Status: Complete

Lady of the Evening


I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache and before I knew it I was rushing out of Torey's bed and to the bathroom in the hallway to empty my guts. I heard Torey laughing from the hallway and knocking on Brads door.
"Wake up man, it's your turn to handle her. I took care of her drunk and horny, you get here hangover and pukey." Torey said and I heard Brad come out of his room and felt him kneel on the ground next to me and rub my back as I rested my face on the toilet seat.
"I didn't think you would be this much of a mess this morning." Brad said sounding tired. I threw up again and it made my head hurt even worse. I held out my wrist with a hair tie on it to Brad and he understood what I wanted and took the hair tie and messily put my hair up.
"Kill me, please." I said and Brad chuckled.
"That’s what you get for getting completely trashed last night." he said and I groaned throwing up one more time as he rubbed my back.
"What time is it?" I asked as I rested my head on the toilet seat again.
"5, so we've got some time before practice to get you to not feel like your dyeing." he said and I grunted in response and he laughed making my head hurt even more. "How’s your head?" he asked and I gave him the finger, "I'll take that as bad. When your done upchucking brush your teeth and I'll get you a Gatorade and some carbs with Advil." he said and I nodded my head as he left. After throwing up one more time I cleaned myself up and went out to the kitchen and saw an orange Gatorade on the counter next to an assortment of toast, crackers, and some rice. I sat at the counter and rested my head on it. "Your supposed to eat that, it doesn't help if you just rest your head next to it." Brad said with a laugh and lifted my head with his hand and put a scoop of rice in my mouth that I reluctantly ate and he laughed at how miserable I am.
"Was I really this trashed last night?" I asked taking a sip of the Gatorade Brad left on the counter.
"Yeah. Torey had to carry you in here last night and then I made him take care of you because you were so touchy and I would not have been able to not sleep with you and I didn't want you to kill me for it so I made the deal to take the morning shift." he said and I nodded my head.
"Why does this shirt smell like you wore it all day?" I asked smelling the shirt I was wearing and Brad laughed.
"Because you kept telling Torey you wanted me and he convinced you that a dirty shirt of mine would be just like having me with you." he said and I laughed a little making my head throb. I put my hands on my head as I rested it on the counter again.
"Oh, God. I am not going to survive today." I said and Brad chuckled and rubbed my back and put something down on the counter.
"Hers some Advil, that should at least help you a little." he said and I sat up and took the Advil.
"Why did I even drink last night?" I asked myself shaking my sore head.
"I'm going to go shower, you eat more carbs." Brad said and left me in the kitchen. I was eating some of the crackers when Torey came out of his room and looked at me with a smirk on his face.
"It's nice to see your not drooling looking for sex this morning" he said laughing and I threw a cracker at him.
"Shut up. Why did I even drink so much last night?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Chad kept pouring drinks and you just never stopped drinking them." he said and I put my head down on the counter.
"None of you better get hurt at practice today because I do NOT feel like doing any work today." I said and Torey laughed and left to probably get ready for practice. I few minutes later I heard Brad come back into the kitchen and rest his hand on my head that was still on the counter.
"You showering before we leave or do you want to continue to drool on my counter?" he asked and I lifted my head to glare at him.
"I am not drooling." I said and got up and went into Brad’s room to get clothes and shower. When I was done in the shower and finished getting dressed and ready for the day I felt a little better than I did when I first woke up. I walked out to the kitchen and saw Brad and Torey sitting eating cereal and walked over and stood next to Brad and he reached out and squeezed my butt.
"Feeling better yet?" he asked as I pushed his hand off me.
"Yeah. Still want to die... but less than before." I said and he laughed
"Lets go before we're late for practice the last thing we need is to get coach angry before we play the Canucks." he said and me and Torey nodded and we all left for practice. Practice was normal and then Torey and Brad left for there pre-game nap and I decided to stay at the garden until game time. When the time finally came the game went well we won 3-1. I thought I was going to have the night off since Milan, Tuukka, and Johnny Boychuck were the stars of the game but as I was shocked at what Milan said to me after the game.
"Are you serious? Brittany wants me to have a threesome with you guys?" I asked not sure that I heard him right.
"I know it sounds weird and stupid but she's always wanted to have one but she never found anyone she trusted enough to have do it and apparently she trusts you. You don't have to if you don't want to, but she's been bugging me to ask you about it for a while now." I was still shocked he was asking me this when Torey came up behind Milan.
"Brad's looking for you, he says he want's his after game hug... why do you look like you just saw ghost? Lucic's face isn't that scary is it?" Torey asked laughing and I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Um... yeah, tell Brad I'll be right there." I said and looked back at Milan after Torey walked away. "I guess I'll find you after I give Brad his hug." I said and Milan looked surprised.
"Really? You'll do it?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah, why not?" I said and patted his shoulder as I walked away to find Brad. He was talking to Bergeron and I walked up behind Brad and hugged him. "Torey said you were looking for me for a hug." I said as he moved so I was hugging his side and his arm was around me.
"Yeah, you always hug me after a game, and I wanted to know if your staying over again or need a ride home?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Neither actually. I'm going home with Milan." I said and Brad and Bergy both raised their eyebrows at me.
"Does his wife approve of this?" Berggy asked and I nodded my head.
"Apparently it's her idea. She’s been asking for me to join them for a while apparently." I said and Brad smirked.
"Join them? That lucky bastard. Looch is having a threesome with you and Brittany tonight?" Brad asked and I nodded my head.
"Yup, so I have to go. I told Milan I'd find him after I gave you your hug." I said and Brad nodded. I went and found Milan and we went to his car and drove to his house. We got in the house and he yelled out to Brittany.
"Brit! I'm home! I brought Rachel!" he yelled and Brittany came running down the stairs.
"She said yes!? I knew I loved you Rachel. I always wanted to do this!" she said excited and hugged me. "have you done this before? Because both of us haven’t." she said and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, once in high school. I barley remember it though, it was at some party." I said and she nodded.
"I'm so excited lets go upstairs." she said and grabbed mine and Milan's hands and started pulling us up the stairs with her to what I assume is their bedroom. She started to take her clothes off and so did I and Milan stood there just watching us so I walked over to Brittany and started to rub my hands all over her body helping her take her clothes off, she got what I was doing and started to do the same to me. Once our clothes were off I started to kiss her neck and shoulders and she started to massage my breasts. I stopped her and we walked over to Milan each of us grabbing one of his hands and pulling him closer to the bed. I pulled his shirt over his head as Brittany took off his pants and boxers. we pushed him down on the bed and started to leave kisses all over his body. He started to moan as we continued our attack on him, I was surprised when Brittany pushed me down on the bed next to Milan and started to kiss me forcing her tongue in my mouth and run her hands down my sides and brought one of her hands down and started to work my clit causing me to let out a moan. she started to kiss down my body until her face was at my opening and she replaced her fingers with her mouth sucking on my clit. I was moaning and looked over to see Milan watching with lust filled eyes and I reached my hand over to his hard cock and started to rub him making him let out a moan. when he opened his eyes I moved my head telling him to come closer to me. as he moved closer I used my hands to guide his legs to either side of my face and I brought my mouth around his cock as his wife continued her work on my clit causing me to let out more and more moans as I sucked her husbands dick giving him even more pleasure from it. he started to move his hips thrusting in and out of my mouth. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm when Brittany started to add her fingers into my vagina making me moan more causing Milan to grunt above me. Milan had just released in my mouth when I hit my orgasm while swallowing his cum. He pulled out of my mouth and Brittany shoved him down on the bead again and started to kiss him and I was leaving kisses all over his chest and stomach as he had one hand traveling over my body and the other hand traveling Brittany’s making both of us moan. He pulled one of my nipples twisting it making me moan and bit down on his shoulder making him gran into Brittany’s mouth and continue to pull on my nipples driving me crazy as I started to suck on his neck as Brittany’s lips left his and she straddled his hips sliding herself over his once again hard cock. Milan pulled me up so I was sitting on his face facing Brittany and he moaned and sucked on my clit as Brittany rode him. he had his hands on my ass massaging it while holding me above his face I had my hands on his bent knees that Brittany was leaving against as she rode him. I brought my face closer to Brittany’s capturing her lips in a kiss sliding my tongue into her mouth. Brittany was the first to orgasm as her lips fell from mine and she continued to ride Milan until he too made it past the edge moaning against my clit bringing my orgasm. I got off the bed and found my clothes putting them on.
"You don't have to leave." Brittany said from the bed cuddled into Milan’s side as he was quickly falling asleep.
"No, I don't want it to be awkward in the morning, if I leave now we can all act normal." I smiled and she laughed.
"well thanks for doing it with us. It was amazing." she said and I nodded.
"No problem." I said and finished putting my clothes on.
"I knew I could trust you to keep good boundaries while we did this with out me asking you. Don't think I didn't notice how your lips never touched his and how you never even thought about doing more than oral with him. I appreciate it." she said and I nodded.
"I wouldn't have felt right doing that with him, that’s what he as you for. I know I wouldn't want anyone doing that with my man." I said and she nodded as I quietly left the house. I sat on the front step and pulled out my cell phone calling Adam since he probably wasn't asleep yet since he can't play yet and doesn't need his sleep.
Adam: "Hello?" he said answering the phone.
Rachel: "Hey Adam, it's Rachel. Can you give me a ride. I don't have my car with me." I said.
Adam: "Sure, where are you? Brads?" he asked and I laughed.
Rachel: "No, I'm not always at Brads. I'm at Milan's." I said and Adam sounded surprised.
Adam: "Milan's? What are you doing there? and by the way you are always at Brads" he said.
Rachel: "What ever, you just jealous that your not playing and have zero chances of sleeping with me again till you stop hurting yourself." I said.
Adam: "Is that really how you should be talking to someone you want a ride from?" he asked
Rachel: "Just come and get me." I said and he laughed.
Adam: "Fine but you owe me."
Rachel: "Yeah yeah whatever." I said and hung up the phone waiting for Adam to get here.
When Adam got me I had him just bring me to my uncles house to sleep.