Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


There’s only one more week of games until the Olympic break tonight we played against the oilers and all the guys were pretty excited because Andrew Ference who was traded at the end of last season was here to visit, we won the game 4-0 and most of the guys went out to hang out with Ference but Chad Johnson who was in net instead of Tuukka tonight was one of the stars of the game and who I had to sleep with tonight. I haven’t talked to Chad a lot before so this was going to be interesting. I walked with him to his car and he drove us to his house and he was very awkward.
"Are you okay Chad?" I asked as he kind of paced in his living room we were standing in. "You don't HAVE to sleep with me you know... it's just an option for you." I said and he nodded his head.
"Yeah, I know... I just... I feel like this is wrong. This is like a one night stand except I'll definitely see you again. and I'm really ugly and your really hot and you must be really bummed that you have to sleep with me and-" I started to laugh and I felt bad.
"Chad... I'm not that hot and you are not ugly and I'm not bummed that I have to sleep with you." I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder, "Your clearly nervous about this whole thing... we don't have to sleep together if you think it'll be too weird for you after." I said and he shook his head.
"I can't not sleep with you, I'll get shit about it forever." he said and I smiled at him and stood in front of him rubbing both his shoulders looking up at him.
"If you want, we can just act like we slept together so they wont give you shit okay? I don't get why you agreed to take me home with you if you didn't want to sleep with me but... whatever I guess." I said confused on why we were having this problem in the first place.
"I had to say yes... I was planning on sleeping with you anyways but I can't do that to him it would crush hi-" he cut himself off wide eyed. and I looked at him even more confused.
"Him who?" I asked and Chad shook his head and looked at a picture frame on a table then looked at the ground. Curious I walked over to the picture frame and picked it up looking at the picture and saw that it was of Chad and another man holding hands in front of a pool. I gasped and walked back over to Chad and wrapped him in a hug. "Does anyone on the team know?" I asked and felt him shake his head no from where he had his face buried in my shoulder. I put my hand on the back of his head playing with his hair a little. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." I said and hugged him closer to me. "Good choice though, he's cute." I said and felt Chad laugh as he looked up from my shoulder and I whipped a tear from his face.
"He is isn't he?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"What's his name?" I asked and his face lit up having someone to talk to about his boyfriend.
"Evan. I've been with him for 3 years now. He had a business trip this week though so he's not going to be home till Monday." he said and I smiled at how happy he looked just talking about him.
"Can I meet him when he comes back?" I asked and Chad nodded his head.
"Yeah, he's going to be so excited. He's always wanted me to tell someone about us." he said and I smiled as we sat on the couch.
"Why don't you tell the guys? The NHL is all for gay rights, and the guys all love you, they wont care that you have a boyfriend." I said and Chad smiled sadly at me.
"Just because the NHL says that we're excepting of gay's doesn't mean that all the players actually are. Plus even when guys are excepting it still makes them uneasy knowing a gay is in the same locker room as them." he said and I put my hand on his fore arm.
"I'm going to ask around what the guys would think about a gay team mate and see what they say and let you know... and don't worry I'll ask you too so it doesn't seam suspicious... and I'll wait till after I have to sleep with someone else too. I don't want you to feel like you have to hide who you are if you actually have nothing to worry about." I said and Chad smiled at me.
"You would really do that for me?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"Of cores I would. My brother went to his grave without anyone but me knowing he was gay... and I wouldn't wish that on anyone." I said and hugged Chad and kissed his cheek. "Now show me more picture of you two! He's so cute!" I said laughing and followed Chad to a different room in his house where he had a whole photo album of them together.
"He gave me this for our anniversary last year, it's most of the pictures of us since we've been together." he said smiling and I was awing at almost every picture as Chad told the story’s that went with them.
"You two are so cute. I wish I would have taken more pictures in my life, to have something like this." I said and he smiled.
"Yeah, Evan loves taking pictures." he said.
I stayed over at Chads house so it wouldn't be suspicious to any of the other guys. It was Monday and I was at my aunt and uncle's getting ready to go to Chads house again when Torey came walking into my room.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he laid on my bed.
"I'm here to gossip with you. I know that you have gossip that you haven’t shared with me... but I already had that gossip and didn't share it with you so I can't be mad at you." he said and I raised my eyebrow at him wondering if Torey was really that good that he knows about Chad.
"And what gossip would that be?" I asked and he laughed.
"The gossip that you've been hanging out with since you 'slept' with him," he said putting air quotes around slept, "And who's boyfriend your going to meet." he said and I gasped and pulled his arm so he was sitting up on the bed and sat in front of him.
"How do you know about that? Chad said no one on the team knows." I said and he smirked and laughed.
"Yeah but look at who your talking to... I know everything that goes on, Rach. He doesn't know that I know he's gay... I don't even know his boyfriends name or what he looks like... but I heard him on the phone with him one night talking pretty dirty, which I wasn't expecting from Chad and definitely not expecting it to be with another guy" he said and I shook my head.
"They are so cute. he was showing me pictures of them when I was over there. and his boyfriend is cute. he's got good taste." I said and Torey laughed.
"You've been dying to tell someone this haven’t you?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"Yes! I couldn't believe it! I can't believe you knew and didn't tell me!" I said and hit his shoulder.
"Hey, I didn't tell you for the same reason you didn't tell me when you found out." he said holding his hands up in surrender.
"Fine... but anyways, his boyfriends name is Evan and they've been together for 3 years and they are the cutest thing ever." I said and Torey was laughing at me.
"I would get all this out now before you embarrass your self in front of him then." Torey said and I glared at him.
"I should ask Chad if you can come, since you know already anyways." I said and grabbed my phone to call Chad but Torey took my phone out of my hand.
"No, he obviously doesn't want any of the guys knowing about it. Don't overwhelm him by bringing me with you." he said and I grabbed my phone from him.
"Nope, I'm calling him. He said Evan's always wanted him to tell people and if you've known anyways it'll be fine." I said and called Chad who answered his phone on the second ring.
Chad: "Hello?"
Rachel: "Hey, Chad. Can I bring Torey with me tonight to meet Even? Before you freak out, I didn't tell him. The gossip king already knew from over hearing you have a dirty phone call with him."
Chad: "What? he knew this whole time? he never seamed like he knew." Chad said sounding surprised.
Rachel: "I told you guys wouldn't care if your gay."
Chad: "Just because Torey doesn't care doesn't mean that the other guys wont... I guess you can bring him if he already knows... Evan's going to be so excited he gets to meet one of my team mates." I could hear the smile and excitement in his voice and couldn't help but smile as I hung up the phone with him.
"Well?" Torey asked.
"He's so happy that your coming. You should have heard him. He thinks Evans going to be so happy to meat one of his team mates. Okay lets go. I can't wait any longer to meet him." I said and pulled Torey off my bed and ran down the stairs and into his car so he could drive us to Chad's house. Once we got there I ran out of the car and excitedly knocked on the door as Torey slowly came up behind me.
"Calm down, your meeting Chad's boyfriend not Ryan Gosling" he said and I slapped his arm as Chad opened the door and I hugged him excitedly. "Rachel I told you to get all of this out before we got here, your embarrassing yourself." Torey laughed as I pulled away from Chad to glare at him. "What's up, man?" Torey said and bro hugged Chad as if nothing was different at all and I could tell that Chad was relieved about it.
"Nothing much, come on in guys." he said and I excitedly walked into the house looking all around.
"Where is he? I want to meet him so bad!" I said still overly excited and Torey laughed at me.
"He'll be right down, he's just upstairs he's excited to meet you guys, he wanted to make sure he looked good." Chad said shaking his head. and I smirked
"Torey get more excited! Your making me seam like a freak for being this excited." I said and Torey laughed at me.
"That’s because you are a freak. You weren’t this excited to meet any of the guys girlfriends. This is just like that." Torey said and I smacked his arm.
"No it's not. Those weren’t secrets and I wasn’t the first person to get to meet them." I said and Torey shook his head.
"You weren’t this excited to meet Brads sister who was Tuukks secret girlfriend." he said and I shook my head.
"That was different you already knew that and so did half the team, the only person that was really a secret from was Brad." I said and Torey shrugged his shoulders.
"Fine... but your still too excited." he said and I rolled my eyes.
"Is this them!?" I heard a gasp and an excited voice from behind us and watched as the cute guy from Chad's pictures came down the stairs and wrapped me and Torey in a hug. "I'm so excited to meet you guys! I have heard so much about Chad's friends but I've never gotten to meet any of them." he said and pulled out of the hug and kissed my cheek then shook Torey's hand.
"Good to meet you too man, it's Evan right?" Torey asked and Evan nodded
"Yes, and I know that your Torey, I watch all the games and interviews and stuff. So this beautiful girl must be Rachel then right?" he asked looking at me.
"Yes. I'm so excited to meet you! All the pictures of you and Chad are SO cute!" I was still very excited and Evan laughed a little at my excitement.
"Thank you, your such a sweetheart." he said.
We spent the night eating dinner and talking and getting to know Evan. I somehow ended up drinking a lot so when me and Torry left he brought me to Brads place with him. Torey had to carry me in and Brad looked over from the couch where he was watching TV and laughed.
"Where were you guys that she got so wasted?" he asked and I giggled and Torey shook his head and put me down on the couch next Brad.
"We went and hung out with Chad at his place, he's more of a drinker than we all thought considering they drank the same amount and he wasn't even tipsy yet." Torey laughed telling Brad the truth but not giving away Chad's secret.
"I'm not wasted!" I yelled and giggled.
"I had to carry you out of Chads house because you couldn't even stand." Torey said shaking his head, "Well she's all yours man. Maybe you'll get lucky and you can trick her into sleeping with you." he said and Brad shook his head.
"Nah, if I did that she'd kill me once she's sober... and I don't currently have a death wish." he said and I laughed.
"I could never kill someone with an ass like yours Bradley." I said and moved on the couch so I was pressed against him and started to move my hands all over his body.
"Nope, you have to take her, man. I can't handle her when she's all touchy." Brad said and got off the couch and out of my grip.
"Fine, but you get her in the morning when she's dyeing from the hangover she's going to have." Torey said and picked me up off the couch and I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to leave kisses on it while laughing.
"Deal, because if she was doing that to me, her clothes would be on the ground already." Brad said walking to his room and Torey laughed and carried me to his room and put me down on the bed and I tried to drag him down with me but he took my hands off of him.
"Okay, enough of that." he said laughing. "Are you going to sleep like that or do you want some of my clothes to wear?" he asked and I shook my head.
"NO! I need Bradley’s favorite shorts!!!" I yelled and Torey shook his head at me.
"I have shorts just like his, you can wear those." he said and took a pair out of a drawer and tried to hand them to me but I threw them on the floor.
"NO! I need Bradley’s FAVORITE shorts!" I yelled again and Torey sighed.
"Fine. I'll go get them. Anything else you need from Brads room?" he asked and I nodded my head.
"I need Bradley!" I yelled and Torey shook his head.
"I can't bring you Brad. Do you want like one of his shirts or something?" he asked and I shook my head.
"NO! I need Bradley!" I yelled and started to cry a little and Torey shook his head.
"Rachel, don't cry. Please do not start drunk crying. I'll bring you his dirty shirt; it'll smell just like him. It'll be like he's with you okay?" he asked and I nodded my head sniffling.
"Okay." I whispered and Torey left his room and came back a minute later with the shorts and a shirt. He helped me change then put me under the covers and got in on the other side of the bed.
"Okay, now go to sleep." he said and kissed my forehead. "I feel bad for you about the headache you’re going to have in the morning already. I just hope you don't throw up all over the place." he said and I giggled and hugged the shirt I was wearing.
"This shirt smells like Bradley but your Torey." I said and Torey shook his head.
"Sleep, Rach." he said and turned off the light and I reached out my hand and put it on his face.
"Can you cuddle with me?" I asked and Torey nodded his head that my hand was still on.
"Yeah, come here." he said and I giggled and tucked myself into his side as he put his arms around me. "Just don't throw up on me in the morning." he said and I giggled and started to leave kisses on his chest threw his shirt.
"I want to have sex with you again." I said and Torey laughed.
"Go to sleep Rachel, I'm never letting you drink again." he said and I pouted.
"Why don't you want to have sex with me?" I asked
"Because your drunk, and I'm tired." he said with a yawn and I kept pouting until I finally passed out.