this. I can't be in a relationship right now. Not after what happened with my last relationship, I know I should move past what happened... but I can't, not right now... and I still have to sleep with the guys when they play good... I feel like such an awful skanky bitch having to say this to you... but we just cant." I said crying and getting out of his arms and putting my panties and shirt on from last night and grabbing the rest of my clothes and leaving his room as he begged me to stay asking me what I meant about my last relationship. I was crying walking into the living room and wasn't watching where I was going or even knowing where I was planning on going and I stumbled into a hung over Brad who quickly realized I was crying and pulled me into his arms rubbing my back.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" he asked and I could only shake my head and he led me back to his room and sat me on his bed and took my clothes out of my hands putting them on his bed and took my hands in his rubbing comforting circles on them with his thumbs, "What happened? Did you have that dream again?... Rachel? ... Come here." he said and let go of my hands and pulled me into his chest and rested his head on mine as I kept crying and crying. I don't know how long we sat like that, with me crying and him rubbing my back and telling me it was okay as I cried into his chest. When I finally stopped he held me in front of him by my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked and I shook my head no.
"I'm such a bitch, Brad. I'm a bad person. I don't know what to do." I said starting to cry again and he wiped my tears.
"Hey, Rachel, you are not a bitch. What happened? You can tell me anything, you know that." he said and I nodded my head.
"I had sex with Torey... and it wasn't just sex. I felt loved and I liked it a lot and... I felt like I haven't felt in a long time. And I told him I can't be with him because I'm not ready from my last relationship, and I'm not. He doesn't even know about any of that though and I can't just tell him and I don't even know where these feelings for him came from. I thought I was falling for him and then all of a sudden I'm remembering all the times Torey looked sexy and making love to him. NOT sex but LOVE. and I don't know what I'm doing. I can't even be with anyone because I have to sleep with all you guys and I'm not ready to move on from James yet and Torey said all these things about falling for me even before Melanie left him and I just don't know what to do. Brad I'm scared. I'm so scared." I cried and he pulled me into his chest again letting me get it all out before he whispered to me.
"You have to do what feels right to you. If Torey feels right then you should try it with him, if your not ready you should explain to him why. If your not close enough to him to share with him why you can't be with him... then it probably doesn't feel that right to be with him anyways. I don't know what's going on in here or in here right now." he said pointing to my head and then my heart, "But I know that when something is right and true... you'll feel it in both." he whispered and I hugged him tighter.
"I love you Brad. I think I would seriously die if we weren’t friends." I said into his chest still sniffling and he laughed a little and hugged me tighter.
"I love you too Rach. You know we're besties." he said and kissed the top of my head, "I'm going to go shower and eat as many carbs as I can to get rid of this hangover before practice, you just stay here and rest, I'll tell coach your relapsing with the flu again." he said and I nodded my head and curled under his still warm covers and fell asleep.
I was woken up from my dream by someone playing with my hair and opened my eyes to see Brad.
"Hey, how was practice?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
"It was okay for while I was there. Coach made me leave early to look after you." he said and I looked at him confused.
"Really?" I asked surprised that my uncle would do something like that.
"Yeah. I think he's starting to realize how much his niece means to him." he said and I looked at him confused and he continued, "He's the one that bought the cake for your birthday, and he's been yelling at us for checking you out so much... he never used to care that we checked you out all the time." he said and I laughed a little.
"I wonder what's got him like this." I said and Brad shrugged his shoulders.
"How are you now though?" he asked obviously about earlier.
"I think I know what I want now... I think the feelings I was feeling with Torey we're just in my head. I think I might have just missed having that feeling with someone because I didn't feel it in my heart... and like you said, if it was true I would have felt it in both. And with Torey I didn't get any butterfly’s and I just... thought about how loving he was being and my head made me feel like I was feeling it back... but I wasn't. Now I feel even worse though because how can I look at him knowing he's falling for me and I thought I was too but I wasn't. How do you tell someone that? I'm a worse person than I thought I was this morning. Turns out I really am a skanky bitch." I said and Brad gave me a disapproving look.
"You are not a skank or a bitch. You didn't mean to do that to him... your just still wounded from what happened, which makes complete since considering what happened. I know you might not want to tell Torey the story... and I don't think you'll need to. Torey's a solid dude, he'll forgive you and trust that you have good reason because that's the kind of guy he is. Trust me it'll be okay." he said and I sat up and hugged around his waist.
"You better be right because Torey's my gossip buddy and a good cuddeler... we probably wont cuddle much after this anyways... but I still need someone to gossip with." I said and Brad laughed
"I'm positive that it'll be fine." he said and kissed the top of my head as my stomach growled and he laughed, "Want some breakfast? I have cinnamon toast crunch." he said and I smirked remembering the first time I was here and that was the only food he had.
"Do you ever have any other food?" I asked laughing a little.
"Since you've been hanging out here a lot and bringing food, yes. Since you haven’t brought food more recently, no... we could go out for breakfast if you want." he said and I smiled.
"Yes! lets go on a best friends date... but I don't have any money on me so your paying like its a real date." I said and he chuckled.
"Great, do I have to wait for the third date to get sex from you then too?" he asked and I laughed.
"Nope, that part will stay like a best friend date and you wont get sex at all." I said and he dramatically frownd. "Aww Brad stop with that face." I said and got out of Brads bed still in only a shirt and my panties and walked over to Brads dresser and opened the drawer that Brad lets me keep some clothes in since I stay here so often. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a soft long sleeved shirt along with a pair of panties and a bra.
"Whoa, you have bra's and underwear in there? I would have went through your stuff if I had known that." he said and I laughed and took the panties I was wearing off and threw them at his face.
"Here knock yourself out." I said and laughed as he smirked when I went into the bathroom locking the door behind me so he couldn't try and interrupt my shower. After I got out of the shower I got dressed and me and Brad went out to a diner around the corner to get breakfast. When we got back to his house we decided to watch movies and decided to watch Youngblood since its my favorite hockey movie. we were almost done with the movie when I decided I wanted a foot massage.
"Brad massage my feet." I said and put my feet onto his lap.
"Only if you massage mine." he said and turned to face me on the couch and put his feet on me. I laughed and grabbed his foot.
"Fine. Now get to work. and NO tickling." I said and he laughed and picked up one of my feet and started to massage it.
"This is like the 69ing of foot massages." he said as I heard the door behind me open and Brad started laughing and I turned my head to see Torey looking at us like we were freaks.
"The 69ing of foot massages? I never walk in to anything normal around here." he said shaking his head laughing a little, "Brad barley even had his skates on today, if anyone around here disserves a foot massage its me." he said and I pushed Brads feet onto the floor.
"Your right, I need to talk to you anyways. Brad leave, It's Torey's turn to 69 foot massage with me." I said and Brad nodded and got off the couch and left to his room and Torey sat on the couch in front of me and gave me his feet as he started to massage mine.
"So you guys were watching young blood? good movie." he said and I nodded my head.
"Yeah. Look about this morning and last night. I'm so sorry. I feel so bad saying this but I don't think what I thought I was feeling was what I was actually feeling, and I think maybe the alcohol had more to do with it than I thought and I just-" he cut me off
"Don't worry about it." he said, "I think your right... I was thinking about it during practice and I think maybe I was missing the feeling of having somebody to love more than I was actually falling for you." he said and I nodded my head.
"Thank God. I thought this was going to be awkward and that I was going to loose my gossip buddy." I said and he laughed.
"You don't have to worry about that... I'm not going to be your foot massage buddy though, your pinky toe is really freaking me out." he said as he stopped massaging my foot and made a face and I gasped and pushed his feet onto the ground.
"Rude! You didn't see me making faces and complaining about your nasty ass smelling feet from practice." I said and he laughed.
"Yeah but I can fix that, you can't fix your weird pinky toe." he said and I gasped again and bent my knee bringing my foot close to me holding it.
"BRAD! GET OUT HERE TOREY'S BEING MEAN TO ME!" I yelled and Brad walked out of his room and looked at Torey laughing and then at me holding my foot.
"What’s wrong?" he asked and I unbent my knee and put my foot towards him.
"He called my pinky toe weird... it's not weird is it?" I asked and Brad laughed grabbing my ankle and brought my foot closer to his face.
"No, all you toes are cute." he said and gently bit down on my pinky toe then kissed the bottom of my foot, "Especially your pinky toe." he said and gave me my foot back and sat in his spot on the couch again.
"See. my toes are cute!" I said and stuck my tongue out at Torey.
"You two are so weird. You just had her dirty foot in your mouth." He said and Brad just shrugged his shoulders in response.
"her feet aren’t that dirty, she showered earlier." he said and Torey shook his head.
"I'm going to go hang out with Adam and Dougie... hopefully I wont walk in on them giving each other a foot massage." he said and walked into his room to put his stuff away and then back out and left.
"Text Adam and tell him-" I started but Brad cut me off laughing.
"Way ahead of you." he said and I laughed we continued with our foot massaging until Brads phone made a noise saying he had a text message. He picked it up laughing then threw his phone to me and I looked at the picture message from Torey with a picture of Adam and Dougie on their couch the same way we have been sitting on Brads couch I laughed and read the message Torey had with the picture saying he knows me and Brad are behind this. I laughed and threw his phone back to him and he put it on the table again.
"How was your conversation with Torey anyways?" he asked as he started massaging my feet again and I did the same to his.
"It went well, thank God. He felt pretty much the exact same way that I did about it... Do you think Adam has a thing for me?" I asked and Brad looked at me weird.
"Maybe, why do you think you have a thing for him now?" he asked and I shook my head.
"No, it's just something that Torey said this morning... I just... I don't want to be leading him on or something by accident if he does have a thing for me. He said you have a thing for me too, but obviously on that one he's just confusing how close our friendship is." I said and Brad nodded his head.
"Plus all that sex we have." he said and I laughed.
"Yeah probably that too." Me and Brad spent the rest of the day watching movies and ordering in food before Torey Came back from Adam and Dougies house then we some how ended up playing poker.
"When Torey goes to bed want to play strip poker?" Brad asked and I shook my head
"I'm still in the room. You can't wait till I go to get a drink or something to ask her that?" Torey asked and I laughed.
"Your starting to get a little too open about how you harass me for sex." I said and Brad laughed
"so that’s a no to the strip poker?" he asked and I slapped him on the back of the head.
"Yes, that is a no. I'll kick you out of your own room and make you sleep on the couch if you don't stop bothering me for sex." I said and he frownd.
"Fine." he said and I pinched his cheek so he would stop frowning.
"All right boys I got a full house." I said and laid my cards down and they groaned as I took the money we all put on the table.
"Whoa whoa whoa... I get to keep one of those 20's. I gave you that on loan since you don't have any money with you." Brad said and I laughed and put it in my bra.
"Nope." I said and Brad smirked.
"Was that supposed to stop me or make me want the money more?" he asked and reached over trying to put his hand in my shirt and I kept hitting his hand laughing.
"Fine, fine, fine. here." I said and took one of the $20 bills out of my bra and handed it to him.
"Yeah, like I thought." he said and put the money in his wallet.
"Alright, now that I've got some cash... I'm going to sleep. Brad when you join me try not to groap me so much that I wake up." I said and he laughed.
"So I can groap you as long as you don't wake up?" he asked
"I would say no, but I'm a light sleeper so I would catch you right away." I said and he laughed
"You are not a light sleeper. I literally forgot you were in my bed one time and rolled over your body and landed on the floor and you just stayed asleep." he said and I shook my head.
"I was awake for that. That was only like the 2nd or 3rd time I stayed here and I didn't want to embarrass you so I acted asleep." I said and he gasped.
"You mean you used to be nice to me?" he asked and I laughed.
"Shut up I still am nice to you. I'm going to bed." I said and walked into Brads room and changed into one of his shirts and the pair of his shorts that I tied the knot in the band too tight and we can't get it untied so they are now permanently mine. I just pulled the blankets off the bed when Brad walked in.
"Those were my favorite shorts. I still think you tied that knot on purpose." he said and I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't do it on purpose Brad. I didn't even know they were your favorite shorts, they were thrown on the floor just like the rest of your clothes are." I said and he shook his head.
"Nope, you did it on purpose, you are the biggest clothes stealer I have ever met. You have clothes from almost every guy on the team." he said and I slapped his chest and got into bed.
"Shut up, you guys give them to me... its not my fault you never remember to get them back." I said and he got in the bed on the other side and turned the light off.